What time is it better to rest in Malaysia?


A couple of words about the weather Malaysia.

What time is it better to rest in Malaysia? 10623_1

Malaysia is located north of the equator, but not far from him. Therefore, the country is a tropical monsonic climate. And this means that it is quite hot and wet here, as well as often shed rains throughout the year. Even in the middle of the dry season, do not be surprised that the breath is poured up a sudden and very powerful shower. Although it is likely that it will end as quickly and suddenly, as it began.

What time is it better to rest in Malaysia? 10623_2

Both the Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah with Sarawak (Borneo) suffer from the influence of the south-western and northeastern monsoons, the truth is a little different. It is worth noting that a fair amount of rains is spilled over Malaysia all year round, so, what is called "dry season", in my opinion, is different from "wet" well, quite a little bit. With the exception of the Eastern Coast of the Peninsula, which repairs significantly more moisture during the Northeast Monsoon.

What time is it better to rest in Malaysia? 10623_3

Southwest Musson lasts from about May to October, and northeast - from November to March. Pepper adds the "pepper" season of typhoons in the western part of the Pacific Ocean from April to November, which also collapsed on Borneo from time to time.

The south-western monsoon brings rains into lowland on the west coast of the peninsula and, especially to the region between the capital, Kuala Lumpur, and Malacca. In the northern part of the west coast of the Peninsula, in the Penang and Langkavi area, especially strong rains in September and October.

Interestingly, when heavy rain is on the west coast, all the east coast of the peninsula bathes in the sunlight and there is very dry.

What time is it better to rest in Malaysia? 10623_4

Everything changes, however, when the northeast monsoon blows from November to March, and brings with it a pouring rain, which leads to frequent floods I along the east coast of the peninsula. At this time, most of the resorts on the islands along the east coast of Western Malaysia are closed.

By the way, the floods in Malaysia are quite often.

What time is it better to rest in Malaysia? 10623_5

In the 20s of the last century, 15 large floods have happened per year. Earthquakes here almost never happens (and then they were afraid, appearance), the territory is considered seismically stable. But occasionally you can feel the shocks from the earthquakes that occur in Indonesia and in the Philippines.

Returning to rains and rains, it is worth noting that Sabah and Sarawak (on Borneo which) suffer a little differently. As in the eastern coast of the peninsula, the northeast Musson brings with them terrible rains - dropped precipitations at this time constitute half the annual level of precipitation of Sarawak.While the entire period from October to March, on Borneo rather raw, in January is scary wet, and, in both regions, in Sabah and Sarawak. This part of Malaysia suffers less from the south-west monsoon, but still a fair amount of precipitation is poured here for a year.

What time is it better to rest in Malaysia? 10623_6

As for air temperatures - in all parts of the country, it ranges from + 30C to + 33c. At night, the air warms up to temperatures + 22-23c. Coastal waters are usually + 28-32C (Hurray!). The exhausting heat here also does not happen - the maximum temperature that was recorded here - 40.1 ° C (and then, 15 years ago). And the coldest is about 8 ° C (generally 30 years ago).

What time is it better to rest in Malaysia? 10623_7

I hope not very difficult wrote. Now a logical question, When should I go to Malaysia?

Well, there is no definite answer. There is no "right" time for traveling to Malaysia. As in Singapore, Malaysia guests are worth waiting for rains at all on any day of the year. There are in the country, however, some areas that are very wet and other times. For example, you should not go to the east coast of Western Malaysia during the northeast monsoon from November to March. It rains at this time are rather long, and flooding can happen. At this time, almost all hotels of Perrhtensian islands are closed, as well as institutions in other islands along the Eastern Coast. In addition, the sea at this time is completely restless, so ....

What time is it better to rest in Malaysia? 10623_8

The north of the western coast of the peninsula (in particular, Penang and Langkawi) can fill in September and October. Well, okay, Penang, where the shower is just a good reason to sit in the cafe and admire the drops that drain from the leaves of the trees. On Langkawi, people are mainly driven by the sake of diving, and after the shower, the diving is generally not the ice-water becomes muddy, and then the Bolya throws ashore.

What time is it better to rest in Malaysia? 10623_9

In Sabah and Sarawak, it is better not to ride in January when rain, even on all the "wet" standards Borneo, just hopeless. The rinking place of the country is generally considered the city of Kuching, the capital of Sarawak.

The best time to visit the eastern coast of the Peninsula - from April or May to October, when the water is calm and clean, and the skies are clear (at least most of the time).

Well, I hope someone will help!

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