El Jem - Raisin Resort Mahdia


Tourists who relax in Majdie are lucky large - just 42 km from the city is the famous El Jem. We had to hire a taxi from Hammamet (big to fit 5 people) for $ 100 to visit this amazing place. I would love to go on a tour, but during our stay in Tunisia Pegasus did not organize any excursion to El Jam.

Immediately I will say that El Jam is not a resort provincial town located away from the coast. Therefore, he lives his life, not spoiled by tourists. It is here at every step that you can see colored mosaics typical houses that decorate the space around the windows and doors. It was here that we saw a real oriental market with narrow streets, wagons with donks and a mass of local residents who did not sell, and bought! It was Monday, but the market worked!

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Ancient Roman amphitheater El Jam is almost in the center of the town. It is said that it can be compared with the Roman Coliseum - I can not confirm this, nor refute, because I was not in Rome. But I can definitely argue that this is the most majestic from amphitheators that I had the opportunity to see in other countries.

Entrance - 10 dinar per person. You can pay 1 dinar for taking pictures. Of course, almost nothing left of the amphitheater is left - carved columns are not preserved, there is no mosaic that once adorned the walls of the amphitheater. Only silent stones ...

You can walk anywhere where you can get. We went down to the basement, where the beasts and gladiators were once held. Could sit on the places of ordinary citizens, visited the balances of the balconies to know. In the stones scratched interesting inscriptions, dated, for example, 1814.

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After the amphitheater, the taxi driver took us to the mosaic museum. New tickets do not need to be purchased - it is good that I know English a little, and the taxi driver warned member that the tickets to the amphitheater are valid and in the museum. Mostly the museum presents marble mosaics, which were found during the excavations of this city. The fineness of work, of course, amazes. Excavation is carried out under the open air here. Mostly visible foundation and fragments of mosaic. Once at this place was the Roman Villa, now next to the excavations already from modern materials are trying to restore this villa.

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Soviet to all be sure to visit El Jam!

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