How does New Zealand attract tourists?


I always wanted to get to New Zealand thanks to the famous film "The Lord of the Rings". After all, in it is shown millet of the mad beauty nature. This country is famous for its numerous mountains, forests, lakes, geisers, beaches and glaciers. Even in large settlements, all this beauty of nature is stored in the original state.

How does New Zealand attract tourists? 10655_1

But besides the fact that in New Zealand there are very rich excursion programs and it just nicely see the beauty of nature, this country annually attracts many lovers of extreme tourism. There are those who have already visited many countries and now want to see something unusual. New Zealand is famous for this not for everyone. After all, the tours there are quite expensive. And if anyone wants to come there on their own, it will not be possible to save either due to the high cost of the flight. But everyone who visit New Zealand is not disappointed and rest in this country is worth the money spent on him. Namely because of the duration of the flight, recreation in New Zealand is not very suitable for young children. After all, even the fastest and most convenient flight Moscow - Hong Kong - Auckland takes at least 26 hours. But time in flight will be rewarded by a hundredfold.

Only 4 million people live in New Zealand and there are already 40 million different boats, yachts and other vessels. The largest city in a country with a population of 1.2 million is Auckland. The rest of the settlements are very clean and beautiful, and people in them are very friendly and hospitable. In addition, New Zealand is one of the safest countries in the world, the crime rate is at a very low level. There, even ordinary water from under the tap is suitable for use. No need to filter it or boil.

But smokers in this country will have to be tight, since there are very expensive cigarettes and smoking in public places is prohibited.

Auckland himself is also called the city of sails and it is built on falling volcanoes.

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I do not know what the builders were guided when choosing such an ambiguous place, I would not solve live on the volcano. Moreover, the traces of some are still visible. What if they decide to wake up? Maybe for this, and suddenly in the city so much boats so that you can easily float there. Now it is the largest city in the country, his financial center. It is located the main offices of New Zealand Corporations.

This is a very cheerful and energetic city in which the fashion of different directions was mixed. And it concerns the architecture and clothing of its inhabitants. It seemed to me that the inhabitants of Auckland at all do not eat at home and do not prepare. And why, if in the city more than 1000 a wide variety of restaurants.

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Especially tasty there are seafood. Yes, there are even dishes from such simple ingredients like fish and fried potatoes - just a masterpiece of cooking. Also there is worth trying very tasty sweet potatoes. It is fried or baked.

But Auckland is not only a city of sails, but also the city of parks. There they are beautiful and huge, especially Auckland Domain and Albert Park. And there are very interesting museums there. For example, they can see Antarctic landscapes and his animal world. Very interesting sight.

In addition, New Zealand is a country where credit cards are very developed and the cash is almost not input. Even in small stores where souvenirs are sold, there are payment terminals and in a taxi too. By the way, there you can buy traditional maori souvenirs. Maori is the indigenous people of New Zealand.

In the Gulf of Guraki there are several beautiful islands with beautiful beaches, they should be visited. One of the most remarkable islands -Sheke. Its main attractions are luxurious and huge houses of wealthy locals.

Approximately an hour from Auckland is a small town of Murivai. There are very beautiful and unusual beaches. There loves to come fans of fishing and surfing. Very interesting to watch them.

In addition to Auckland, you can visit the Capital of Wellington. The first thing in the city is striking, so this is the patient politeness to all people.And the fact that residents of the city are very watching their health. Many ride bicycles or running. The city is very clean and in it many unusual, modern monuments. In Wellington, the cheapest way of nutrition is the purchase of products on the market. And markets there are a lot and the choice of vegetables and fruit is big.

By the way, Wellington is interested in what is the most southern capital on our planet. It has many attractions. And one of them is a botanical garden of more than 25 hectares. Traveling to the garden begins in the Cabin Cabin. And there is such a beauty that it is just breathtaking.

There is still a very exciting trip on the ferry to South Island in the picturesque Channel Malborough.

But the peculiar tourist center of New Zealand is not an Auckland and not even the capital of Wellington, but Rotorua, located on the shore of the same lake.He was created as a tourist center, a history and modernity was intelligible in it. There is a real country and the rich traditions of Maori culture. From Auckland, it is at a distance of three hours drive and many come there for several hours. But it is best to live there for 2-3 days to fully enjoy the beauty of this place.

The most interesting sights there is a village and a thermal park at the same time. In this place is the largest active geyser of the southern hemisphere called the lull. And also there you can see the symbol of the country - the unauthorizing bird of Kiwi.

In general, all the beauties and sights of New Zealand are impossible to describe, they must be seen with their own eyes. This is one of the most exotic and beautiful countries in the world. The inhabitants of her country seemed to specially collected so much beauty in one place. Everything is different from our life, even the month of the year. When we have a winter cold, they have January - the warmer month a year, and the coldest one. This is a distant and unusual country, but so beautiful. And visiting it is very difficult to forget, because the second is no longer there. And that is why many come there to find new sensations in this country and the generous and welcoming land of New Zealand gives them abundance.

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