How to take yourself on vacation in Bezier?


Bezier is the city where, on the one hand, you can enjoy the silence and tranquility of the Middle Ages, on the other hand, the nerves are nerves throughout the manifestations of Eastern culture, well, and with the third - to plunge into the atmosphere of unrestrained fun, which are capable of, perhaps, only Spaniards.

One of the most entertaining events of the city is certainly an urban holiday passing in Beziers in the middle of August and lasting a few days. In the days of this Feria (Feria), as it is called it here and about which I have already mentioned, you can try the traditional cuisine of all nations that live in the city (from the Spaniards and French to the Germans and the peoples of African countries and Polynesia), listen to music, see the speeches of popular teams from different corners of the earth, drink a couple of cooling sleeve glasses and even go to bullfight . By the way, the holiday starting closer in the evening with parades, performances and seats in a particular tent for tasting local dishes and drinks, ends only late at night, because there are concerts and discos on open areas with prize drawers, competitions and all such other things. In the morning, everyone is sleeping, resting, and the territory is cleaned that in the evening it is again filled with a crowded crowd. I will say right away that the city's holiday is noted here not only the inhabitants of the city of Beziers. These days are as bright that residents of the surrounding cities and villages come here, and tourists from other countries. So these days, the already multinational Bezier becomes even more polycultural. In general, this is the most exciting and unrestrained holiday of the city, on which I have come to be and which, of course, left a very bright track in the soul. And definitely, it is one of the most impressive entertainment that are available in Bezier. Yes, the date of the holding can differ slightly from year to year, and it needs to be clarified in advance on the official website of the city, but usually it is mid august, plus - minus week or a couple of days.

If you can not come to Bezier to the city's holiday, you can find another suitable lesson. And just about this some more details.

Of the most affordable - of course, visit the museum. So, in the heart of Beziers, in the area of ​​the revolution, there is Art Museum (Musee des Beaux-Arts), offering attention to his visitors not only the canvas with pictures of French artists, but also interesting sculptures and objects of ancient art. The museum works in July and August from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 18.00, and the rest of the year - from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 17.00. There is an entrance ticket about 2.5 euros. Next to him there is another museum located in ancient Mansion File (Hotel Fayet; 9 Rue Capus) and providing the opportunity to stroll along the preserved old interiors of the rest and admire the works of art 19 - the beginning of the 20th centuries.

Also, do not forget about Museum of the inhabitants of Beyu (Musee du Biterrois / Avenue De La Marne / Work time is the same), the exposition of which is told about different sides of the life of the city from antiquity to modern times. Among the most interesting exhibits are ancient Greek Amphoras and antique objects found during excavations, as well as vintage books and textbooks, clothing, and so on.

Fans of sports can be advised to look at the huge stadium of the city - Stade De La Mediterranee where football matches are held and who collects thousands of spectators on their stands.

If you have more to taste art and, moreover, you even know French a little, you can look at one of the placements of the local Theater Located right in the city center, on the picturesque Alley of the Rica field. True, the repertoire, the schedule of performances and the availability of tickets is better to specify in advance.

Of course, grabs in Bezier and nights. From all of them I would sing out a colorful pub Le Nashville Pub. , known not only by high-quality drinks, but also excellent musical evenings passing in a cozy atmosphere. It is opened from 18.00 to 1.00 and is located at 17 Place Pierre Semard. In addition, a lot of visitors attracts and conducting bright performances Restaurant La Cigaliere. (1 Ave de Béziers). There are in Beziers and its cabaret. Bright performances and elegant costumes can be enjoyed in History Folies. Located at 2 Avenue Pierre de Couubertin and open from 9.00 to 18.00 every day. In addition, performances of certain musicians often pass in Music Hall Star Magic (Rue Henri Galinier). Of course, I did not bypass Bezier and Casino, and nightclubs that can be found both in the city itself and in its suburbs located on the coast.

A special page in the life of the city is occupied by its beautiful gardens and green areas in which you can spend a lot of pleasant minutes. So, next to the main cathedral of the city is the territory of the ancient monastery.

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Go to it Gardens And just wander through the territory you can absolutely freely (the territory is open for free visits in the summer from 10.00 to 19.00), so it is not necessary to miss the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful view and an atmosphere of antiquity that reigns around.

In addition, you should not forget about the LOVE LOVE LOVE A LIVE BUUVER - Alley Field Rica (Al. Paul-riquet) - excellent green zone with located around the bars, cafes and shops. Here you can not only sit on the outdoor terrace of some restaurant for a cup of coffee or with an ice cream horn, but also stroll through the shade of high, but neat trees or just sit on a bench. If you walk for about ten minutes to the opposite party from the local theater, it is possible to be at all on the territory of a small but very cozy and picturesque Park Plateau de poetE. (Plateau des Poetes) designed in English style and pleasing its visitors with neat landscapes and skillfully decorated reservoirs.

Well, of course, it is impossible to bypass the face and the famous Southern Canal , or Le Canal Du Midi, which is directly in the city most noteworthy plot submitted by slotes for descent and lifting vessels at different levels. Almost in itself, the observation of this process will be very good entertainment. Well, if it is supplemented with a water walk through the canal, then at all visits to Bezier will be remembered for a long time.

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