Useful information about the holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh. Tips for experienced tourists.


Egypt is a beautiful country with a beautiful nature, unique archaeological attractions and hospitality of local residents. Even moving to Egypt several times, you are not tired to amaze this country and every time you find something new.

Sharm el-Sheikh is one of the best resorts of Egypt, where thousands of tourists rushed daily, despite all political problems in the country.

Local residents are a special charm charm. Many know them exclusively as annoying arrogant traders, and partly they are right. Indeed, a good half of Charm workers are busy in the field of trade, and it can be easily evaluated by the number of trading tents, small shops on Nama Bay, the main street of the city, and the old market (Old Market). But many of the inhabitants are the most interesting and kind people.

Useful information about the holiday in Sharm el-Sheikh. Tips for experienced tourists. 10554_1

And in general, Arabs are an amazing people! Their tendency to linguistics amazes. Most of them speak a balanced English, of course, with errors and wrong stress, and at least a third of the population of Sharma says almost perfect. It is also no secret that the majority of the resort's population perfectly owns the Russian language. Most often, sellers, employees of clubs and hotels, where Russian tourists prevail are expressing well. Although, as a rule, hotel management, and people engaged in physical labor - builders, cleaners, cooks are practically not spoken in Russian, with the exception of a pair of phrases.

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In addition to Russian and English, some Arabs own German, Italian, a little less - French. And someone - all languages ​​immediately. Thus, if you do not know any languages, except Russian, do not worry, you will definitely understand.

Well, of course, all the Arabs speak Arabic. The use of some phrases in Arabic are very nauseated while traveling in Sharm el-Sheikh. Remember: Schukran means "Thank you!", Schukran, La! " - "Thank you, no" (phrase, good in those cases when they start to pester to buy). "Athos" - "Please!" (Speech after said Schukran's opponent), "Iiva" - yes, "Mafish Felyus" - "No money." There are special sites with lists of main phrases beneficial on travel. If you use words on Arabic, the attitude towards you changes, the seller breaks down in a smile and immediately wants to make you a discount, just that you respect the culture and language of the country. Arabic language is not at all, if desired, you can easily learn to understand what we are talking about.

The attitude of local residents to Russian tourists is very ambiguous. Of course, they have to "love" them, since more than half of the tourists make up Russian, but the behavior of our compatriots during the holidays does not fit with the understanding of the word "normal behavior" of the Arab residents. It can be observed as under the action of alcohol, the Russian man "animals" begins to rude and threaten the hotel staff, it is not surprising that during the years of tourism, Arabs did not have a completely good impression of Russians. As you know, the Arabs do not too much alcohol and almost do not drink, so drunkenness seems to them wildness. They love the Russians and squander because of the trifles, the tact of our fellow citizens, of course, do not differ. Where the Briton will be silent, and then leave impartial comments on sites, the Russian will give out everything at once and will forget in half an hour.

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By the way, the Arabs believe that Russian greedy. Only the Russians are ready to bargain to the loss of the pulse on the market to knock down one or two dollars, so, to sell the Schurdogogu, the Russians are rarely succeeded, and another Russians often leave tips. By the way, even the most small tips (1-2 dollars) employees of the hotel will become the key to strong friendly relations during the holidays. The Arabs rejoice in any gifts from tourists, whether the shampoo or a note with gratitude left to your customer cleaner - they will remember it for a long time, I assure you. In general, the Arabs - the people are rather grateful and welcome: if you behave adequately, good and politely, the attitude towards you will be the best. Arabs never behave in Hamski, just learning that you are from Russia.

On the other hand, the Russians love for openness, activity and goodwill (the second half of the tourists!), I heard a lot of feedback from Arabs, which is well to work well, for example, hotel animators, as the Russians readily perform any of their tasks, participate in competitions without constraint, etc. Unlike the Europeans who want only to lie with a book on the beach, the Russians cannot calm down until they play all that can not be riveted.

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Many Arabs were or lived in Russia, they knew the main attractions well, and many Arabs simply sleep and see how to go to live in Russia. Very love "white" girls Arab milfs with children, they were filled with me more than once in the store, handed a baby and photographed with him for memory. Completely unfamiliar people. By the way, there are almost no women in Sharma. Units are mainly working in spa and shops. Those ladies who are walking through the streets - tourists from Cairo or Alexandria.

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They love the Arabs and Russian young ladies for beauty, a cheerful temper and a manner dress. In order to tie a conversation on the street, Arabs pronounce a number of welcome words in all languages, until you call one of them, and then you are unexpected for myself half an hour talking to his souls in his store, and have already bought a hookah and magnet .

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For many Arabs, have "Rashen Gölfred" a dream, which they are trying to embody each girl. Sometimes they climb with questions of an intimate plan, but these are only words. If a beautiful girl goes along the street, then everyone considers her long to whistle after and shout some compliment, including rude. I recommend not reacting to these attacks in any way if you do not want to get involved in a long and tedious dialogue. By the way, they are mostly traders and promoters of clubs, and for the benefits: talk compliments so that the girl is interested in and bought something out of the goods or went to the club. Therefore, the compliments take each individual of the female, however, and male too.

Girls in the charm ride hopeless, but we must have a head on the shoulders. No one is going to steal from the street. The maximum that the hot Arab residents are capable of wringly to pour and inexpleately hang on the disco. If you give you to know that you are unpleasant to the signs of attention or just ignore the cavalier, the Arabs immediately depart aside and apologize. (By the way, "Halas" means "enough" in Arabic, remember). Many sites write that you need to close the whole body on vacation in order not to attract the attention of Arabs. If you want to wear a dress with a decollet - for God's sake, just be prepared for tampering views and misstitution. By the way, you can say "An Ani Gosi Masri", which means, "I have an Arabic husband," and, be sure of all the oborce as a hand will remove: respect for someone else's wife is above all. Well, walking along the main road, too, I also do not recommend.

There is increasingly harder on discos: if the girl falls on the disco, say, to the club "Pacha" on Sunday or Thursday, the days of the most massive parties, then, most likely it will fall into the accumulation of local residents, who with a wolf look grow in search of a pretty girl.

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Therefore, choose the dancing places on the second floor or in the aisles - there is calmer. In other clubs, smaller residents, by the way, do not allow local clubs at all, to ensure peace of tourists, for example, in Hard Rock Cafe Nabe. From the local club workers, animators and some local "bumps". So, the girl is not dangerous to go, except that, boring, if, over, the glorious company does not fall.

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