Is it worth going with children to Sri Lanka?


Sri Lanka is a wonderful place to relax with children. There are all the conditions for this: hotels do not take a fee for the placement of preschool children, excellent sandy beaches, all inclusive hotels and having children's focus, fruit abundance, exotic animals and of course a rich excursion program that will not give you To bother.

But, resting with the child on Sri Lanka, it is necessary to always remember that you are resting on the Indian Ocean, and these are waves, never leave your children near the water unattended. Yes, and be always the most accurately battle in it, sometimes, underwater flows can take the depth and get out of there without the help of rescuers will be extremely difficult.

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Beach on Sri Lanka.

When is it best to go with a child on Sri Lanka?

The climate on Sri Lanka is such that you can relax all year round, it is always warm here. But I would advise you to go here with a child from November to the end of April. It is at this time that the air temperature is most optimal +28, and the water temperature is +25. Very comfortable combination. If there is a desire to come to Sri Lanka at another time, you need to know that from May to October, the rainy season begins here. It does not mean that rain will be constantly, as a rule, his character is short-term, if your holiday is not a hindrance, you can safely plan your vacation in these months.

Resorts that are suitable for recreation with children.

1. Arugam-Bay: This resort is considered the best for recreation with children, here are long and wide beaches, little waves. The place is surrounded by a rainforest and picturesque lakes.

2. Unawatuna: a very calm resort, the main public here is the elderly and families with children, the beaches here are shallow and because of the reefs there are no waves.

3. Trincomali: a great place, located in the bay in connection with the sea here is quiet and calm. This place in itself is unique, here are hot springs in which you can swim.

4. Vadduva: This resort town is also protected by reef from waves.

5. Bentota: The most popular resort among tourists, tourist infrastructure is widely developed here, it is perfect for active parents who are not looking for themselves and their child a calm type of rest, but in this place there are quite strong waves.

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Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a great place to show the child all the beauty of nature, to acquaint him with interesting exotic animals, opportunities in this country for such excursions Great many, here is a small list of the most interesting.

Places are interesting for visiting with children.

1. Elephant nursery Pinnavel is a place where elephants live here, they come here from adverse conditions, the employees of the nursery have animals help, feed, sing. At the moment, about 50 adult elephants live in the nursery. With these animals, you can take a picture, touch and even feed the bananas.

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Elephant nursery

2. The turtle farm - 8 types of turtles live here. Today, these animals on the planet are becoming less and less, so this farm has been created on Sri Lanka to avoid extinction of turtles, save their appearance and multiply.

3. National Parks - on Sri Lanka of them 5: Vambamuva, Bundala, Botavalava, Sygarada, Wilpat. Each of them should be visited, to get acquainted with the local nature, take a walk in the evergreen forest, see the rare types of plants and colors.

4. Walk through the tropical jungle - a similar journey will be remembered for a long time and your children. Here you can see such funny animals as slogans, they are very harmless and manual, accustomed to a large number of tourists every day. Also, you can see monkeys, but when you meet with them, it is worth watching your things - they are still those thieves. If you take something, it will not be possible to pick up. There were cases when they specially satisfied the whole performance to steal the cherished banana, glasses or something brilliant of the handbag.

5. Sri Lanka waterfalls - a very exciting spectacle, fascinating. The most famous waterfall on Sri Lanka is the "Fata of the Bride", it is he who is considered the longest waterfall in the world. It is necessary to look at it.

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