Tips for those who are going to Lanta


Lanta will become an excellent choice for another vacation!

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_1

The climate in the Tropical region is only two times of the year: the hot season from January to April, and the rainy season from May to December. Temperatures during the year, on average, from 25 c to 32 C. Unlike, say, Europe, rains in this region - very strong, powerful, at the same time very quickly end.

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_2

From the point of view of weather conditions, the best time to visit the Lanta is from November to April, when it's a pleasant hot here. In this island, dry northeastern wind blows, so, the sky is clean, blue, and the night are starry. And sea breezes are just beautiful! From May to October, the rains here falls more than an average of the rest of the country. During this period, the island is blown by wet south-western winds, so, the days here are the wet dry. The sea is warm - about 29-30 ° C all year round. It's fine!

You can say, on Lanta - three tourist seasons:

- Peak season : at the end of December, early January and during Songkran in April; Prices are increasing by 25-50%. For Christmas and New Year, many resorts attribute a mandatory banquet worth about as much as accommodating overnight.

- High season : Since November to February (with the exception of the peak of the season)

- Low season : April / May - October. Prices are 50% cheaper than in high season. Many places of Lanta are closed at all.

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_3

With search for housing, there will definitely not be problems if you book. If you arrive at Namaum, some problems can only be in the peak of the season. Standard accommodation on the beach Clongs Tao and Long Beach (the two northernmost beach) costs about 1200 baht - this is a regular air-conditioned bungalow or a hotel room. Places in hotels that are located south will offer a free shuttle service and can cost much cheaper (100 baht for excellent bungalow on the beach with a bathroom), but the center of the fun will have to go about 20-30 minutes.

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_4

The placement of the island is broken according to the territories of the beach. In the north, the most convenient placement due to proximity to the main port. But there is much more noisy.

As for local residents and cultures as a whole, it is worth noting that Lanta is a "bundle" of various comrades - Thai, Chinese; Here Buddhists, Muslims, and even sea gypsies (people are so separate).

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_5

Most of the population in rural areas - Muslim. However, there are no religious tensions in Lanta - all nations live in complete harmony and peace. Most of the population talks with a pronounced southern dialect, which is difficult to understand other Thais. But we no longer understand the dialect and do not understand. It is so, by the way. In general, Lanta is a wonderful mixture of the people, so, and the holidays are also mixed-Buddhist, Thai-Chinese or Thai-Islamic.

The unique lifestyle of Chao-Le (just the same marine gypsy) in Lanta is a separate story, and a very interesting story.

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_6

You can also look into their small-populated village to look at how they lead their measured life, which almost completely does not depend on tourism on the island (although in recent years they still have ever been shaken).

If necessary health care On Lanta, you are best to contact the Siam International Clinic (Siam International Clinic) (Phone (075) 684 747), which is located along the main street in the southern part of Had Phra Ae - they will send an ambulance program for emergency movements on the mainland.

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_7

At Had Phra Ae there is a smaller hospital - Dr Salarin Clinic, as in Saladan, actually. Personnel in these hospitals speak English. South of the Old Town, there is a building of the Main Lanta Hospital (Ko Lanta Hospital) - come there with your sores (pah-pah) you can 24 hours a day.

Main police station It is located on the road on the east coast in the old town, well, the police booths are also in most major Lanta centers.

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_8

Postal office Located on the main road in the North Had Phra Aye - you definitely do not miss it (well, you never know, maybe you need to buy a brand). Nearest Immigration office Located in Krabi.

The main roads on the island-good. The rest are so-so. Mo Koh Lanta National Park (Mo Koh Lanta National Park) recently, the road ends in front of the park, so, on the Park itself you will drive FIG.

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_9

If you want to ride yourself on Lanta, then you should know the name of hotels near your: Moto-taxi drivers, most likely want to pick up or land you where the road is better, it is not at all at the entrance to your hotel.

Hotels and main tourist offices (as dive shops) have their own vehicles for tourists - usually, these are pickups. Very rare, but they have their own minibuses.

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_10

If you arrived at Lanta on the ferry, you will almost certainly make a pier on this pickup; If you are traveling with very young children, and you do not want to shake with them in this pickup with other tourists, warn the hotel in advance that you will go on a taxi - taxi drivers there are already private owners, and the transfer will be your concern.

You, however, notice that almost all locals move exclusively on motorcycles and motorbikes; You can rent them in just 200 baht per day (many of the guest houses will offer you this service for 250 baht daily in a high season).

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_11

Gasoline costs about 40 baht per liter, and there is a refueling along the roads. You can also hire a motorcycle with a carriage. They will gladly ride you and on asphalt, and on dirt roads, but usually, very slowly - to walk faster and walk.

Tips for those who are going to Lanta 10455_12

The cost of a trip from Saladan to the beach of Klong Dao is 40 baht somewhere. If you need to go further, it is more expensive, and at night too, prices are rising. We need to agree before the trip.

You can rent a jeep-seems for 1200 baht per day. Do not forget to check the rental conditions and the condition of the vehicle, so that nothing was presented later. Lanta Roads can generally become a serious test for any car. And the rental offices are often available strong babies Suzuki Sport, which are able to argue with hills and irregularities of Lantovo roads.

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