Excursions in Seoul: What to see?


Seoul bus tours to see all the main attractions of the city during one trip are popular with foreign guests and local tourists.

Excursions are carried out on two routes: in the center of the city (Downtown Tour) and Palace Tour (Palace Tour), and tourists can go to any stops, and then go to any next bus again and continue the trip. 35-bed buses are equipped with headphones players through which tourists can listen to the story about the route in Korean, English, French, Japanese and Chinese. Russian, unfortunately, there is no among them. The route in the city center operates daily, except Monday, from 9 to 17 hours. Departure of the bus every 30 minutes. You can take a bus in front of the department store duty-free trading "Summage" near the Kwanhumun station (Seoul Line 5, output 6) or at any route stop. One-time trip (to some stop) costs 5000 won, and a ticket that allows you to use the route all day - 10 000 won.

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Offered in Seoul and integrated excursions, during which several tourist facilities of the famous demilitarized zone can be visited. Landing on these excursion buses - Pavilion Imjigark and Station "Toracean". You must have a passport with yourself. On Mondays, a demilitarized zone is closed.

Excursions from Pavilion Imjigark are held six times a day. Includes a visit to the observational tower "Torah", the third tunnel and the village "Association". Departure of the bus at 9.20, 10.00, 13.00, 14.00 and 15.00. Duration - about three hours. Cost - 8700 won.

Excursions from Station "Toracean". The train is sent to this station only three times a day from IMGIZHAN station: at 11.43, 12.43 and 13.43. Excursions are held on the same objects of the demilitarized area three times a day, from the moment the trains arrive at the Toracean station. The cost of a trip to both ends on the train is 2200 won. Excursion to the demilitarized zone - 8700 won.

Phone Bureau of Tourist Information at Pavilion Imjigark: 031-953-4744.

Travel agencies in Seoul also offer tours to a demilitarized zone for foreign tourists. Departure - from different points in Seoul. Prices - from 48 thousand to 65 thousand won (some tours include lunch). The largest agencies specializing in similar excursions in Seoul are the Global Tour (telephone 02-330-4270) and "Gud Monin Tour" (telephone 02-757-1232).

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Another excursion, which can also be interesting, who wants to get acquainted with the hard fate of the Korean Peninsula - a trip to the Zone of the Iron Triangle. It is named so the territory between the cities of Chhorwon, Kimbov and the Pojanga in the DPRK for his form. It was here that the biggest battles during the Korean War were held. It will be interesting to see the ruins of the former building of the Korea Labor Committee ("House of Labor Party"), as well as the 2nd Tunnel, the Ferris Tower of the Iron Triangle and the Relieved Far Easco Office at the station Voljonni. To buy an excursion, contact the Agency "Anbo Tour" (telephone 031-834-8951). The duration of the excursion is 4 hours, the cost is 13 thousand won).

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The same cognitive will be the trip to the County Yangu to inspect the Hanmen's Nizna, surrounded by the mountains. During the war, fierce battles came here. Foreign correspondents nicknamed her "Panch Bowl" (that is, the "meat grinder"). The memorial complex of the Battle of Panch Bowle in Yangu is one of the most glorious places of the Korean War fighting. The complex includes the North Korea Hall, the 4th tunnel and the Olji Observation Tower. Only three buses go to the day, therefore it is recommended to take advantage of private transport or take a taxi in Yangu. The way of movement is: by bus from the bus station in East Seoul (Dong Seoul Bus Terminal) to Yangu (travel time - 4 hours), then by bus to Han-Men (50 minutes) and, finally, 5 minutes walk to the North Korean hall. Pavilion time from 9 to 17 hours. In the winter season - from 9 to 16 hours. For a visit to each museum of the complex will need to pay 1000 won.

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Finally, a trip to the National Park of Cecanan is considered another most popular excursion from Seoul. This is one of the most beautiful mountain arrays in Korea. It is divided into external, inner and southern. Numerous park valleys are famous for spring blossoms and autumnal leaves. A less rugged external region stretches to the east to the resort village Saratton, where there are hotels, campings and shops. All that is needed by the tourist. The 1100-meter cableway connects the entrance to the park in the coaraxcontone with the Quong Brickson Kingdom of Silla Located on the Mountain Vertex. Other places interesting here are a rock with a flat vertex Pudue, from where the legend says, once ascended to heaven one of the celestialists, as well as mineral sources of Ocek, whose water is believed to help with digestive disorders. Visitors arriving on this territory from West through the city of Indy, can first visit the Pecatam Monastery - one more gate Saraksana. The cost of the entrance ticket to the park is 2800 won.

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