What is interesting to see Krakow?


Inspection of Krakow is better to start with the main market area. Here you and Holiness (Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Church of St. Wojca), and the power (Town Hall Tower), and the National Cuisine. From more than 30 cafes and restaurants worth visiting Europejska: the interior is here in the style of secession, early breakfasts, a cafe from the Keller's venerable factory. Here are one of the best in the Galicia cheesecakes.

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From morning to evening, something happens on the main market. In the interruptions between church processions, processions, performances of theatrical and circus troupe, concerts of rock stars, street guitarists and folk orchestras, dancing krakow, it is customary to chat with sellers of fair stalls, fell sickle with pretzels, as well as feed the bones bought immediately.

Sukonny rows, an impressive building in the center of the square, for several centuries in a row remain the center of Krakow trading. True, now the cloth in the range is a rarity, mainly here they offer more familiar souvenirs. Purchase and sale takes place in Sukenitsa in a solemn historical setting: on stone vaults, above trade pavilions, old emblems of Polish cities are placed.

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The best artistic assembly of Krakow is the Museum of the Princes of Charters', where the famous Lamonardo da Vinci "Lady with Mornosty" is exhibited. But this exposition is not inferior to the Funds of the Polish Art Gallery of the 19th Century, the halls of which are located on the second floor of the cloudy rows.

At the end of the 18th century, Galicia, the capital of which Poles consider Krakow, fell under the power of the Habsburgs. Austro-Hungarian traditions to this day keeps the Hawelka restaurant, which is the main market in the square. He leads his story from Antoni Havuel's grocery shop, in the 1913 year reproed to beer. Now everything is here as under the sovereign France Joseph.

An old Polish tradition is to pour earthen hills in memory of the great patriots and great events. In the vicinity of Krakow there are four such mounds, and the highest established in honor of Tadeusch Kostyutko, General, the leader of the uprisings, a participant in the revolutions and liberation wars in the USA, France and Poland. The height of the Kurgan is 35 meters. I poured him in the 1820s after the death of the hero in emigration.

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From 1320 and for four centuries, Polish monarchs were crowned on the Wawel hill. The most glorious of them, as well as the heroes of the new time (from Chopin to Pilsudsky), buried in the crypts of the Cathedral of the Saints Waclav and Stanislav. The Wawel Castle was erected and rebuilt several centuries, and now his halls and corridors demonstrate rich collections of painting and tapestries, church relics and state regalia, jewelry and weapons, palace utensils and other things. The cathedral is proud and the relics of St. Stanislav, the silver sarcophagus of which is decorated with scenes from the life of the preacher. From the Tower of Sigismund, the 13-ton bell of Sigismund has been ringing for 500 years.

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The four-kilometer ring of boulevards with the common name of the planter, equipped along the line of the former city walls, is a pleasant park with many flower beds and all sorts of monuments. A wide ribbon boulevards took the old town in almost a circular siege. Not so much has been preserved from defensive structures. The strengthening of Barbakan is most important. Over his northern entrance - white eagle, coat of arms of Poland. Over the southern, on the side of the Gate of St. Florian, is an image of this important for the Krakow of the righteous.

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Next to the monument of the 500th anniversary of the Grunwald Battle, the Great Victory of Polish-Lithuanian Troops under the command of King Vladislav Yagailo over the Knights of the Teutonic Order, - a great restaurant of the National Polish cuisine Jarema with a delicious menu: pickled herring, red borsch with sorcerers (type dumplings) and Bigos (lazy cabbage rolls). The best local beer is Zywiec.

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