The most interesting places in Samara.


Speaking about Samara, rows from the song "Samara Town" are immediately remembered, as well as the modern series about brave meal at ambulance. The town of Samara is quite difficult to call now, since its population is a little more than one million inhabitants, and he in its size occupies seventh place in Russia. Samara, was founded in 1586 according to the Decree of Tsar Fyodor, as a guard fortress called the Samara Town. In 1935, this city was renamed Kuibyshev, and only in 1991, Samara returned the initial and native name. The city is very remarkable and it is worth a visit because here is the longest embankment in all Russia, and also for the reason that in Samara the highest station, or rather the station building. And in Samara, the Central Square of Kuibyshev, is considered the largest square in Europe. Interesting? Then let's, every landmark, consider in more detail. All interesting places I will not work describe, but most of the most, I still try.

Embankment Volga . Once on this embankment, there is a feeling that you have fallen at least ashore of the European resort. Everything is created here and equipped for recreation. Lower level of the embankment - the beach. Above the beach, there is a stunning park, in which you can sit on a bench with your favorite book or just just take a walk. On the waterfront, there is a sufficient number of cozy small restaurants, in which you can eat or have a cup of coffee enjoying the melodies of live music. Embankment on the Volga, not only tourists love. Money mammies with a defense are constantly walking here, rolllers and cyclists are stopped, and swimmers install their own records. Even in winter, life on the embankment continues to boil. If you visit Samara in winter and suddenly find yourself on the waterfront, then be prepared for what you will see not quite ordinary spectacle. In winter, when the river rolls the ice, the ships are moving on the air cushion. The locals are accustomed to such a way of movement and for them it is a miracle is equivalent to a trip to the tram, but those who see this for the first time, from such flights begins to capture the Spirit.

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Railway station Samara . The height of the station building, together with the spire, is one hundred meters and it gives him the right to be called the highest. The area of ​​the total station, that is, the station complex - thirty-two thousand square meters. The maximum possible capacity is 2600 people. Maximum throughput per day - 11,800 people. The station building was erected in 2001. The station complex is equipped with everything necessary for passengers. There is a modern informational alert, video, comfortable waiting rooms, a cultural center. There are outdoor surveillance cameras, which ensures safety. Planting platforms and station space, connects the tunnel length of two hundred forty meters. For those who urgently need to stop somewhere, the hotel works.

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Monument "Samara Ladya" . The opening of the monument was dedicated to the four hundred prototion of the foundation of the city, and took place in 1986. She is in a picturesque place on a steep slope, which is located on the drop of the embankment. The height of the monument is twenty meters. It is made of white marble, and looks like an old Russian rook with a sail flying in the wind, which keeps his course on the Zhigule Mountains. Near the stele are set benches for recreation. Relax from the monument there are cafes. This place is one of the most popular in the city for all kinds of folk festivities.

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Square of the heroes of the 21st Army . Until 2008, this area has no name at all and she was simply unnamed. On the seventh of May, two thousand and eighth of the year by chapter of the city, this area, which is located on Osipenko Street, was named the heroes of the 21st Army. Why did this name given the nameless square? Twenty-first army, formed in 1941 of the thirteenth of May and was a completely secret directive, which united all the troops of the Volga Military District. His first fight, the twenty-first army, took on the Dnipro River, during which, managed to repel the two cities at once - Zhlobin, Rogachev. The fighters of the twenty-first army fought in the Smolensk battle, fought for Stalingrad and Kharkov, and also courageously held the defense of Kiev.

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House "Fly" . Funny name, right? But the tenants of this house are probably very proud of them, as this building occupied the first honorable place in the All-Russian view of the best architectural works "Architecture-1997". Very young structure, since this masterpiece of postmodernism was erected in 1994-1996. Above the project, the architect L.V. worked Kuders. This is a residential house out of six floors, and if you wish to see it, you can do it at the address street Frunze, house 169.

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Mansion Novocrechenova . The architecture of the building is designed in the elitar Samara modern. The project mansion, created the architect Mikhail Fomich Kyatkovsky. The dream of an architect, who lived on paper, was embodied in 1909. Why is the architect's dream? This impressed me, since the design of the structure and its design, as if inspired by the most popular nature. The sophisticated, beautiful and very elegant flowers in the company with intricate branches, stretch up, framing the bizarre the window of the mansion. On the second floor with the central side of the facade, there is an erker highly released from the right side of the structure. The huge window of Erker has a graphic design in the style of small pieces. Windows, which are from the end side of the erker, rounded and bionic form.

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The structure cannot be called young, but too old too. To maintain it in its original form with all its amazing ornaments, in 1995 restoration works were carried out, which should not be better, affected the appearance of the mansion. Be sure to visit this house and you will probably get the impression that you have the most real work of art.

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