Transport in Geneva


Transport connection in Geneva is provided with buses, trams and trolleybuses . Transports Publics Genevois.

Main urban The bus station is called Gare Routiere de Geneve . Comcees come here and from here, which transport passengers in international destinations come here. Also here is an area of ​​stopping urban and regional transport.

Buses In the capital of Switzerland, go around both the day and at night however Night - Only on Friday and Saturday. They're called Noctambus The designation of the numbers begins the letter "N".

Tickets for public transport

In order to purchase a ticket, you can use the special machine installed at the bus stop, or in a stall in which they sell the press. In the machine should be paid only by coins, the delivery of this device will not be issued.

The ticket price depends on the zone. City Geneva denotes how Zone number 10..

To take advantage of any kind of transport, you need to purchase a ticket "All Geneva". Trips outside the city are carried out on a regional ticket.

Now consider in more detail what happens City and regional tickets In Geneva.

Urban : TUT Geneve 1h, Tuch Geneve Des 9h, Journee Tuut Geneve and Saut de Puce.

TUT GENEVE 1H. Acts for an hour, costs 3.5 CHF.

TUT GENEVE DES 9H Specifies from 09:00 and until the end of the work of the city transport (up to 05:00 on Friday and Saturday, including night transport). Price - 8 CHF.

Journee Tout Geneve. During the day, on Saturdays and Sundays, one ticket gives the right to travel to two passengers. Costs 10.6 CHF.

Saut de Puce ("Blooche jump") - Valid for trips to three stops without transplanting - on buses, trolley buses and trams, or for one trip by a river trash. Worth 2 CHF.

Regional tickets There are such: Parcours Court 1H, Zone 10 Tuxt Geneve Depuis La France 2H, Carte 9 H a 5 H Regionale, Journaliere Regionale, Billet De Raccordment 1H.

Parcours Court 1h. - Valid within an hour, to the designated stop, also includes zone number 10. The price of such a ticket is 3.40 CHF.

ZONE 10 TUT GENEVE DEPUIS LA FRANCE 2H - Calculate two hours, cost is different - depending on the number of zones, however, zone number 10 is enabled. Approximate cost - 4.80 CHF.

Carte 9 H a 5 H Regionale - Valid from 09:00 before the end of the transport, costs 13 CHF.

Journaliere Regionale. - Calculate 24 hours, costs 18 CHF.

Billet De Raccordment 1H - Valid within an hour, is an additional to the ticket acting in zone number 10, the price depends on the length of the route.

Those who have a swiss pass ticket SWISS PASS. have the right to free travel in public transport.

When settling in hotels, hostels and campings Geneva Tourists get a special GENEVA Transport Card map . According to this transport card, you can ride all types of urban transport in zone number 10. The service is valid for the entire period of stay. The price of this card is already included in its value, it is issued in check-in.

Those who arrive in Geneva have the opportunity to take advantage of special free travel to the city . You can get it in a special automatic machine at the airport - such are between luggage transporters and customs control points. To do this, you must submit a ticket to the plane or the boarding pass. Such a ticket is valid for 80 minutes, which is quite enough to have time to get to any point of the city.

Travel without ticket in urban transport is punished Fine in size 80 CHF (when calculating in place) or 120 CHF. (When paying for a receipt). If such a violation repeated throughout the year, then the amount of the fine increases twice.

Water transport

Water transport in Geneva is part of the city transport system. These are small passenger ships - Water trams Mouette Genevoise. They carry out transportation to the Lake Geneva. There are four routes.

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Geneva has transport links to other coast cities - the Compagnie Generale de Navigation shipping company walks along these routes: just eight vessels with rowing wheels built in the early 20th century.

Many local offices offer ride to the Lake Geneva - such as, for example, Swissboat.


Taxis in this city is a very far way to move. The order can be carried out by phone or directly in the parking lot - there are such in the central part of Geneva, as well as near the station and at the airport. The price of the service is calculated as follows: when landing is paid 6.30 CHF, then for each kilometer - 3.0 CHF (at night - 3.80 CHF, on Sundays and public holidays, as well as outside the city and when traveling four and more passengers), for luggage or for Animal transported is paid 1.5 CHF (for one place). The hour of waiting will cost 60 CHF.

For a trip along the route "Airport-center of the city" pay approximately 30-35 CHF.

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The order of the machine can be carried out through the company TAXI PHONE or some other one (the number will be prompting in the hotel).

Bicycle rental

In the summer in Geneva, there is an opportunity to rent such two-wheeled transport. In total, there are six rental points in the city, more detailed information is on the next site: . If you rent a bike for a period of less than four hours, you will not have to pay for this service. But if for longer, then the rental will be paid. More information here:

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