Is it worth going to Georgetown?


The beautiful city of Georgetown was recently listed as a UNESCO World Heritage List. The capital of Penang, Georgetown is a membered mix of the historic buildings of the 19th century and modern Malaysia.

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Monuments and attractions, beautiful restaurants, numerous shopping centers, locals who live their usual life, tourists from all over the world - everything came together in a busy, colorful city.

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The city can be considered old - it was founded in 1786 by the English captain and merchants from Britain. The city was founded on a rather swampy territory, so it costs them in great difficulties. And called a new settlement in honor of the English king George III (George III). The successful share for the free distribution of land led to the fact that the island settled for fifty years.

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Then, the active Chinese began to be shuffled - the sea pirates who were crowded from the islands from the islands. So, the locals in the island for the most part are the descendants of the immigrants from the south of China (Yunnan), well, and modern Chinese can be seen here in a separate quarter.

If you can imagine how Lao Laung Prabang looks like, then you can imagine Georgetown - True, the last but three times more, with traffic lights, busy roads and car ferries, catering between oil tankers and fishing ships.

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The city is simply charming, and how great just wander on his infinite shady streets and tiny alleys. Historical buildings, art galleries and many temples are among countless other attractions, and also good shops, restaurants and local. The first thing is more often surprised by travelers who come to Georgetown - a wide range of cafes and restaurants that "pop up" on every corner.

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If we talk about historical monuments, some of them need to be sure to see - Fortress Cornvallis, Town Hall with a number of cricket player, very informative State Museum Penang . On Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling Street, "Four Religious Road" admire Church of St. George (the oldest Anglican Church in Malaysia), Hindu temple Maha Mariamman (with its statues decorated with silver, gold, emeralds and diamonds), Mosque Captain Kelinga (Kapitan Keling Mosque, built in the 19th century) and beautiful Temple of the goddess of mercy (Goddess of Mercy Temple), one of the oldest shrines of the island. Whole villages built on piles called "Clan Jetties" ("Clains Pier") - about them more in another article.

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On the outskirts of the city you can see large temples and such interesting sights, such as funicular Penang Hill Botanical Garden And impressive buddhist Temple Wat Chayamangcalaram With the third in size in the world, the 33-meter statue of the lying Buddha.

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The harmony between religious groups inhabiting the city plays an important role in the development of Georgetown. On the streets Lebuh Acheh. and Lebuh Armenian. For example, you can see the old Indonesian mosque, on the same street a couple of meters down you can see old Chinese clan houses - Choo Kongsii and other temples. Each area of ​​the city - with his mood, its atmosphere, but together they are associated into an inseparable integer.

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Stroll or ride in Veloiksha in the old part of Georgetown - Chinatown. - Again there are many shopping beds, churches, Hindu and Buddhist temples.

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Around Port. Traffic is very lively, life here is boiling (it would still, because Georgetown is considered a very large port with ocean liners and dry cargos that are moored here sometimes straight to the shore). At that time, the district around Lebuh Armenian is pretty sleepy. Next to Gerney Drive (Gurney Drive) in the morning you can see the runners, and at night people flock there to dine and drink a glass of other in numerous snack bars and bars. Lebuh Chulia. With his numerous Internet cafes and wanders, retains some kind of nostalgic atmosphere of past years, while Upper Penang Road. Attracts guests of the city with good nightclubs and bistro, as well as hotels (for example, The Eastern & Oriental Hotel), which are located in historic houses, which themselves are already attractions.

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Go B. Indian Quarter And enjoy the noise and gamas of the traders and aromas of the sandalwood and curry.

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It is best to walk exactly, since on the bike FIG emit. By the way, you can leave the bike here quite calmly, and even together with the thing, such as a helmet (if you drive in it). Hindus who will be blown here - the premium comrades, cunning and at the same time good-natured.

In Georgetown, full of cute butt and beautiful vintage mansions scattered throughout the city. Some of them are already pretty old and shabby, some dilapidated and abandoned, other similar structures turn into bars and luxurious cafes, where live music sounds until late night. The more you explore, the more you can find in this city, a breathtaking place where East and West merges.

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It can be noted that the city is quite large (there is a relatively big one in the area of ​​300,000 inhabitants, but the city's square is 150 km²), but the territory that is really interesting to tourists is a small one, such a compact - everything is not far from each other. Look at the card and imagine a city in the form of a triangle, where the top is the fortress of Cornvallis, with the sea in the north and south and Japane Penang, passing from north to south. Lebuh Chulia divides in half this imaginary triangle. So, all the most interesting is inside this triangle.

Bridge Three and a half kilometer, which connects the mainland with Pinang, and leads to Georgetown, the same attraction! Especially great to admire the dawn (or sunset). You can, then you mean, go to the island, on this bridge, however, it is paid (for motorbikes - somewhere else and a half ringgit). But easier, in my opinion, still on the ferry.

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Moving from the sights to the sights in Georgetown is best on foot, but only carefully: sidewalks are uneven and sewage hatches are often open, well, or ajar. Like this. In general, the city is very sea, he directly lives all this sea, all as if cautious, well, the spirit of the times of colonization from here will not weaken.

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