What excursions worth visiting in Hääenlinna?


Hämeenlinna is a small town in Southern Finland with a population of about 50 thousand people. Attractions here are not so much, but among them there are those that must be visited.

The first excursion, with which tourists usually begin to get acquainted with the city, includes visiting Hämeenlinna's business card - its ancient fortress. The second name of the object is the Hayam Castle. In the 13th century, this construction was built by the territory of the Swedes on the shores of Lake Vanyaweesi to ensure the defense and security of the city. Over time, the fortress changed several hatches. There was a royal residence, and a prison, and even the place where the province was kept. Accordingly, the appearance of the facility, which reached our days in a highly modified form has changed. In the 18th century, she became the main army base in Finland. And at the beginning of the 19th century, the fortress was taken by Russian troops and began the so-called Russian period of development of the complex. It was at this time that his re-equipment began in a district prison. Visiting the fortress, be sure to pay attention to the examination of the collections of several museums. In the first, historical museum, you will learn the story of the founding of the city, interesting pages of its development, as well as what Hämeenlinna live today. In the next, artillery, museum you will see the exposition of weapons technicians, which was used for the defense of the fortress at different times. Finally, by visiting the prison museum, you will learn about those times when the prisoners contained in the fortress. See the objects of their life, as well as how the camera themselves looked like. If you are visiting the fortress in the summer, you can witness a historical theatrical show with medieval elements, which is held here specifically for tourists.

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The second interesting excursion is to the Aulanko National Park, which is very compacting between the lakes of Aulangonya and Vanyawebs and is made in traditional English style. Since the end of the 19th century, the object has the status of the National Town of Finland. Every year, thousands of tourists are coming annually with unique natural landscapes of this area, not only from Scandinavia countries, but also from around the world. On the territory of the park you will find many greenhouses with exotic vegetation, several fountains, as well as the ruins of an ancient castle, which complement the historical flavor of this area. You can reach the National Park from Hääenlinna on buses number 2,13,17, which are sent directly from the city center. At any of them, you reach the stop of the hotel "Rantasip Aulanko", from where it is already very close to the entrance to the park. If you plan to come to the National Park purposefully from the capital of Finland, then from the Central Railway Station, Helsinki in the direction of Hääenlinna, there are several trains a day. From the railway station to the National Park will need to go by taxi. The cost of a trip is 15-20 euros.

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The next excursion is to the lake of Vanyawebs. This National National Monument of Finland has been protected by the state since 1990. Therefore, a unique untouched nature is preserved here and a better place for recreational tourism is difficult to find. Along the entire coastline - hundreds of cottages, many of which are rented. You can stay here for a few days and recharge your positive lake energy for a long time. All cottage houses are equipped with famous Finnish saunas, as well as everything necessary for a comfortable leisure of tourists. In addition, in order for your stay on the lake to be diverse, you can rent a boat, as well as fishing equipment and enjoy solitude with nature.

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Finally, another excursion, which can be interesting, both adults and children is a trip to the Fishing Museum Tirswanto. The exposition of exhibition samples includes many of the most diverse exhibits on the history and modern weekdays of fisheries in Finland, which is considered one of the main occupations of the local population. You will see fragments of fishing vessels, get acquainted with the ancient fishing guns, as well as the life of fishermen families. The museum works only in the summer on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 12 to 15 hours.

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