The most interesting excursions in Kao Lake.


Kao varnish is a beautiful, secluded place, which is greatly suitable for a measured family holiday. Nature here is so beautiful that it does not sound trite and clouded, just the spirit captures. Recreation, in addition to a passive beach holiday, a number of diverse entertainment are offered, including excursions deserve special attention. I want to highlight two excursions, which in my opinion, it is worth visiting on mandatory.

Khao Juice National Park . The excursion is carried out three times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. For duration it takes eight hours and is one-day. The guide communicates with tourists in Russian, so there is no need in the phrase work. The excursion group is gaining a small, maximum twelve person, among which there may be small children, as well as people with disabilities.

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Kao Sok National Park is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. Its area occupies 646 square kilometers. The park is really amazing, because only here you can see the oldest tropical evergreen forest in the world, inspiring the respect of the mountains, huge valleys, hypnotizing with their beauty of the lake, mysterious caves, enchanting waterfalls, unusual mangrove trees and a huge variety of colonic birds and wild animals. This excursion is quite well deserved and justified, is the best. During the excursion, you will have the opportunity not only to admire the virgin jungle with their inhabitants, but also stroll a ride on the elephants, to make a descent on the bamboo raft, visit the cave temple, and also to join the exotic Thai cuisine to adjust some dishes. Places that are on the excursion:

- Khao Juice National Park. It will spread in front of you in all its glory, along with untouched wildlife and ancient temples.

- Temple Bang Rihang. It is located on the top of the mountain. At the foot of this very mountain, you will see a sitting statue of the Chinese goddess Guan Yin. The architecture of the temple combines both Thai and Chinese motifs, and the most harmonious way. The temple is known primarily by the fact that in its walls the largest number of images and statues of the Buddha are collected. An interesting ritual for the implementation of your most cherished desire, you can spend during the entrance to the temple. So, at the entrance to the temple, you make your most intimate desire, and then start to yield to each Buddha, which is found on your way on one coin. If, when leaving the temple, you have not forgotten your desire, it is necessarily necessary to be implemented.

- Hot springs of Rommani. Sources with healing water, carefully surrounded by a fruit garden. Here come to relieve stress and its consequences, as well as get rid of muscle and articular pain.

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- Cave Suvan Ku Ha. The cave is aware that the Buddhist temple is inside it. Outside, that is, the entrance to the cave, they chose local merchants who installed the kiosks and shops with a variety of provisions.

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- River Juice. As it is part of the National Park, according to which the excursion passes, it would be difficult to imagine if tourists were spent away from these picturesque places. River calm and very beautiful. If you wish, it is possible to make a water trip on the bamboo dams or on canoe.

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Mystery Krabi. . This excursion is also very exciting and no less informative than the first. It is held on the province of Krabi, which is considered one of the most interesting and beautiful in all Thailand. The excursion program looks like this:

- The beginning, that is, the collection of groups and departure from the hotel;

- A visit to the Golden Cave Church, which is the province of Pang Nga and is famous for the fact that in his walls they live and feel comfortable, flocks of monkeys;

- Traveling on elephants by untouched civilization, jungle;

The most interesting excursions in Kao Lake. 10445_5

- a dense dinner in a decent restaurant overlooking the picturesque lake surface;

- A visit to the city of Krabi and its attractions, such as the embankment of the city, traffic lights, sculpture of black crabs, fruit market, White Temple (Wat Keu).

The most interesting excursions in Kao Lake. 10445_6

- Further, at the rate, visit the temple of the cave tiger, which is the largest temple complex in the south of the country. You walk through the territory of the temple complex, visit the temple of the Chinese goddess of mercy, the meditational center and in conclusion, admire the park in which the trees of age are growing, which are more than a thousand years;

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- Thermal mineral springs of the resort of Krabi. Here you can relax after the day of the rich in emotions, and just buy and sunbathe;

- ending the trip, because everything is even the best, it has a property sooner or later end.

Here is such an excursion of Krabi. By time it takes only one day, it begins early in the morning and ends in the evening, but how many positive emotions she gives. If you want your memories of traveling to Kao varnish, staying with you as long as possible, do not forget to take a camera with you. Your photos will be long to remind you of those unforgettable moments that the Thai Island of Kao Varnish will give you.

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