Large markets in Yerevan.


The pride of Armenia was also brandy, carpets, craft products, grapes and other fruits. Nowadays, the situation is almost the same - tourists still attract local cognac, artisan masters, dried fruits and sweets.

In Yerevan, shopping and entertainment centers you will not find - with the exception of Dalma Mall, located close to the Stadium Hrazdan. There are workers' markets - Malatia, Pyint, as well as the one that is located in the Cinema Russia (for nostalging on Russian nineties) - everything is sold, ranging from technology to household details. About him further and go.

Woman market in the cinema Russia

As already noted, this place is suitable for nostalgic on Russian nineties. The building built in the style of postmodernism, with the design inherent with symbolism, scale and engineering complexity (to take at least for an example of the console over the facades in which the cinema halls are located) - now it became a simple broad market for ... What can you do, the times have changed, and now It turns out that it is more profitable to trade than to show movies. Foyer, holles and cinema fees are forced by stalls, in which they sell clothes, bicycles, and so on. And close to the former cinema there is a jewelry "collapse" - here is offered a very good range of goods.

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Market Vernisazha

This market is located in the central part of the city, on a pedestrian street. Here, the main buyers are visiting, designers, collectors, in general - people of creativity. In this market, you can stock up with souvenir products - Armenian deudes, magnetics, bags and scarves, children's toys, metal, wooden and ceramic figures of handmade. Local residents also often come here - buy various used goods - photo equipment, sets, tools ...

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Central Market in Yerevan

Stamp in spices and traditional Armenian foods are best in this market, which is located on the avenue of Mesrop Mashtots. In this central market, decorated with an impressive facade, you can purchase various farm products - vegetables, cheeses, various spices. However, the most desired souvenir from Armenia is covered fruits: they are in the form of thin plates of fruit juice, covered peaches and figs, kuragi with nuts, prunes with honey and other sweets. To visit here and not to buy such a yummy - the matter is not easy, so that visitors usually acquire its kilograms.

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A declared currency in Armenia is a dram: you can always pay for money, but you can use the euro dollars with highly large purchases. With the exchange currency, there are no problems - that in the capital, that in other settlements. By cities there are many ATMs where tourists can take cash (banknotes can not be paid everywhere). If you are shopping in the store, then the bargaining here is usually not welcome, however, the markets do not concern. Trading on the market is a local tradition and a generally accepted form of communication between buyers and sellers, so there are no problems with it.

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