How to get to Lanta?


You can return to Lanta in several ways.

How to get to Lanta? 10452_1

By plane

How to get to Lanta? 10452_2

The nearest airports from which are located in Krabi, Trang and Phuket are reached by Lanta. From Krabi and Tranga there is a road and marine connections with a dance - the most convenient and fast option. To choose the airport in Phuket, if you are going to spend time and on the island of Phuket, and nearby islands (and not just in Lanta), as Phuket organizes much more international flights, that is, there are direct flights from our homeland. But from Moscow to Krabi or Trang, it will not be directly directly, you will have to transplane in Bangkok. If you do not want to go to Phuket, and in Bangkok, too, you can fly to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur and get to Krabi from there.

Transfer from Krabi Airport:

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Air Asia Airline provides a free shuttle service from Krabi Airport to JSC Nang Pier, where you can transfer to the ferry at 10:30 am (for 470 baht) and swim. However, ferries work only from November to April, and sometimes they do not swim if the weather is bad.

How to get to the fastest:

The fastest path from the airport of Krabi and Phuket Airport to Lanta - the use of Express Transfer: First go to the minibus, then on the boat. If you arrive in the country early, then in this case you do not even have to wait for the ferry, but if you arrive late at your airport, you can be on Lanta on the same day.

From Krabi Airport, you will go on a minibus with air conditioning (the path takes 45 minutes) to the first point - the ferry car port. From there, the ferry-boat will take you along the coast of Lanta, this journey will take about 15 minutes depending on weather conditions. You will arrive right in Saladan, where you will be brought to your hotel. This means that the total time on the way will be from 1.5 to 2 hours.

On a ferryboat

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Private companies in Lanta offer transportation services in many directions. After all, there is a lot of beautiful around the lantes! Tickets can be booked in advance here:, or navigate in place. Rates are about such

Lanta - Phi Phi: 08:00 and 13:00 (350 baht)

Lanta - Krabi: 08:00 and 13:00 (300 baht, but at the height of the season can be from 400 baht)

Lanta - Phui Phui-- Phuket: 13:00 and 14:30 (700 baht)

Lanta - Phi Phi-- Krabi: 09:00 and 13:30 (700 baht)

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Ferry transportation is carried out from Krabi, Nanga JSC and from Phuketa through Phui Phi to Saladan Pier (this is on the Lanta Yai). In the midst of the season, sometimes direct ferries immediately on Lanta, without Phi Phi. Ferry schedule also depends on weather conditions and demand. Many ferries have limited luggage space. And also, often ferries moored to other boats on the pier, and this means that passengers will have to climb through other boats with their luggage. It is inconvenient, however, the staff of the ferry or comrades on the pier will help you unload on Pier.

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There are private transportation companies. For example, if you sail through P.P. Family Co (+66 75 630 165) From Pork Pier on Island: Ferries sailed them at 10:30 and 13:30, the path takes about 2 hours (it costs 200 baht, including a free shuttle service from the hotel in Krabi). A long-distance bus from the center of Krabi to the pier is somewhere 10 baht.

From AO Nang Travel and Tour's JSC, you can go on a boat of AO Nang Travel and Tour (+66 75 637 730)-and boats are sent at 10:30 (and 470 baht are worth it).

Ferries with Phi Phi float in Lanta at 11:30 and 14:00, the path will take 1 hour (worth 200 baht). From Phuket can be saved on the ferry at 8:00 and then transfer to Phi-FCI on the ferry at 11:30 (all together will cost 450 baht).

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Sometimes you can meet a man with a sign with the name of the hotel you booked.

From bus krabi

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There are mini Wenni, which run between Krabi and Lanta. It costs somewhere 250-300 baht, and the buses from the street Soy 6 (Soi 6, the streets going down from the temple). This is a completely inexpensive option. But, if you caught the bus somewhere close to this street, you can request all 400 baht. So it is wiser and cheaper to drive up at this place and buy a ticket there.

Usually this minibus is 10 people. And there is little space for baggage (but the suitcase will fit, do not worry, maybe if there are two suitcase, you have to throw a bit).

If you are going a whole group, just order the entire bus (so often do diving instructors with their groups). Private minibus-taxi, as a rule, costs 2000 -2500 baht (depending on where to go). You can bargain and throw a few baht from this price, but do not hope much for lower prices. The usual bus still stands the same.

The time of traveling to / from Lanta from Krabi is about 2-3 hours, since the turns on ferry transportation are long.

If you want to return to the crab in the same Makar, on the bus, and not on the ferry, ask the hotel - let them order you a minibus, which will take you (along with comrades from other hotels) for a reasonable price. Calculate the time right and leave for an hour for 4 - there may be a whole bunch of races.

You can even go to Lanta on the ferry, and back by bus to feel the contrast. Prices are not very different.

By train

How to get to Lanta? 10452_9

The nearest railway station, from which you can get close to Lant as much as possible, is located in the Province of Trang, south of the crab. From there, by the way, there are trains in Bangkok (and from Bangkok to Trang).

By car

There is no road in Lanta connecting it directly with the mainland, but car ferries are serviced. Follow the route 4206 from the highway number 4, which is about 20 km southeast Krabi airport. Then we visit the vomotive ferry with Baan Hua Hin in Lanta. From the pier you need to turn right and follow the icons, which will lead to the second car steam on Koh Lanta Yai. Ferries work from 07:00 to 22:00.

How to get to Lanta? 10452_10

If you are going on a car from Bangkok to Krabi - the distance is about 950 km (12 hours of driving).

Route 1: Phetburi → Prachuabkirikhan → Chumphon → Phang NGA → Krabi = 946 km.

Route 2: Phetburi → Prachuabkirikhan → Chumphon (Highway 41) to Chaiya (Surat Thani) → Krabi (Viangsra) → Highwei 4035 → Krabi (JSC LUK) and still slightly along the highway number 4 = 814 km.

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