What interesting places should be visited in Geneva?


Saint Paul's Cathedral

St. Peter's Cathedral (Geneva Cathedral) is one of the main remarks of this Swiss city. The building of the temple was built in the 1160-1310-kh. - At the place where Christian shrines dated from the fourth century were previously located.

Starting from 1535, this cathedral was a reform church and one of the first Calvinism churches. Among the local attractions, one of the main is Calvina Chair. Copies of the frescoes of the fifteenth century, which depict the muscitizing angels are located in Capewaev.

What interesting places should be visited in Geneva? 10600_1

On the northern tower there is an observation deck - a wonderful view of the city, the lake and the surrounding area, with her a look of visitors.

Near the entrance to the temple is the Archaeological Museum. Among the objects of its exposure is vintage mosaic, stones that are taken from the foundation of the temple and crypt dated to the eleventh century.

Geneva fountain

The name of this famous fountain located on the Lake Geneva, means "water jet". He represents one of the largest in the world. For one second, five hundred liters of water rises to the height of a hundred forty meters! The flow rate of water coming out, from the pipe, reaches more than two hundred km per hour. Every second over the fountain in the air is approximately seven tons of water.

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At first, the fountain of Jet D'Eau was built in 1886, he was located just below the flow than the one that the tourist's eye is glad. It was used for the urban water supply system. Height it was thirty meters. In 1891, in honor of the celebration of the federal gymnastic festival and the six hundred anniversary of the formation of the Swiss Confederation, the fountain moved there, where he is still in this day. Then the backlight was equipped. The fountain at that time threw water to height in ninety meters - it turned into a local attraction. The same fountain that can be seen today was established in 1951. He has its own pumping station that uses water from the Lake Geneva, but not from the network of urban water supply, as before.

It works this attraction constantly - the whole year, exceptions are only in too windy or especially frosty days. For evening highlighting fountain in summer, twelve searchlights are used.

Palace of Nations

The Nations Palace represents the architectural complex, which was erected in 1929-1938. The construction site was chosen by the picturesque Park Ariana. Here until 1946 was the headquarters of the League of Nations. Starting from 1966, the European Branch of the United Nations in Geneva is based here, which is inferior only to the head office located in New York. In addition, the UNESCO regional offices, the IAEA, UNHCV, UNCTAD, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations, are located in the Nations Palais.

Every year a hundred thousand people are here with tourist purposes.

English garden

This landscape park was broken at the Lake Geneva in the nineteenth century. The main local wonder is a floral watch that symbolize the leadership position of the city in the hourly industry of the world. Those flower watches that visiting have the opportunity now to admire, built in 1955. Their diameter is five meters, the second arrow has a length of two and a half. For the construction of these watches it took six and a half thousand colors. They bloom alternately, while during the summer the color gamut dial changes three times.

Botanical Garden

In the local botanical garden, you can admire the wonderful collection of representatives of the flora - they are about sixteen thousands of them. Plants have been reduced from completely different places, from all over the planet. The garden is located on the territory of 28 hectares. It was founded in 1904th, here you can admire various types of vegetation - tropical, mountainous, Mediterranean, collections of deciduous and coniferous trees. Separate pride of the botanical garden are floral collections. The "branded" symbol of this place is the greenhouse, which was attached to the form of the Capitol. In the Botanical Garden you can also see birds and animals - pink flamingos and deer.

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Museum of the Red Cross

This museum, also called the International Museum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, is the famous city institution of culture, which is located there, where the headquarters of the organization with the same name.

Most of the exhibition objects are devoted to the coverage of military events and natural cataclysms, and, of course, the activities of the Red Cross to assist victims in these extreme conditions. It tells about a rather long historical period - from the times described in the Bible ("good Samaritans"), and to this day.

The impressive exhibition of the museum is made in such a way that it fully eliminates some kind of ideological population, visual images are used, and not a solid information flow.

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