Dubai - Luxury Modern City


I thought I was not surprised anything, but Dubai city showed that the ability to surprise was still preserved with me. Our plane landed in cartoons - for some reason it turns out cheaper, and then the bus was brought to the hotel. Stopped in a 3-hithering hotel in the Deira area - it turned out to be a very decent hotel, I never thought that 3 stars had such large clean numbers. Food - breakfast + dinner, but in fact you can make breakfast + lunch - a slight variety of food, but there was no poisoning. Of course, there is no area of ​​the city, the pool is only on the roof, but it was repaired.

Were in early December - the weather was not lucky as people are resting all year round! It was cool for me, only 2 times went to the beach. But there was more time to see the city.

Everywhere is very clean, even in our area, although there are a lot around the poor in the population of different classes. Despite high floors, you do not feel like a little man in the city. Perhaps because everything is done for a person. You can take a taxi without problems - everywhere payment on the meter. In the subway, too, you can try to ride - not because cheaper, and see what it is arranged. In the subway, everything is fully automated, comfortable chairs - in a word, it seems that you have a personal car. Streets are all green, each palm is surrounded by a border. In compliance with the rules of the Movement of the case, there are much better than in Turkey and Egypt.

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If you want to watch for free - then these are singing fountains. The fountain in Dubai is highlighted by 6,600 lamps and 25 color spotlights. You can come at least every day. From 6 to 10 pm fountains begin to sing every 30 minutes. True, the next day the repertoire repeats, scrolls only a few songs, but the spectacle is very beautiful.

You can also go to Dubai Mall - not for shopping, but just to see. (If you still arrived in the UAE for purchases, then this lesson needs to pay a lot of time. Even in the same store prices change depending on the sentiment of the seller.) Here is the largest aquarium in the world, however, you can free. To see only his small part is a huge wall of the aquarium. And if you want to see more, then the ticket costs 50 dichram - Believe me, it costs such money.

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Also I advise you to watch a large mosque located in the Bar-Dubai area. Even a simple external examination of the mosque is striking.

Dubai is a luxurious modern city, it is impossible for one visit to the UAE to study it completely.

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