Is it worth going to El Jdidid?


El Jadida - the capital of the province of the same name in Morocco. This is a port city located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, in almost 90 km from Casablanca. El Jadida is not the most popular city for Russian tourists, and many have not even heard about such, although many people come to Morocco.

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However, the Moroccans themselves to the founding of this city have nothing to do. The city was built by Portuguese in 1502 at the same time as Maazagan's fortress. With the help of the walls of this fortress they were protected from the Moors. By the way, the same name was also the city itself until 1769. And this year it happened a significant event for him, namely the seizure and destruction of the Sultan named Mohammad Ben Abdalla. He received his name to El Jadida in 1825, when Arabs decided to restore it. El Jadida translated from Arabic means new. And during the French dominion, until the declaration of independence, the city again was called Mazagan. By the way, the French left a deep mark in the life of the country and all Moroccans still speak this language and study French at school. And many Moroccans in their speech jump from Arabic to French. True, according to the reviews of the experts of French, they have a very strange pronunciation.

El Jadida is such a resort Arab city, where the tourist feel comfortable and they do not need to wear something special. Morocco, though it is considered a Muslim country, but true Muslims are difficult to find there, especially among Morocco. Local residents from European in clothes are not much different. And very rare in El Jdid to see a woman in the hijab.

By the way, in this city there is a fairly large Russian diaspora. To this you need to add graduates of Russian universities and in general it is possible to feel at home in El Jady. Moreover, there everything has it.

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In general, the entire architecture of El Jadida testifies to the close interlacing of Arab and European cultures.

This is the city-port and there is well developed fisheries. In the markets you can buy many fresh fish, and in restaurants it eat.

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In general, there is everything in the city for a comfortable stay of tourists. There are many very good hotels, including for family holidays. There are several beaches. The largest and most visited central beach. This is a very long and wide sandy beach. But there are also two other beaches, more secluded, but no less comfortable and beautiful. Most of all I like Sidi Buzid, and there are also Sidi Cafe.

For other resorts from the city you can ride the bus, and even easier by taxi.

In El Jadida, there are natural markets where it is necessary to bargain and as a result, a good discount is always obtained. And the souvenirs are the more need to bargain and it will get cheaper, if you buy them all in one tent.

And in the city itself it is even just nice to walk through the narrow streets.There are very beautiful houses just like in an eastern fairy tale. By the way, a few famous films were filmed in El Jadide. And on the wide streets you can admire the whole alleys of palm trees.

But besides speaking time on the beach or in the market and lovers of history, there will also be something interesting there.


As I said, the portuguese hands put on the construction of the Citadel, and more precisely two brothers Francisco and Dioi de Arruday, who worked not to twist the hands and over other similar buildings in the territory of Morocco. They built it in 1514, in 1541 the fortress decided to strengthen even better. And the international brigade of architects was already worked on this. History silent in what language the Portuguese Joao Ribeiro, Spaniard Huana Castillo and Italian Benedetto Ravenna. However, it turned out much better than during the construction of the Babylonian tower and the result of the work of these architects can be seen so far. And then the inhabitants of the citadel decided that there should not only fight, but also pray. That is why it was decided to build as much as 4 churches and a few chapels.

Initially, the citadel had three entrances. First of all, it is a sea gate, as it was still a port. About the origin of the name of bullish gate History is silent how much I tried to find out this. And there, naturally, there were the main gate. They could only get on the recovery bridge. I can't say what the French were guided by, maybe this bridge did not like the shower and they covered the shaft. And for some reason decided to lay a new entrance. Called, began to manage in their new colony. This new entrance leads to the main street Rua-da Carreyra. In this street, by the way, by the way, there are many historically significant buildings. In addition to the ancient Catholic church there are tanks El Jadida.

Briefly speaking, tanks are premises consisting of several rooms. And the one, which is located in the middle partially located underground. In it, water flows through the system of special channels.

And now on the city square near the Church of Assumption there is a mosque of the 19th century buildings. And its minaret is adapted to one of the tank towers.

These are very interesting facilities, it is worth considering. Even in El Jadid, if desired, you can see where some scenes from the movie "Othello" were shot in 1952. And in 1985, the film "Harem" was shot here.

And this Moroccan city is noteworthy by what he is in Africa, but in winter there is often such a phenomenon like snow. In general, even in the summer, there is no strong exhausting heat there. Moreover, the ocean wind helps to carry the heat. There is a comfortable temperature and such a climate is very suitable for recreation with children.

This is not a very big city, the population is only about 150 thousand people. But, of course, the population comes in the season due to many tourists. And the local population is pretty good and friendly. They always smile and easily come to contact with tourists.

And besides attractions, many tourists are happy to try national Moroccan cuisine. There are a lot of cafes and restaurants in the city with various dishes from vegetables ending with meat. More delicious seafood dishes. And sweet tooths will delight very tasty and calorie oriental sweets.

In El Jadida, everyone will find what he likes.

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