How Valencia honors carpenters


It happens, you are going to work, and as a result we rest wonderfully. It so happened when the Spanish city with a group of carpenters went to the third largest majority. Half of the term assigned to the exchange of experience, we have a nicely entertained by the preparation and holding of Las Fallas - carnival of carpenters.

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Tradition to decorate the city by carpentry here arose in the Middle Ages. But at that time the "heroes" of the holiday were spoiled by masters of work and a vapor (special planks, candlesticks), the celebration itself took place in the spring. Today the festival has accurate date (March 19 - a patron day of representatives of the relevant profession of St. Joseph); The people are cheerful to cool wooden statues, recreating the appearance of fabulous and mythical characters, politicians, legendary athletes. But the "fate" of the figures alone: ​​solemn burning.

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The fire is divorced not only by traditional (matches, torches) in the way, but also with the help of the most powerful Petard, magnificent fireworks that are launched special arsonies dressed in bright vintage costumes. Under the supervision of governors, selected by the strict commission. Visitors are recommended to be in Alom. Installation starts in 3 days. Gigantic layouts up to 30 m high are placed by groups on all Valencian streets. And preparation, and participate is capturing. Recommend!

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