Getting a visa to Morocco. Visa cost and necessary documents.


The Government of Morocco is interested in visiting by Russian tourists of his country.

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That is why for those who plan to be in Morocco less than 90 days of the visa is not required at all. In addition, this is one of the Arab countries that do not fit into passports with a mark on the intersection of the Border of Israel and calmly admire tourists to their country. At the entrance to Morocco, the passport only puts a stamp on the intersection of the border. And each tourist is assigned a personal number. At the exit, stamp is also placed. The only requirement for a foreign passport is that its validity period overlap the term of being in the territory of the Kingdom. Also, the tourist needs to fill the migration card. They are usually given back in the plane during the flight, where it must be fill. It is very easy to make it, but it should be remembered that it is necessary to fill it and on children, including. Also for crossing the boundary are needed inverse flights. Border guards may ask them to inspect.

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In order to avoid problems associated with the loss of passport, the country should be moved from its copy. And the original is best kept in the hotel's safe.

For citizens of other states, a visa must be obtained at the embassy in Morocco. To obtain a Moroccan visa for Ukrainians, a number of documents are needed.

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- profile filled in English or French;

- passport, valid at least 3 months after the end of the trip, and its copy;

- a copy of the filled pages of the internal passport;

- Identification code and a copy of it;

- 2 recent color photographs of size 3x4;

- certificate from the place of work on the company's blank, with an indication of the salary and positions signed by the Director and the Chief Accountant and the certified seal;

- photocopy of the tourist voucher or hotel reservation;

- copies of air tickets in both directions;

- medical insurance.

The visa is drawn up for 30 days, the consular fee of 212 UAH. For a minor provision, a notarized resolution of one of the parents is needed.

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