What should we expect from rest in Kyndej?


The village called Kynddyg is located in the eastern part of Abkhazia, 30 km from Sukhum.

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This place is not the most popular destination in Abkhazia. Moreover, many tourists even never heard about him. Immediately I want to say that rest in Kyndeja is suitable for a very inhaled by foreign tourist resorts.There is no comfort for them in this village. In addition, there, as in any other place of Abkhazia, you can hear and seen the echo of war. Despite the fact that it ended in twenty years ago, in Kynddig a lot of burnt and destroyed buildings. And, apparently, restoring them there do not plan. But this village has its own charm. Especially in the midst of the season there are a lot of fruits that can be just ripped from the branch. Many peaches, Alyci and blackberry bushes.

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And this berry there is very large and juicy. And most importantly, these gifts of nature are free for tourists. But this, of course, does not mean that it is easy to go into the gardens of local residents, people live there differently and not all friendly.

In Kyndege, there is a pension "Eucalyptus Grove". He is a Soviet building and living conditions and maintenance there is appropriate. Choose this boarding house for your holiday or just come to this village for several hours each decides himself. But I want to say that the territory of the boarding house, though clean, you need to think about whether to go there with children. There are no normal devices for them. But on the other hand, there is a sea and very clean air, and next to the healing eucalyptus grove. The leaves of the eucalyptus, by the way, are very helpful at Orz, I recommend bringing them from Abkhazia. Their themselves is very difficult for themselves, as the leaves are very high.

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But they can be bought on the market, their locals are not expensive at all.

For those who want to go on excursions, you can buy them in Kynddig and go to the lake Rice or to New Athos, for example.

But the most of all Kynddyg is famous for its hot springs, beating from under the ground.The source itself is in the mountain, and the water of 13 grooves descend to the bottom.And the tourists at the bottom bathe in it and still deceive the body of mud. According to reviews, this water is healing and helps to get rid of many diseases. For example, you can cure skin diseases and infertility. I can not say how true it is or not. But I can compare the temperature of these sources and those that are in Jordan. So in Kyndege, the water temperature is much more comfortable. In it, even children are bathed with great pleasure. And in Jordan, all the same water is too hot.

In addition, there is a small cafe on the territory of the source, where you can eat a rather tasty kebab. Or he simply seemed so tasty, because they were hungry.

I want to say that if you leave only the advantages of rest in Kynddig and not pay attention to the cons, then it is quite possible to relax. But it is worth knowing that the beach is not very clean there, but there are few people and everything is not very expensive. I would go there again. But only for the sake of sources, they are worth it. One girl should not go there, since the male population of Abkhazia considers himself irresistible and dismissing attitude or ignoring perceives as a very big insult.

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