Rest in Trieste: where to eat and how much does it cost?


What to try in Trieste?

The cuisine of Trieste, with all its traditional Italian essence, is very different from the menu of a typical Roman or Toskan. And there are so two reasons. First, the Trieste is the seaport, and the choice of fresh fish and seafood can please even a discerning gourmet. Secondly, Trieste is at the crossroads of three crops, which also did not affect him not only on his architecture, but also in the local kitchen. The traditions of Austria (and partly Hungary) are very strong here, as well as Slovenia. Therefore, on a par with typical Italian paste, risotto and lasagna, here you are offered to taste the Viennese Snitzels, Hungarian Goulash, Slovenian sausages, German beer. What else should you try in Trieste?

First meal

The most popular local soup is Yota - sauerkraut soup, beans and potatoes with fried garlic and croutons. Love here and soups with Nyokki - Italian dumplings of oval shape. The most popular in Trieste is bread niccles or niccocks with liver. And, of course, it is not anywhere to go away from the headache-goulash - hello to Austro-Hungarian dominion.


Sweets in Trieste are not at all Italian (although here you can enjoy both excellent tiramisu), but, again, Austro-Hungarian or Slovenian. First of all, it is struthene: with apples, cinnamon, poppies, nuts, even cottage cheese. Also eat sweet bagels with oranges and a pincer rum, a roll of puff pastry with dried fruits of the Presents and small pancakes Fritol.


It is in Trieste that there is a factory producing famous Italian coffee Illy. As a result of this, the city is as if impregnated with his smell, and the cancerous coffee can be tried in any eatery, and it costs it cheaper cups of tea or a glass of water.

Where to eat?

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Going to Trieste, it should be remembered that at the time when we count on a dense dinner, the Italians begins Siesta, and therefore find a place where you can eat something more intelligible than toast or pizza, hours until six in the city in the city complicated.

Pizzeria Mangiafuoco.

Not bad option for budget travel. Offers pizza "for removal." Excellent value for money, quality and pleasant service, which has loved to tourists and local residents. The average check in pizzeria is 7-10 euros per person. There is a place for Via Fismondo, 9a.

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Restaurant Buffet Bier Stube

A small restaurant with a kitchen of three countries, whose cultures affected the development of Trieste: Italy, Austria and Slovenia. Here you can try goulash, pork shin, schnitzels and sausages, and drink all this homemade beer. The restaurant also has a vegetarian menu. The middle check in the restaurant is 15 euros per person, the place is extremely popular, so it is better to take care of the table in advance. Buffet is located in the center of Trieste on Via Hugo Foscolo, 3. Opens, like most local restaurants, at five in the evening and continues their work up to one night. Weekends here Monday and Tuesday.

Tavern Kapuziner Keller.

Restaurant similar to the previous one. Also quite a budget option with huge portions, mainly Italian and Bavarian cuisine. Located near the port of Trieste on Via Pozzzo del Mare, 1. Here is a stunning atmosphere of the old trate with wooden furniture and stained glass windows. Be sure to try Bavarian sausages, sausages and Vienna Schnitsel. Here also serves excellent homemade beer. The average check is 20 euros per person, but the portions are very large.

Restaurant Le Dune Di Piero

Tuscany corner on the shores of the Adriatic. A very small restaurant in the heart of the city, on Via Baczoni, 11, specializing in the kitchen of Central Italy. Here you can taste traditional Tuscan dishes and excellent Tuscan wine. The restaurant is closed in the evenings, the middle check for two - 50 euros.

Trattoria Nero di Seppia

Where, as not in Trieste, on the very shore of the Adriatic Sea, to enjoy fresh fish or seafood. And one or the best options for this is the Nero Di Seppia fish restaurant on Via Luigi Caoorne, 23, near the Museum of Reallen. The menu here depends on the season, all vegetables and fish are the most recently. It is worth trying tuna dishes, a fish sword, pasta stuffed with shrimps, sea scallops, fresh zucchini and more. Also here you can try excellent homemade beer and very good wine. Cafe is open all days except Sunday and Monday.

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Confectionery Penso.

Family confectionery Penso, which on Via Armando Diaz, 11 is a great place for Sweat. Here you can try very tasty baking, traditional for the north of Italy, for example, puff pastry, taught all sorts of nuts, raisins, chocolate and rum. Also served the traditional Austrian cake "Zaher".

Trattoria Antica Tratoria SUBAN

Restaurant with excellent Italian and Austrian cuisine. This Trattoria is known since the middle of the XIX century. Local cooks regularly undergo training in Vienna. Here you can taste a venison, a duck with artichokes, goat cheese, spinach and much more. In a wine map, in addition to Italian wines, you can find wines of Slovenia. Celebrates love to taped this tractory - as evidenced by photos of visitors adorning restaurant walls. There is a Tratatorium on Via Emilio Committee, 2D.

San Marco cafe

Very famous place in Trieste with a rich history. The cafe opened exactly a hundred years ago and immediately became popular among the supporters of the attachment of the city to Italy. Here I loved to pick up and the famous writer James Joyce (by the way, it was in Trieste who wrote his famous "ULLIS"), as well as the poet Umberto Saba. The cafe itself was destroyed in during World War II, but later restored. Modern interiors are made by the famous artist Vito Timmel, another regulars of the Sao Marco cafe. Austro-Hungarian style is present here: stucco, red decoration, marble and other luxury and splendor. It serves excellent coffee and traditional Mediterranean dishes. Prices in the cafe, as well as everywhere in establishments of this level high. There is also own bookstore in the cafe. There is a Cafe San Marco Big Synagogue of Trieste, on Via Cesar Battishi, house 18.

Cafe TommaSeo.

Tommaso, along with San Marco, is the most famous Trytyst Cafe. In addition, it is the oldest cafe of the city. Here James Joyce, Umberto Saba, Franz Kafka also loved here. The interiors of the cafe are made in the style of Art Deco, exhibitions are held here, live music sounds on Friday and Saturday evening, there are concerts, and literary evenings. The kitchen is in the cafe Italian - Prutta, pasta, risotto. In addition to Italian wines, French are represented. There is Tommaso in the very center of Trieste - near the Unity of Italy.

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