Rest on Koh Chang: Useful Information


A large island in the Siamese bay near Cambodia, Chang will become an excellent choice for the next vacation. With stunning mountains, idyllic beaches, hippie parties, medicinal resorts and traditional fishing villages, as well as shining neon nightlife, this island can offer something for everyone.

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Some say that the name of the island ("Elephant") comes from his form - he slightly resembles an elephant's head. Others argue that this name is due to the massive mountains in the center of the island, which, apparently, resemble the lying elephant. But still, most likely, the island was called so because of the local legend, which states that one elephant that has tamed and brought from the mainland (and on the island originally did not have their own elephants), decided to escape from the island back. Her three elephant floated behind her mother and drowned. As the legend says, the babies turned into three rocks on the northern coast, which can still be seen today.

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Whatever these legends about the name, Koh Chang, is definitely the beast, more than Phuket and Samui. Most of the island (and this is almost 217 square kilometers) are engaged in a wild impassive thick forest. The highest of eight well-known waterfalls, on the island, Klong Neung (Khlong Neung) is an impressive spectacle: the cascades fall down from a 120-meter rock. The highest point of the island, Salakphet, It is implied at an altitude of almost 744 meters above sea level. Mangoshos and Makaki roam the jungle, countless birds fly over them, reptiles run under their feet, butterflies flute. The southeast coast can sometimes see dolphins.

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The beauty of the island is guarded by the state, so that Chang is part of the Mo-Khang National National Park.

Despite the Terrible Tropical Forest, Chang, of course, can be considered a very developed island. Those times have long passed when fearless tourists came to the island to retire on deserted beaches. Today, Chang can offer hundreds of places to relax, with new buildings and services that appear every month. Every inch beach Had Sai Khaa (White Sand Beach) Covered with hotels, shops, bars and travel agencies. Klongs Poo and Kai Bae Gradually follow his example.

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Nevertheless, Koh Chang has passed a long way to achieve such a level of development, practically similar to his big brother, Phuket. Its extensive terrain and the fact that it is possible to get to the island only on the ferry, it would seem, had to restrain the building processes. Partly. On a quiet Eastern coast, a measured life in traditional tiny fishing Dan May, Salak Khok and Salak Fet flows with its usual move, and in a 10-minute walk from some Western beaches spread out in the picturesque fields and groves of gathering, banana and rubber trees.

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The island opened Chinese merchants, as well as Thai and Khmer fishermen. It can be noted that Koh Chang was the center of two tragic historical events. The first is the sinking of the Thaonburi Thai warship in the Bay of Salak Phete in 1941 during the battle with the French Military Army. This event is known to everyone and everyone in Thailand. The second one, about which most Thais ever say, it happened when the Government of Thailand gave the order to sink fragile trial, carrying Vietnamese refugees, was in the 1980s. Nothing there remains exactly proven, but still wallace to the government, and not at an accident. The island was nobody necessary and not particularly known to the 90s, when a large-scale tourism wave covered Chang.

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White sandy beaches Koh Chang Maybe a little bit inferior to other islands smaller, which are located south, but still they are very and very good.

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Haad Sai Khao. - the largest and widest sandy beach, the very clean transparent water and the most beautiful tropical species can be found if you follow from this beachway further south to places like Lonely Beach and Bang Bao.

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In addition, to lie on the beach all day, you can do snorkeling and diving, the benefit of coral reefs here are very cute, you can go hiking along the jungle to waterfalls and mountain vertices, ride the elephants and travel a motorcycle on a stunning southeastern coast . If all this is not enough, 51 island in the composition of the same name archipelago are waiting for you (including those known to Kut and Mak).

U-shaped road passes from Feta Salak on the south-east coast, past the sleepy Eastern shore and two main ferry berths in the north, then down the noisy Western coast up to the Bang Bao AO in the south-west, where you can sit on the boat until at Mak Or Kuta, just like that.

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No road connecting JSC Bang Bao directly to Salak Fetom; A trip to the motorcycle from one end to the other takes from two to three hours (if without stopping). The road began to build a few years ago, but the project was abandoned.

Be extremely careful during a motorcycle riding, especially on cool and insidious roads that connect the clone Son with Had Sai Khao, Kai Bae with Lonely Beach and Salak Khok with Long Beach - too much sharp turns on the rocks.

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Most beaches are located on the west coast, and each with their peculiar atmosphere.

ATMs and exchange rates of currencies are scattered through all major island centers, well, the most of all-in Had Sai Khaa. Good international clinic The Hospital of Bangkok is located between Had Sai Khao and Klong Poo. They will charge at least 4000 baht even if something has happened insignificant, although there is generally insurance at all should cover it. If you somehow flew without insurance, KOH CHANG HOSPITAL HOSPITAL Dan May on the east coast is cheaper. Another small inexpensive clinic is located in Blong Poo. Central police station The islands is in Dan May, and the police booths are scattered throughout the western coast.

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What else…. Koh Chang is not very pleasant in the monsoon season - from July to October. Some hotels are closed for these months. On the other hand, if the rains are not frightened, these small inconveniences are compensated by discounts up to 50% compared with a high season -New hotels in restaurants.

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