Holidays on Tao: What do you need to know?


Tau (or Tao) is an island in the Siamese Gulf.

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The nearest island is Phangan - to swim kilometers 30. Until Samuyu in the area 50 km (on Samui at the same time, the airport is located closest to Tau). Tau-little island, kilometers 7 from the southernmost to the northernmost point in length and about 3 kilometers wide. Despite this, all the coast on all sides of the island is soy by hotels. Although the north shore is almost without hotels.

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From the point of view of ecology, the island is almost virtually virgin. In the sense, everything is fine, and after this carefully follows.

The name of the island is translated from Thai as the "Island of the Turtles". According to one version, the island was so called, because in the outlines he, allegedly, resembles a turtle. For me - does not remind at all. Island and island. Another version - in coastal waters flooded out of the sea turtles, which at the same time actively multiply, leaving their eggs in the sand of the beaches. However, unfortunately, in recent years, the turtles from the shores of Tau almost disappeared.

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Apparently, the hatched little turtles were disoriented in space and crawled out of the light of the lunar paths on the sea waves, but on the bright light from hotels and bars. Yes, and tourists became much more in recent years on the island, as it is calmly hatching at all.

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Anyway, next to the main port of the island - Mae Haad, you can see the statue of the sea turtle.

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Tau Island can be called a paradise for diving and snorkeling . Dive centers here just on every corner, and how many tourists come here for this business! And all, because here and dive comfortably, and the species are beautiful.

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Yes, and the conditions are perhaps the best in all in the Siamese bay. So, Living is the main entertainment on a small island. By the way, in 1997 there was a sudden fluctuation of the temperatures of El Niño (this term is so special, which describes a certain process when water on the surface of the Pacific Ocean in the area of ​​the equator warms up strongly, and it affects the climate as a whole).

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So, this Nier led to the loss of a large part of small corals near the island. Of course, then new, and the island did not become less popular. But still. Chumpon Pinnacle , in the western part of the island, the love of divers have long won - they come here to admire the whale sharks and stupid sharks (well, forgive for the name. Otherwise, called "Shark-Bull").

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A small extreme diving, but such desperate divers. However, due to the warming of water temperature in recent years, a large number of sharks of these bulls stopped showing and floating somewhere in cooler waters.

In addition, tourists love to have fun on the island Fridayving (this is when you dive to the depth, just delaying breathing and admire), Bouldering (climbing type) and, of course, Thai massage.

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The most popular place among tourists is the place Sairee (SAIREE) On the west coast, where the luxury sandy sandy sand beach is located, 1.7 km long, which is interrupted only by several huge boulders and a bunch of budget hotels and affordable restaurants.

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Chalok Baan Khao. That in the southern part of the island is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative among those who wish to avoid crowd, noise and gama.

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Well, beautiful granite boulders, and in coastal forests, and on the beaches, attract an increasing number of climbers.

Island is very peaceful! Almost a hundred percent of local and tourists move here on motorcycles and motor collections. Roads here, you need to note, so-so. And the locals here, since it went to that, too, is a little - a little more than one and a half thousand people. Some come to work in hotels and other tourist establishments.

Since they touched the local, then a little of the story. Among European cartographers and navigators, the island was known as "Pulo Bardia": the records of scientists give reason to believe that the island was populated by Malaysian-Polynesian tribes - their travelers were described in their records. By the way, as Pulo Bardia is the island called up to the beginning of the last century. In 1899, King Chulalongcorn visited the island and left a record on a huge bay of Jor Por Ror as a proof next to Sayri Beach. This stone still exists, tourists take pictures to take pictures.

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In the 30-40th years of the last century there was a political prison. In 1947, the Prime Minister pardoned all prisoners on the island - they were delivered to Suttants Tanya, and Tao Island turned out to be abandoned. The tribes at that time there already, it seems like, there was no long ago. In the same year, two Thai-brothers from the island of Phangan was tested a new sailing boat and set off in a distant and dangerous journey. Despite the fact that the island was still under the royal patronage, it did not prevent the brothers to grieve most of the land, which is now, by the way, Saryi Beach. There they began to cultivate the soil, then give birth to children (wives to bring from Phangan), and create the first generation of the inhabitants of the island. In addition to growing vegetables, they still fish - all this was good to sell to Phangan. Despite the fact that the island was completely not mastered, the population has grown steadily. Since the 1980s, more and more foreign tourists began to visit Tau. Well, how dive-mecca island became known since the beginning of the 90s.

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It is worth noting that all the same Tao is much less developed than Samui and Phangan. He is popular, especially among young people in the area of ​​25-30 years, who come to the island to practice and get a certificate of diving, the benefit here is inexpensive, compared to other places. But it can be noted that over the past two years, the average age of vacationers increased slightly - many of the tourists who first visited the island for more than ten years ago, are now returning to their families.

There are about 150 hotels and hotels on the island (I can be wrong, the data is old) and about 50 bars. Most of the hotel resorts are still bungalows, and not familiar hotels. Although from the late 2000s on the island, more and more luxury high-quality resorts are built, which are not covered on diving as the goal of the island's visit. Free Wi-Fi is available in most public institutions of the island - what else is needed?

Also, it is worth noting that Tau becomes Mecca for fans Fishing with a limited budget. Basically, there are caught fishes such as Marlin, Sailboat, Royal Macrel, Kobia, Barracuda and Lucian.

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Here is such a, Paradise Island Tao!

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