What interesting places should be visited in Lagos?


Lagos is located in the western part of the province of Algavra.It differs from other resorts in that it is interesting to tourists from different ages. He is Celtic origin and is known as Laquest for more than 2000 years. Then the port settlement appeared at the mouth of the river Bensafrim. In the 10th century, the Arab conquerors surrounded the city, but already 1249, the city was in the power of Christians. The city began to develop and became a kind of trading center, attracting many bankers and merchants to himself. Moreover, these were not only Portuguese, but also subjects of other countries. It is with their wealth that the construction of gorgeous houses and temples of the city is connected. The weighty role of the city port was played by the era of great geographical discoveries. It was from the port of Lagos. A lot of expeditions were sent to search for new lands by order of Prince Heinrich Seavwater. Vasco de Gama also went to his expedition from this port. There are historical evidence that it was the inhabitants of Lagos after the shipwreck of the famous Christopher Columbus, who at that time had not yet opened America. And in 1578 there was an unsuccessful attempt to pirate Francis Drake to capture the city. Residents decided not to give him to the looting of the wealth of Lagos and gave him a decisive back.

Almost two centuries, it was Lagos that was the capital of the Algavra.From this period of the metropolitan life, several buildings have been preserved. First of all, this is the first market of slaves built in the middle of the 15th century, the Golden Church of St. Anthony and the fortress walls, which were renovated. The defensive structures still surround the old part of the city. Also preserved Fort Ponta de Bangdder, located on the beach of Batat.Behind Fort are the gate of the Holy Gonzalo, having a guard tower. And next to him the castle of the governor.

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This is a very beautiful building in traditional Arabic style. On Prasa Infanto, a monument to Prince Enrique, who seems to look at the sea horizon. Also on the square is the signs of the church of the playing and Santa Maria. It was built in the 15-16th centuries, but the 18-19 centuries decided to restore him. In the Golden Church of St. Anthony, it is possible through the museum, they are both very interesting. In general, Museums in Lagos are very much and this is not surprisingly knowing the history of the city. And they are all different directions. Another church of St. Sebastian is worthy of attention. It opens a very beautiful view of the bay. And it is except for its architectural and historical value.

And all these sights tourists can inspect without a detachment from modern life. After all, many interesting events occur in Lagos. This is especially famous for Prasza Hil de Ins, which is located in the city center. After all, on her every evening there is either a medieval fair or a concert. In general, there is such a feature in the city center that it is quite confused, despite its small sizes. This is all due to the structure of the streets.

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But almost everywhere you can find many shops, shops and cafes.

Another local attraction attracting tourists is the market. You can buy fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey and a lot of other. And separately there is a fish market, where there is also a fairly large selection of seafood.

For beach lovers in Lagos, too, Razdat.

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For example, on the beach of Maya Praia is a very wide coastline and, if you wish, you can also rent a villa. And next to the beach, Salema, by the way, you can still at the same time to explore the ancient Roman buildings.

As well as entertainment will find lovers of outdoor activities for themselves. The lengths of them are offered sea safari with the search for dolphins, hiking, kating on quad bikes and much more.

I want to say that Lagos is a unique Portuguese settlement, where the story merged with modernity and it all looks very natural.

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