What should you expect from rest in Malacca?


Halfway between Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, in the south of the Malay Peninsula, Malacca for the sixth centuries was the center of trade and cultural exchange.

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Ships stopped in this city, who followed on a shipping route connecting Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Malacka (on the map is written as Melaka) was founded at the beginning of the 14th century, when the ruler of Parameshwara (by order of the then Sultan) left Singapore and was located in a small fishing village on the coast, in a place that, according to him, could find an important strategic strategic value.

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At first, only sailors flooded in India and China, who needed to replenish the reserves of food and fresh water and wait for the rainy season so as not to die in the raging sea. Slowly the town has become a favorite place of the Minsk Empire (China) and the base for Chinese courts.

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At the beginning of the 16th century, the Portuguese navigator sailed to the shores of Malacca, and some time later the town was safely captured by the Portuguese fleet under the command of Albuquerque. In this era, Malacca was a super-important city of the Portuguese Empire and at the same time the largest port of South East Asia. The Portuguese turned the city into a fortress surrounded by a wall, hoping to take control almost all the trafficking in spices and silk. By the way, they really knew very notable on this, in the end!

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In the 40s of the 17th century, the city captured the Dutch, and at the end of the 18th century - the British. During the Second World Town, the Japanese occupied, for four years. In the 19th century, Singapore began to be considered the main trading city, because the shores of the river, in the mouth of which ships stopped, suddenly brought down, she gotched and ceased to be of interest to commercial ships. Malacca, however, remained British colonia until Malaysia received independence in 1957. Since then, Malacca has turned into a museum city, a world heritage monument that attracts tourists from around the world.

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As for the name of the city, that is, the legend says that the name happened from the name "Melaka" tree, under which the most sophisticated, more sensible and less romantic people believe that his name comes from the Arabic word "Mulaq", What does the "meeting place" mean. And the truth is since the ruler arrived at this piece of sushi, Malacca really became a meeting place. Traders from the countries of the Middle East, China, India, Southeast Asia, and even in Europe there were often often, and each country at a certain stage wanted to control this important port city.

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Moreover, all these years Malacca was an important center of Chinese, Indian and Portuguese immigration - she formed their own areas, with their own traditional culture and cuisine. In Malacca there is a settlement of Peranacan peoples (or Baba-Nyanya, do not laugh. These are descendants of Chinese immigrants of the late XV-XVI centuries).

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True, all these Chinese immigrants have already been overlapped in Malay women, assimilated and accepted local traditions. The Chinese sailed, mainly from Southeast China. These comrades have even their language to the language of Paranchica, Baba Malay - Mäx from the Malay and Chinese language (Minsk dialect). To premierate regret, this interesting language is dying out, there is only an old man on it. Young prefer to crack in English, well, in the language, on which most of their surroundings say - Malay, Indonesian, Yavansky.

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Today, Malacca is a modern city shrouded in the charm of the old world. His rich heritage is in generous placers of relics, including Portuguese fortresses, Dutch Town Hall, Chinese and Catholic churches. Malacca scattered through the historical quarter, many of them were preserved and made by museums of history or culture. This is right, your past must be protected by all my might, especially, such an interesting! Rich attractions and very beautiful, Malacka attracts many foreign tourists - and those who come here for a day as part of a day excursion from Singapore, and independent travelers who make their way through the whole Malaysia in search of interesting things. Along with Georgetan on Penang, Malacca was named UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2008.

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In Malacca, they just love to come to the weekend citizens from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, because not only very beautiful, but also useful. For example, there are many antiques stores. And those who have cooled, have already built a cottage on the coast, so to speak. With housing there will be no problems - the town is eaten by inexpensive gestroys and hotels.

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Though Malacca and a large enough city - about half a million people live here, but the area that represents interest for tourists is such a compact one. The main attractions are located within walking distance, well, and if you are so lazy to wander around the city, rent a velaiksha.

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River Sungai Malacca It passes through the middle of the city, as if making a tourist zone in half. The buildings cover the banks of the river, so that this turbid canal has become rather charming, with cobbled tracks, street artists and an abundance of coastal cafes and hotels.

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South of the river is Colonial quarter Where you will find the main historical sights, such as the Dutch Square, Church of Christ (Christ Church) and the remains of the Portuguese Fort A Famosa.

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On the north side of the river there is an area Chinatown. Through which the lively street Jalan Hang Jebat is held (more known as Jonker Walk).

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The neighboring streets of the district are filled with paranacious shops, mini-museums, temples, restaurants, art galleries and souvenir shops selling antiques of doubtful authenticity. In this area there is most of the Gasthus and Malacca hotels.

The status of the city as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Party shared Malacca to the "Old Town" and "New City". Giant shopping centers, five-star business class hotels and everything that looks modern and stylish can be found on Jalan Merdeka Street (Jalan Merdeka).

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