The most interesting places in Cusco.


Despite the fact that many tourists perceive Cusco as a transshipment point for further inspection of the surrounding Incansky ruins, in reality this is an amazing city. He fascinates at first glance with its calm and cozy location of the square, temples and streets. The city itself is one big landmark. What is just worth the narrow streets, reaching up from the central square of the city of Plaza de Armaas. Many of them are paved by rounded river pebbles, and pedestrian sidewalks on them are replaced by stairs. And since all the streets of Cusco lead to the heart of the city - Armory Square (Plaza de Armaas), then the inspection of urban notable places to tourists should be started from here.

Weapon Square (Plaza de Armas) and the surrounding attractions

The colonial area was the center of the city in the time of the Incas. Actually, at that time, the swampy terrain was drained and turned into an area at which important historical events subsequently occurred. In memory of those days, the center of Plaza de Armaas is decorated with a fountain with a sculpture of the legendary Inca Pachaktec. On the perimeter, the area is surrounded by the cathedral, two churches and charming houses with blue and brown balconies. In general, blue and red-brown colors are found all over Cusco. From the stones of these paintings are the temples and at home, and a warm brown color has a tile on the roofs of urban buildings. Life on the square boils not only during the day, but after sunset. And all because the area of ​​Oboyasana is restaurants, a variety of attractions, which, at night, are illuminated by spotlights and expect on their steps or behind the tables of hungry and inquisitive tourists.

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In addition to the fountain on the square before tourists will appear Cathedral De Cusco Known as Cupcil Cathedral. His building was built more than four centuries ago on the ruins of the Palace of Inca Viatrochas. It is a real architectural masterpiece with a brown granite facade and a luxurious interior. In the Cathedral, tourists can familiarize themselves with a rich collection of drawings and paintings. In total, it consists of more than 300 works. The treasure of the Cathedral is considered an unmatched altar, the painting "The Last Supper" of Marcos Vessel and Black Jesus. According to the statements of local residents, Jesus saved the city from the earthquake in 1650. Since then, every year in October, the figure of Black Jesus is carried out on the go around the cathedral. As for his color execution, Jesus was blackfriended from candles, which regularly fell in a large number of crucifixes. Tourists need to carefully consider all the secluded corners of the cathedral and rely on their memory. Since only she later helps restore impressions and emotions from visiting this attraction. After all, photographing in the cathedral is strictly prohibited.

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Cathedral works daily from 10:00 to 18:00. For visit to the popular attractions to adult tourists will need to pay 25 salts, for children a visit to the cathedral costs 12.50 salts.

Next door to the Cathedral, there is no less beautiful construction - Jesuit Church of Companeia de Hesus (Iglesia de la Compnia de Jesus) . As for me, her facade looks much elegant neighbor. Going inside the church, tourists will be able to see the magnificent carved decorations made of wood and the altar covered with thin sheets of gold. For visitors, this place is open from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 16:00. A ticket for a visit to the church is 10 salts for adults and 5 salts for small tourists.

Museums Cusco

In addition to the cathedral and churches in Cusco many interesting museums. The most visited is Museum of Inca (Museo Inca) . It is located at Cuesta Del Almirante, 103. To get acquainted with his large archaeological collection, tourists can any day. In the mansion built in Spanish style, a huge exposition is collected, including ceramics, textiles, jewelry and mummies of the heyday of the Empire Inca. Special attention of visitors attracts a collection of painted carved cups. It consists of 450 copies, some of them have been preserved almost in perfect condition.

Only two blocks from Plaza de Armaas on Callegarcilaso, 210 is located Chocolate Museum (Choco Museo) . You can visit it every day from 10:30 to 18:30 completely free. In addition to exhibits that tell about the process of producing local chocolate, tourists await tasting tile and hot chocolate. True, this proposal is already paid. There is a tasting from 5 to 15 salts. Tourists should not regret money, because sweets are made from the most fragrant beans in the world. This fact was confirmed at the chocolate exhibition in Paris, for which the cocoa beans from Peru and received the main prize.

The city has another interesting museum. It is located on Calle Suytuccatu, 705 and is called Coca Museum (Museo de la Coca) . Visitors introduce the properties and methods of using the leaves of this popular plant in Peru. Some tourists will be very surprised by learning how much Coca is useful. In this inconspicuous little museum should grab teenagers with them. Perhaps they learn something new about Coki. Leaves of this plant can help travelers faced with acclimatization problems for high-altitude conditions. Not everyone is well tolerated the height of more than 3000 m, on which the ancient capital of the Incas is located. Usually a ticket to the museum costs 10 salts. However, on weekends, entrance to the museum is free. Visitors in addition are treating a cup of tea from Koki leaves.

Walking through Cusco will certainly lead tourists to the most colorful, practical vertical street of the city - Sun-Blas Descent.

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In this place, cafes, restaurants, shops with every craft utensils and art salons are concentrated. It is on this street that tourists can see the real architecture of Kusteno, consisting of the foundation of the times of Incas and Spanish wooden balconies. The street rests on the Square of the same name, two steps from which the observation deck is located with a picturesque panorama of the city. In general, Cusco is a very photogenic city. Each corner includes locals in bright national clothes. They allow themselves to photograph, but asking for a photo session a small remuneration of 1-2 solo.

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Another attraction of Cusco is noisy and colorful central Market San Pedro (Mercado Central De San Pedro) . Tourists must necessarily look at this place. It is not necessary to make purchases on the market, it is enough just to wander between the counter with the most unthinkable goods: frogs that increase potency; dried insects; chocolate; Coki leaves and alpaca wool products. The atmosphere reigning in the market allows you to even get acquainted with the culture of the local people, and the sample of traditional Peruvian dishes and the freshly squeezed juice is consolidating the positive impression of Cuzco fascinating.

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