Where is it better to rest in Turkey and why?


It is difficult to imagine a family vacation at Turkey resorts without animators, nutrition on the All inclusive system and fun compatriots under the side. But after a pair of the same type of trips, I want something new. And as it turns out, the Turkish coast still has a quiet and romantic corner from annoying tourists. One of these wonderful places from the Turks for themselves is the chiral village. It is located 40 kilometers from the popular Kemer resort on the Mediterranean coast.

Where is it better to rest in Turkey and why? 10513_1

In this place, Turkey's citizens are mostly resting, but you can meet Russian or Ukrainians with children. The village of Chirali is located on the territory of the Beedagre protected area, so there are no huge, noisy hotels. Instead of them, tourists welcome small family boarding houses, where travelers except the numbers of different class are offered a tasty, adapted for tourists. On one of the streets of the village there are dozens of small cafes, but it is still safe for the boarding house. First, dishes are preparing for the request of guests, and non-large and satisfying foods are served for children. Secondly, all products are fresh, and the price of lunch is acceptable. In the boarding house you can have a snack for 20-25 lire, while the average account in the cafe is 35-40 lire. You can agree on food at the hotel with the owners, then dinner or lunch will be prepared for the appointed time. This is especially convenient for tourists with children. It is not necessary to wait 30-40 minutes until the leisurely waiters in the cafe or restaurant will take and give an order.

Unlike popular Turkey resorts in the village of Chiraly, tourists will not be able to do shopping or experience the charms of nightlife. Nevertheless, rest in this place will be interesting and memorable. What is only worth a local beach. The length of 3 km, on which the carte carriagest turtles lay their eggs. The territory of the beach is guarded by the defenders of the turtles. However, this does not prevent tourists at all in the sun and swim in clean water. Entrance to the sea is even and gentle - exactly what is necessary for small holidaymakers. The only thing that causes displeasure children is small pebbles of a sandy-pebble beach. However, this small problem is easy to solve with the help of flip flops or crocks.

Walking around the beach, you can notice unusual structures from metal spots. It is strictly forbidden to touch them, as they protect the place of the masonry of the bug eggs.

Where is it better to rest in Turkey and why? 10513_2

At the end of August, small turtles begin to hatp and move towards water. Behind this process is strictly followed by the beach inspector. In general, from May to late September, the beach in the village of Chirali is closed for tourists from 10 pm to 6 am. At night, it is forbidden to walk on the beach and especially with a flashlight.

In the village surrounded by mountains, the summer passes gently, and in winter there is practically no minus temperature. Such climatic conditions contributed to the fact that the locals began to grow orange, pomegranate trees. If you look closely, the whole village is one big garden. There are flower beds everywhere with colorful decorative colors. Walking on foot on Chiraly closer in the late afternoon, tourists will feel the obvious fragrance from all these plantations.

You can engage in Chirali not only by beach holidays. Despite the fact that in the very village there is no historical attractions, tourists have the opportunity to go on a tour in the ancient city of Olympos or to the fire grief of Yanartash. Located these remarkable places in close proximity to Chiraly. You can always take a bus or even rent a bike to get to these Turkish attractions.

Mount Yanartash

On the mountain of Yanartash, or as many - chimer call it, it is necessary to go closer to the evening. With the onset of darkness, the mountain looks much entertaining. Firing from cracks Limestone Creates an unusual spectacle.

Where is it better to rest in Turkey and why? 10513_3

In order to look at this beauty to tourists, it is necessary to overcome about 4 km from the village to the foot of the chimera. After that, a climb on the rocky trail is only some half an hour. Around the entire path to the top of the rest bench.

Where is it better to rest in Turkey and why? 10513_4

Curious travelers for successful climb will need comfortable shoes and flashlight. Entrance to the mountain is paid. For adult tourists, it is 5 lir. On the top of travelers can taste tea cooked on mountain fire. A cup of hot drink will cost only 1.5 lira.

Ruins of ancient Olympos

Walk to Olymposu can be made on foot. Tourists with children are best sent in the morning to have time to walk to the midday heat. Despite the fact that the road to the ruins pass along the beach and at any time you can swim, the kids still in the heat are beginning to be capricious. Olympos himself is surrounded by thickets of trees, among which the laurel tree and bamboo. Therefore, the instruction of the ruins will pass in the shade.

Where is it better to rest in Turkey and why? 10513_5

Entrance to the historic territory for adults is paid. The ticket costs 5 lire. For this money, tourists will be able to see the remnants of the city walls and the ancient theater, the ruins of the public bath and a large number of tomb.

Water Walks

Diversify your holiday in Chiryli, tourists can water. It is such a pleasure of 50 lire with an adult. Small vessels take tourists directly from the beach and will be taken to the closest islands. The walk is quite long - 5 hours, but it includes a delicious lunch. The cost of the satisfying snack is included in the cost of the walk.

Rest in Chiraly Unlike the usual Turkish all inclusive requires activity tourists. However, all this is overshadowed by excellent impressions of recreation in an environmentally friendly village. Especially a lot of cognitive and interesting in this place for children. Turtles, fiery mountains and orange trees are much more interesting than a large hotel with standard animation.

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