Why is it worth going to friport?


Freeport is a wonderful city that was created from almost nothing. Indeed, in 1955, Wallace Groves, who had an interest with the financial side to the island, received the territory of freeport, with the details of its economic development. After, a city called Friport was built here, which later became the second largest city in the territory of the Bahamas, naturally, after the capital Nassau.

Located in just 100 kilometers from Palm Beach, Florida, the city began to actively develop, because a fairly large number of ship routes took place near its location. The city became the center of international business, and the number of companies that prefer to be located in freeport, is constantly growing. Even very large vessels have the right to enter the harbor of friport, because there is a maritime station for cruise ships, as well as a large container port and shipyard for ships and yachts.

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Along with trade, a significant source of frippet income is undoubtedly tourism, because beautiful nature and excellent recreation conditions are constantly attracted here tourists and travelers from all earthly corners. Moreover, about 85% of the tourist flux come here from the United States, and only 7% of tourists from European countries. Arrivals from tourism help to provide more than 70% of the joint exports of goods, as well as other services, because in the territory of the Bahamas there is about three hundred hotels, which annually visit more than two million people annually. The record was set in 2002, when the number of tourists exceeded 4 million. Now, just imagine how many tourists are visited annually freeport.

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And if you take into account the geographical position and climatic conditions, then for tourists there is just a real paradise corner here, because throughout the year the climate of the city allows you to come here without any obstacles. The subtropical climate provides rather soft climatic conditions, because in winter the temperature rarely falls below +15 degrees, and in the summer it is quite humid and hot here.

In comparison with Nassau, Friport does not have the same number of attractions, but here you still have enough of them. Mostly, tourists prefer to spend time on amazing beaches, and not inspect the objects of historical heritage, but sometimes you want to change the situation in the interruptions. Let's start with the wonderful National Park Lucayan, in which is located, now the famous Gold Rock Beach. Why famous? Yes, because it was here that the second part of one of the most popular Films "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea-2" and "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea-3" were removed. Almost all of its part is located underground, and has several exits to the sea. Unique caves are considered almost the largest worldwide.

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It is definitely worth looking into the port of Lucayan, where it is constantly noisy, and arrange special entertainment programs for tourists. This tropical paradise is called Growsta's garden, which is necessarily worth visiting. You can plunge into a sea of ​​exciting walks along the beautiful urban streets and the surrounding area of ​​the city. Meet the dawn or a romantic sunset on one of the beaches of freeport.

By the way, about the beaches. The most popular is precisely Golgros Rock, which in the park Lucayan. There is always very crowded and hardly managed to spend time more secluded, but here the most beautiful and picturesque place. For lovers enjoy silence and dimension, I advise you to visit the beaches that are located away from the city. For example, a coral beach, or Xanda. A great choice will be completely able to become Taino, Williams-Town, Barberry. Absolutely all the coast of the southern part of the Grand Bagham consists of a continuous series of beaches, so the choice is just huge.

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But it is not worth going to the northern part, because in this area there are often wetlands.

Many tourists love to spend time on the beach actively, and not just sadly bathing and sunbathing. Therefore, Friport prepared in advance by providing tourists a sea of ​​active water entertainment, among which snorkeling, or by simple - diving with a mask and a tube, diving, fishing for men, paragliding, water skiing, and excellent boat trips with a glass bottom. Yes, to take, at least, diving. You are immersed in a completely different, more beautiful world, where there are parts of sunken ships and amazing marine inhabitants, such as big turtles, exotic fish, as well as the most beautiful coral reefs, in which she always grabs smaller stink fish. Amazing blue water, snow-white sand, beautiful sinks and nimble crabs, all this makes friport one of the best places to relax on the bugs.

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As for the placement, the housing is enough for absolutely everyone, and for every taste and wallet. There are both elegant and expensive hotels in the city and less budget. Do not look for economy-class hotels, or inexpensive housing at all, because there are simply no bahamas. After all, not in vain, resting on the bugs is considered to be quite expensive.

The gastronomic features of friport are quite ordinary. Due to the fact that most of the tourists from America arrives at the resort, then in the territory of the city you will find many fast foods, in which you pay for a hamburger about $ 5, and for a full lunch - about 20. Alcoholic beverages are cheaper than the American, just Because they are duty-free.

The night and entertainment life of the freeport is very diverse and lively, tourists are having fun until the morning, then rest on the beaches, and then again dip in the sea of ​​fun. So, often, here and spend time all visits.

As for security in the city, you should not forget about the inaltles. And it does not matter, you arrived here on your own, or in the company. Locals are not socially equal and the bundle affects the criminal situation. On the territory of hotels and near city attractions is always safe, but on the outskirts or in deserted places, it is better to be careful. It is desirable, not to leave the boundaries yourself, without accompaniment.

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