Cavtat: Useful information for tourists


The small Croatian town of Cavtat is endowed with a special charm. However, as in any other popular resort, rest in Cavtat has its own characteristics.

One pleasant little thing is that tourists can rest in this picturesque corner of Croatia all year round . This contributes to the soft Mediterranean climate. In the summer, the thermometer's thermometer does not fall below the mark + 25⁰c, and in August, the temperature rolls for + 30⁰c. At the same time, water in the pure sea warms every day. Lovers of winter landscapes in Cavtat will not be soy and cozy. Even in the coldest month, the air temperature does not fall below zero. The average air temperature in the winter resort is + 10⁰c.

Locals are very hospitable and welcoming. Staff of all hotels speak English and Croatian. In five-star hotels, employees own German, English and in isolated cases by Russian. However, to understand the Croatian language, for example, communicating with merchants in the market, tourists will not be a lot of work. In general, with the help of gestures, you can explain friendly Croats that guests of the city want from them.

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Cavtat with a popular resort Dubrovnik is connected by a local bus line In which every half an hour buses go to the tourists needed. A bus ticket is within 20 kun. In addition, the cozy resort town with the nearest islands and Dubrovnik connect small ships floating throughout the day, a trip to which will cost travelers in 50 kun.

Tourists unwillingly depend on public transport can take advantage of a rented car or scooter . The good business of rental agencies at the airport Dubrovnik is enough. Therefore, immediately by arrival, you can rent a car and go on it to rest in Cavtat. Travelers who have a need for a scooter or car already during rest in Cavtat will help Teuta Travel travel agency, located at Trumbićev Put, 3 quite close to the bus station. You can rent a scooter for 27 euros per day. However, many tourists prefer bicycles. The cycling paths in Cavtat are laid outside the main roads and are great for a quiet ride. One-day bike rental will cost tourists in 15 euros.

As for the schedule for the work of shops and entertainment institutions of Cavtat , it changes depending on the season. Most shops and shopping centers on weekdays are open from 8:00 to 20:00, and on Saturday you can make the necessary purchases only before lunch. With the beginning of the tourist season, the working schedule of most shops is extended to 10 pm, and Saturday and Sunday become working days. You can pay for purchases in stores you can credit card Visa, Eurocard / MasterCard or cash. In Cavtat, as in all of Croatia, payment for services and purchases is carried out exclusively in Kuna. But for tourists it will not be a problem. Since your money travelers can always exchange in numerous exchange offices, banks and even at the post office of the city.

Tip . From them in Cavtate, no one refuses. For good service in restaurants, tourists can thank staff, rounded the amount of the account for lunch or dinner to the most side to the desired figure. Avoid travelers can not particularly bother, and give the habit of tips in the amount of 10% of the lunch price. That's just not to leave money on the table in a restaurant or cafe. At this resort, money is taken directly in the hands of the waiter. It will be appropriate to leave a small money remuneration to maid, taxi drivers and a guide, if the quality of their services you liked.

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Traveling in Cavtat Tourists can always contact the house with the help of the Internet , Access to which is in all hotel resort hotels. If the travelers are removable for some reason, there are no Internet for some reason, then you can look into local cafes-bars or travel agency providing the Internet service for the singer of penny. As for mobile communications, there are several cellular operators on the territory of Cavtat: T Mobile, Bonbon, Tele2. All of them provide roaming service.

What can not be done during the rest in Cavtat?

First, it is worth noting that in Cavtate strictly followed the observance of environmental norms. Therefore, sorry on the territory of the resort itself, and even more so on the beaches it is forbidden. Penalties for non-compliance with purity in coastal zones are very high.

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Secondly, smoking on the beaches and in the closed rooms of Cavtat for five years, as is prohibited. Usually in front of the entrance to the organized beaches of the city, tourists can see signs about banning smoking. In a cafe or restaurant, tourists can do a detrimental habit on the open terrace or in a special area for smokers. Smoking in the wrong place can do tourists in 1000 kun.

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Thirdly, in no case to tourists should not wear large sums with them. Especially risky to wear money in bastards or clutches. The fact is that, despite the low crime, in Cavtat, it is easy to become a victim of thieves-motorcyclists or pocket thieves. Therefore, documents and valuable things are better to leave hotels in safes.

Anyway, natural beauty, friendly locals and well-developed tourist infrastructure make Cavtat by one of the most attractive resorts of Croatia.

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