What entertainment is in Tampere?


Tampere is a pretty big and interesting city, and the question "What would go here?" You just do not arise. That's where you can go to have fun.

What entertainment is in Tampere? 10323_1

Syarkyanniemi Entertainment Park (Särkänniemi Amusement Park)

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We can say that this is the most cheerful place in the city. Here you will find more than 30 attractions, which will enjoy both adults and children. It is a slide, and motorcycles, and a huge swinging snowboard, and an old good "Tornado". If you are not a fan of extreme carousels, just swim on the boat on the river. Children - in Ipanaario, ride trains, magic wheel and so on. This part of the park works in the warm season.

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Also, in this park there is a dolphinarium, aquarium, a planetarium, an observation tower of Nyasinneul with a spinning restaurant, which can be read here http://gid.turtella.ru/finland/tampere/sights/1144349/ And the Sarah Hilden Art Museum. Särkänniemi Planetarium (Särkänniemi Planetarium) is a modern entertainment with multimedia technologies, huge screens and all other things -dent spectacular show.

Särkänniemi Dolphinarium Dolphänniemi - Another interesting place in this amusement park.

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It seems to be the most northern dolphinarium in the world. There are few dolphins (five, it seems), which come to visitors and rejoice in life. These shows are truly interesting and funny. Feeding dolphins is another separate show.

Särkänniemi Aquarium Aquarium Contains about three thousand fish and waterfowl, which live in the waters of Finland. There is also ankvaterrarium where mangrove trees grow.

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There live all sorts of fish and who else can live in general. Every half an hour here is satisfied with the imitation of a tropical thunderstorm. But in general, if you compare with the Helsinki "Sea Life", then this, in Tampere, is a little losing.

Look at the younger generation in Children's Zoo Särkänniemi Children's Zoo.

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About 200 animals of different kinds of rabbits, pony, dogs live in the zoo. Some of them can be stroked and fed. And in this zoo there is a playground with trampolines, swings, small slides and all such. And on the paths of the park, the animators in the growth dolls are cutting. The park works from mid-May to the end of August.

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What else is interesting, children at the entrance to the water park give stickers on which his name and your phone number are written. In case the kid flies to get lost. You can come to this park, even with pets - for them there is even a separate cafe. Normally finally?

This park is on the banks of Nyasijairvi. You can reach the bus number 20 to Särkänniemi stop. Read the work schedule here: http://www.sarkanniemi.fi. As for tickets, different options are possible, depending on how many parts of the park you would like to visit. If you buy a ticket to the park at the same time with accommodation in a nearby hotel, then save.

Brewery in Nokia

What entertainment is in Tampere? 10323_8

This is a private Finnish brewery, which is located in the town of Nokia, next to Tampere. This brewery was built about 20 years ago, and today there are more than 2.5 million liters of beer every year. Beer with a pleasant kitty, cooked from Finnish malt and Czech hop, definitely worth a try. When brewing, a store works (on weekdays from 9.00 - 17.00)

Address: Nuijamiestie 17, Nokia

Moomy Trolley Valley

What entertainment is in Tampere? 10323_9

This place is fully dedicated to the most famous work of the Finnish writer Tuva Jansson. Well, you understood that I am talking about mumy trolls. Many at all come to this town only because of this museum. Those who grew up on these cruel fairy tales. The collection of this museum is about 1000 illustrations of the writer, sketches and so on. But the most of all the blue five-storey house of Mooma Trolli, a house with a human growth in which the Mumi-Trollea family "lives". This house is some semi-Italian, half-Scandinavian, and even a little Russian. On the roof of the house-spires, mumi-dads - in the form of a ship's feed (because once he was a sailor, in a fairy tale). You can view each room of this house, because the house is made in the context. Very nice basement with reserves of mermi-mummies jam. Locks of the house are made according to the sketches of the writer itself, and the house she did it herself.

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What entertainment is in Tampere? 10323_11

There are in the museum and other layouts, but that house is definitely the best. Here and the tent of Sniffa, and the raft, on which the friends of Moomin-Troll swam on the journey, and the Bar Mumi Pope, and everything else. Something I doubt that modern children are generally aware of these heroes, but adults are manned in a museum with completely happy eyes. There is still a museum shop. Souvenirs, of course, everything is in the subject. Including children's clothing with pictures with mumi family.

Near the entrance to the museum is the touching figure of the Mooma Trol. You can be photographed with it, and for some reason it is impossible inside the photograph (well, maybe now it is possible, before it was impossible). In the museum you will give a brochure in Russian (if you suddenly forgot the fairy tales).

Address: Hämeenpuisto 20

Also, you can go stroll in "Working Quarter Amuri".

What entertainment is in Tampere? 10323_12

Rossian with old buildings and a completely unusual and mysterious atmosphere. Here and the old store of the shoemaker of the beginning of the last century, and the bakery, which worked until the 1930s, the stationery, old haberdashery and apartments. Such a typical working quarter, all in the original places and in the same condition. The only construction of a little later is a building with a public sauna. This quarter is open to view and walks at the beginning of May, and closed in the middle or late September, and you can visit it from 10 am to 6 pm.

Address: Satakunnankatu 49 (we are going on the bus 27 and 28 to Sotkankatu stop)

Well, and just great walk in the city. Come go Bridge Hämeensitt built back in 1929 and decorated with interesting statues.

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Stroll by Main Square Tampere, At which there are buildings built in the late 19th - early 20 century-town, the house of Siberia and the house of the Palander. And in general, many buildings in the city are built from red bricks, it somehow striking.

What entertainment is in Tampere? 10323_14

And in Tampere, excellent shopping, good Chinese restaurants in the city center. Definitely, worth visiting!

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