What excursions to choose in isole?


Vacationers in Isol, in addition to lying under a gentle sun and splashing in the warm waves of the Adriatic Sea, have something to do and what to see. Tiny at first glance Slovenia offers a great many tourist routes. And the proximity of Italy and Croatia will allow to get acquainted with the architecture and culture of these interesting countries.


Piran is a small resort town on the Istria Peninsula on the Adriatic Sea coast, ancient, with a special romantic atmosphere, which is a museum city. Despite the fact that the city is just 7 kilometers from Croatia, the atmosphere here is truly Italian: Piran's streets resemble Venetian, on houses, the Italian speech is heard everywhere. The excursion begins with the main square of the city, named after the famous composer and the violinist Giuseppe Tartini, born here. Also, the most popular attractions include St. George's Cathedral, Tartini's Monument, the Classic Palace of Gabrieli with the Marine Museum of Sergei Maser, St. Francis Church, the Red Building on the Central Square called "Venetian", the city wall, framing the historic center, the observation fortress with great views on Piran and surroundings and more.

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Koper is the largest seaport of Slovenia, located 5 kilometers from Isola. During an excursion in Kopeva, you can see the most famous city building - Pretoria Palace, built in the style of Venetian Gothic, the most old - the Rotunda of Ascension, as well as the Loggia Palace with the collection of paintings of the XV century, Cathedral of the Assumption Cathedral of Our Lady with the patron Totto, Armenigonia and Belgrongs are tactical. The cost of excursion in Kopera is 11 euros per person.


The capital of the country is Ljubljana - one of the most beautiful cities of the former Yugoslavia. The city for its beauty is sometimes called small Prague. On a tour of Ljubljana, a pedestrian walk through the old town past the famous Triple Bridge, Square, Town Hall, the Franciscan Cathedral of Annunciation, Fontana Francesco Robob, Bridge with a symbol of the city - dragons. You can also visit the Ljubljan Castle, another character of the Slovenian capital. On the castle you can climb on the funicular, the cost is 8 euros. The cost of the excursion is from 70 euros, the tour of the Ljubljana Castle is charged additionally.

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Lake Bled and Bohin

Lake Bled is the most "photogenic" and famous landmark of Slovenia. Located in the Julian Alps in the north-west Slovenia, the purest glacial lake surrounded by virgin forests, the high mountains as well as the idyllic pastoral picture. Special baled decoration are the Bled Castle, from which magnificent views and a small island in the middle of the lake, which can be fused on the boat.

Lake Bhinhin or Bakhinsko Ezero, which is half an hour from Bled, is in the middle of the National Park Triglav. Bohiny is the largest glacier lake Slovenia. The lake is less tourist and aligned than Bled, but this is his special charm. On the lake there is a small village of Ribchev Laz and two churches: the church of St. John the Baptist and the Church of the Holy Spirit. During the trip to Bhinhin, it is also possible to fuse on the local boat, admire the stunning views of the mountains and the Alpine meadows.

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The cost of the trip to the lake - 115 euros in the presence of a group of 6 people. Additionally, the entrance to the Bled Castle is paid - 9 euros per person, a boat walk on a Bled Lake 12 euros, a trip to the Bohiny Lake - 10.5 euros.

Schkocyan caves

A 35-minute drive from Isola, in the southwestern part of Slovenia to Plato Kras, there are unique Schcoan caves included in the list of world cultural heritage. The tourist route by caves is laid through the underground bridge, located at an altitude of 40 meters above the cave river, past two karst dips - the Great and Malaya Valley. In the caves, even summer is quite cool - no more than 10 degrees above zero, so you should be worse than warm things. The cost of an individual excursion for four people, a duration of four hours, is 250 euros.

Pechoyanska pit and location castle

Another cave on the Plateau Kras. Postoshnska Yama is a Karst Cave in the city of Postojna, the largest and most extended in Europe and one of the largest and most beautiful caves in the world, a sort of labyrinth, created by water, 20 kilometers long. There is a post byh, a pit halfway between the Adriatic coast of Slovenia and Ljubljana. Here you can ride on the underground train, see the set of halls, the most famous of which is the hall of conferences, where the balls had previously been given, and now there are concerts at a thousand-minded audience, as well as to meet the amphibian, which was previously taken for the young Dragon, and now local residents call people .

The location of the castle, which is 10 kilometers from the post-by-country cave, is considered one of the most beautiful and oldest castles in Slovenia. The castle, height with a six-storey house, is located in the rock and has almost not changed since the Middle Ages, when he performed the function of the fortress. Now there is a museum in which you can look at the objects of life and the interiors of the Middle Ages. Here you can see the dining room, fireplace, chamal rooms and even torture, as well as a unique stable located in the lower fortress cave. In the castle, knightly reconstruction tournaments are often held, popular since the XIX century.


An exciting trip to this beautiful Italian city on the catamaran Prince of Venice. The path to the Venetian lagoon takes a little more than two hours. Another half an hour is the ride on the catamaran on the Grand Canal, which allows you to see Venice from the water. During walking tour of the city, you can see the San Marco Square, the Gothic Doge Palace, the Cathedral of St. Marco, Rialto Bridge, a clock tower, a lot of basil, bridges and canals. Excursions to Venice are on Saturdays. The cost of a trip for an adult - 70 euros, for children - 35 euros.

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Trieste and Castle Miramare

Trieste Trieste, a mini-vein transferred to the Adriatic Sea coast includes an acquaintance with the main square of the city - the unity of Italy, looking at the sea and surrounded by three sides by the magnificent palaces, well-preserved the Roman amphitheater, a large Channel of Trieste, so similar On a miniature copy of the Venetian Grand Canal. Castle Miramare is called the pearl coast and not by chance. The castle built in the style of Gothic and Renaissance is located on the sea far-speaking in the sea and is made in snow-white tones. The cost of excursion for a mini group of four people - 50 euros from each. Additionally, tickets to Castle Miramare - 4 euros per person

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