What time is it better to go to rest in Singapore?


Located in just one degree north of the equator, the Singapore climate is approximately as smooth and permanent (if so at all can be expressed), like his roads. It is always evenly warm, a thunderstorm happens very often and very often during the year.

What time is it better to go to rest in Singapore? 10537_1

Like other countries in the region, in Singapore Mussonomonic climate. From the south-west and northeast to the island carry monsions that bring rain. The most wet month of the year is November. Dry -Feveral . But in all likelihood, you will set the rains during your stay in Singapore. Only the question is how strong?

What time is it better to go to rest in Singapore? 10537_2

Southwest Musson Wind blows on the island from June to September. He was called "Shkwali Sumatra." These thunderstorms are formed at the Indonesian island of Sumatra, and then at night they drift through Taiwanese sheds to the southwest coast of the Malaysian peninsula, and then reach Singapore and collapse with squalls.

What time is it better to go to rest in Singapore? 10537_3

During this period of the year, Singapore is very smaller due to forest fires on Sumatra. As in the case of Shkvalov, the south-western winds bring smoke.

What time is it better to go to rest in Singapore? 10537_4

Northeast Monsoon blows from December to March. The most wet period during this season is December and January. It rains at this time are not so strong as Shkwali Sumatra. Usually at this time of year the rains shed in the afternoon and go until evening.

What time is it better to go to rest in Singapore? 10537_5

So, if you plan a trip to the National Park or Zoo, be sure to leave there early, in order to have everything to see everything until noon and calmly remove to drink coffee when the rain is started.

What time is it better to go to rest in Singapore? 10537_6

Humidity throughout the year can be very exhaustive - 90% (or even 100% during heavy rain) is quite common. Temperatures are quite adequate, in contrast to humidity, fluctuate between 24-25 and 28-30 degrees most of the days. The lowest temperature in Singapore was +20 ° C, and the highest is +36 ° C. So, we obviously have nothing to be afraid, I have seen and fire. The scorching heat is an extremely rare phenomenon, as well as the drop in the side of the thermometer below 20 degrees.

What time is it better to go to rest in Singapore? 10537_7

As for the temperature of the water, then for a start it is worth putting the edge of swimming. If your hotel has a swimming pool, go for health when you want. But urban beaches, and in general, swimming in Singapore is a controversial. There is an East Coast, a good place, although no one bathes there. Although there are no prohibiting characters. Sometimes tourists go swimming Sintosa Island After there was nothing, the water there is usually warm and pleasant.

What time is it better to go to rest in Singapore? 10537_8

Although this island is still an object of non-beach destination. Like the whole Singapore. So, bathe, of course, if you want, water, maybe warm, but you can hardly like this matter.

In general, you should not allow the weather to make a decision on the trip for you. Singapore weather is so permanent throughout the year, which this fact should not be taken into account when planning the vacation. Thus, instead of worrying about the weather, it is better to google, what sights can be viewed in Singapore, which other events are passing there - and there are really quite a lot of them! Yes, and do not forget the waterproof windbreaker and the umbrella, that's all!

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