The most interesting excursions in Hurghada.


Hurghada - Egyptian resort loved by tourists. There are both sandy beaches with smooth and clean bottoms and coral reefs, for lovers to see the wonderful underwater world of the Red Sea. High-quality animation, the system "all inclusive", the sun and affectionate water is very relaxing the organism, completely by beating the desire to move somewhere. But having arrived in this country of Pharaohs, it is worth visiting at least one excursion to get acquainted with the locals, their customs, and also touch the story and look at a few millennia ago - during the times of the majestic ancient Egypt.

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Trips associated with the glorious and powerful past of Egypt are very popular. But modern problems make adjustments. Now the situation in Egypt is quite troubled. In order to avoid security problems, some excursions are canceled. This sad list includes a trip to the capital of Cairo - the city of Cairo. To the great regret, visit Cairo to organized groups of tourists is prohibited by the Ministry of Tourism of Egypt. It is necessary to treat this with understanding, because we are not only about health, but also about life. Of course, independent travelers at their own risk can come to Cairo, but no one can guarantee them security.

Due to the restless reality, tourist agencies are trying to somehow compensate for the absence of some sightseeing programs, replacing them to safer.

"Hurghada Review Tour" - the cheapest of the excursions offered. In just $ 15 per person, you will be transported through all interesting places of this resort.

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Of course, you can explore the city and independently, but you can skip something, and in some place you may not have enough information from the guide or the Internet. A professional guide will provide you with various details and interesting facts that you can hardly find yourself. The sightseeing tour includes a visit to the old and new city. This classical division of the eastern cities is relevant and in Hurghad, although this resort arose only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Religion is the main cause of most wars and past, and the real land on the planet. Surprisingly, in Egypt, Christians and Muslims get along well enough. Of course, various collisions occur periodically, but they are not so large-scale as in some other countries. Copts are the non-Ukrainian indigenous population of Egypt, confessing Christianity. Coptic temples, in this country, of course, much less than mosques, but they are. Here is such a Coptic temple and is invited to visit during a sightseeing tour.

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This temple is located in the old part of the city and is very highlighted on a general background. The pride of the church is the iconostasis from the ancient icons brought from various churches of Europe. Copts are characterized by a big tolerance to the appearance of the parishioners, so a woman in trousers and a uncoated head will always be empty in the temple. But still take care of a decent appearance stands in advance.

After the temple you will be delivered to the Islamic mosque so that you can look into the holy of saints with one eye for any Muslim.

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Agree that few people enter the mosque just like that, thereby having deprived themselves, to look at another faith and people performing religious rituals.

Egypt without purchases does not happen. The shopping trip is in almost any excursion program and "Review" on Hurghada is no exception. During the shopping, you can purchase souvenirs with your loved ones and acquaintances, and also acquire something for yourself.

"Excursion to Luxor" Designed for a whole day and costs from $ 100. The distance from Hurghada to Luxor is more than 250 kilometers - about 4 hours of driving. Gathering on this trip, be sure to take care of comfortable shoes and clothing covered shoulders - to not burn. Karnak Temple - Luxor Pearl. This is the largest temple complex of ancient Egypt.

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The majestic construction is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Arriving here, you will be amazed by beauty. Karnak temple Despite the time even now looks powerful and impressive.

In the vicinity of Luxor there is another amazing place - the Tsaritsa Khatsepsut temple - Women Pharaoh of the Times of the New Kingdom.

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This funeral temple distinguishes the extraordinary harmony of the forms.

The valley of the kings is an amazing place that is invited to visit during this excursion program. Here are the tomb of Pharaoh. This is the center of archaeological excavations.

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It was here that the tomb of Tutankhamon was discovered, which surprisingly remained uncovered. In the valley of the kings as anywhere in Egypt, you will find yourself so close to archaeological excavations that, if you are lucky, you can see the process itself.

In Egypt, "come to life" names and names familiar to many since childhood: Nefertiti, Tutankhamon, Sphinx. This can also include Pharaoh Amenhotep III, two stone statues whose stern look from top to bottom. Colosses of Memnon still have a long-lasting temple for a long time.

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The Red Sea is the pride of Egypt. The underwater world fascinates with its beauty, and watching the life of sea inhabitants, literally, forget about time. Sea travel - various excursion programs that include visiting remote islands.

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Utopia island offers beautiful beaches to couple with wonderful coral reefs. A ride on the yacht to Al-Guna with a race to the bay of Dolphins will be delighted and adults, and even more so children.

Well, and what Egypt without a majestic desert Sahara . Some excursion agencies offer a trip to the desert on quad bikes. Keep in mind that you need to take care of correct equipment: sunglasses, a scarf or a scarf to protect your nose and mouth from the smallest graft and dust, as well as pants and shirts with long sleeves, so as not to burn in the sun and protect the body from sand.

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The price of a 5-hour excursion to the desert costs from $ 60, but you can go on a 2-hour trip for $ 45. The program includes a visit to the village of Bedouins and camel riding.

Hurghada is capable of please and those who are not going to leave the limits of the resort zone. There is a dolphinarium, water parks with many diverse water rides.

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But all this is worth visiting already independently, not to be "tied" to the group of tourists. After all, it is completely unknown whether you have time for the time to ride on all the hills. Tickets can be bought directly at the entrance, there will be no problems with this.

Arriving to the popular resort - Hurghada, tourists are confident that they will get a lot of pleasure from rest. The sun, the sea and water are the attributes of a quiet "lazy" pastime. But if you want to get acquainted with the history of Egypt, look at the beauty of the underwater world, which are not available on the hotel beach. Go to the guide or to the nearest travel agency, where you will be offered a lot of excursions for every taste and wallet.

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