What can I buy on Hainani?


"Made in China" - it is such tags that are bangible on most of the goods. This phrase no longer cuts the eyes and everything is accustomed that China produces everything: from rubber gloves to cars.

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Many scold the quality of Chinese goods. And the share of truth is in the statements that things quickly come into disrepair and some toys are just dangerous to children's health. All these products are brought to our country from wholesale bases, where goods are bought by huge bales for small money.

But if you arrive in China in general and in Hainan in particular, you will be amazed what abundance of quality products here is represented.

Huge supermarkets are sparkling with glass, chrome, in the evening to which neon advertising is added.

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Everything is cleaned, exhausted, licked. Recently, China's authorities seriously took up the correction of the fairly streaming image of goods. And now in many large stores, state control over the quality of goods that can be acquired by foreigners has been introduced.

Hainan seemed to decide to make a paradise for shopaholic from around the world. Here is the biggest store Duty Free. When entering here, buyers lose their feelings of reality. Keep in mind that the return of VAT is possible only on the island of Hainan and only in the case of a minimum check in one store 121 $. Subject to the integrity of the packaging, you will be returned with 11% on a huge group of products from cosmetics to jewelry and furniture.

What to buy

In general, in Hainan you can buy all goods that are symbol of China. And if you got here with the goal of "shattering", then take care of a sufficient amount of money - there is something here for what.


Chinese silk is known for the whole world. The secret of its production is stored in the strictest selection and after 3000 years since it was made for the first time.

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Many family dynasties specialize only in the production of Silka. In China, you can change your idea of ​​this noble tissue. This Silk practically does not interfere and perfectly passes the air. It produces various textile products: bathrobes, underwear, bed linen, blankets, pillows and more. Tip: For bed linen, try to choose the material less smooth to not slide at night. It can be a silk crepe or wet silk, having a little dilated texture.


In Hainan, pearl mining is one of the most traditional fisheries. Here you can buy pearls everywhere, only worth it ... it is very easy to run into the fake, so it is recommended to acquire the pearls themselves, as well as products of them better buy in specialized stores.

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But in China, pearls are more than just a decoration. In cosmetology, a miracle powder is used - finely absorbed pearls turn into a weightless mass that rejuvenates the skin, pulls it up and eliminates the eats.


This mineral is presented in Hainan very widely and only due to the fact that it is actively mined here. In addition to the usual transparent color, you can find yellow, red, purple and even green rhinestone on Hainan.

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In addition to the various baubles in the house, and this mineral by belief protects against nightmares, you can buy various decorations (rings, bracelets, pendants), as well as glasses.

Snake poison and sharp fat preparations

Unconventional Chinese medicine in China itself is considered very traditional.

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Snake poison has long been known for its healing properties, but scientists still, despite the latest technology, cannot produce artificial analogue. Fat liver shark - no less miraculous means. It has an immunomodulatory and antitumor effect, reduces cholesterol in blood, improves the cardiovascular system and the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Tip: acquiring medicines, be sure to advise with your doctor before applying!


Well, and what is China without the famous Chinese tea.

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His taste and healing properties are known to everyone. Purchase of tea in Hainan fascinating, but a rather difficult occupation. The choice is just a huge and how to find it is not clear. Keep in mind that beautiful packaging does not always reflect the content, so do not come to this tinsel. Tip: It's best to buy tea in specialized stores or in factories, where you can always taste several types of tea and buy you like.

Where can one buy

Haikou (Haikou)

The main center of the focus of shopping is the capital of Hainan Island - Khaikou. Here you can walk both by large supermarkets and on small traditional shops.

FRIENDSHIP Commercial Plaza (Datonglu 2HAO), "Tailong Mall" (Datonglu), "South Plaza" (Hai Fu Lu 18HAO) - These monsters are designed to roll out all the forces from your body, and from your wallet all the money.

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Here are both global brands and local. These are excellent places to get acquainted with still little-known Chinese designers. In these stores, the time flies unnoticed, so do not be surprised if I go to the store completely on a little bit, you will get out from there just before closing.

Sanya (Sanya)

This resort has long been loved by tourists from around the world. Due to extended and beautiful beaches, Sanyu is often called Chinese Hawaii. One of the places of attractive and cheap shopping - "The 1st Market" FIRST Jiefang Road). The first market is so called a pedestrian street, fully given to the shops. Here you can buy both the freshest fruits and objects of antiques, furniture and more. For lovers of large stores built huge Molls: "Summer Shopping Mall" (Dadong Haihai Yun Lu 1Hao Jin Yu Ya Lu) is one of the largest and expensive trading centers in the city.

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Eyes scatter from a huge range. By the way, there is a rack on the first floor, where foreign tourists can issue VAT refund.



You can bargain everywhere: in the markets, in small shops and even in large shopping centers.

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Keep in mind that when buying some identical things you will most likely give a decent discount.


Before the main public holidays, various sales are often held in stores. So try to be in Hainan in the "Day of the PRC Day" - October 1; "Autumn holiday" - floating date in 2014 falls on September 8; The 1 of May; New Year's "Our" and New Year on the Eastern Calendar. Discounts in some stores of China look at all as used by the European tourist.

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Be careful: if 80% hang on the price tag, then the thing will be sold with a 20 percent discount.

Shopping is a hobby. And as in any case, the most important thing is to keep the balance, trying not to turn into obsessed. Going on a journey to Hainan, know that in addition to wonderful beaches, you can enjonely spend time, turning around shopping and buy high-quality Chinese goods.

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