What is worth looking at Maribor?


Maribor, the second largest after the capital of Ljubljana Slovenian city, spread on both sides of the River Drava, on the very border with Austria. The most popular among tourists is located just five kilometers from the city of Mountain, the largest and most popular ski resort of Slovenia. However, and in the maribor itself there is something to see and what to do.

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Main Square Maribor

The main square of Maribor, the heart of this Slovenian city, known since the XIV century earlier called the market. Here are the City Town Hall, the Church of St. Aloyia, archives, as well as houses of rich maritarians of the beginning of the 20th century. To this day, there are tents here, in which they sell flowers, homemade wine, mushrooms, berries and vegetables.

Church of Saint Aloyia

The Church of St. Aloie is one of the most beautiful buildings on the main square of the city. It was built in the XVIII century in the style of Baroque, her facade decorate the statues of St. Andrew and Paul, and inside - the image of Saint Aloie. At one time, the church was turned into a weapon warehouse, but later, returning a religious status, became one of the most visited churches of Maribor.

Plague Maribor Pillar

A plague pillar or a plague column is located in the heart of the city on the main square opposite the city's town hall. Construction traditional for many European cities, reminiscent of the epidemics of the bubonic plague, which has taken the life of a third of the inhabitants of Maribor. The plague column is made in the style of Baroque, it is crowned by the statue of the Virgin Mary, the column itself is surrounded by the statues of saints.

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Maribor Castle

Maribor Castle is one of the main attractions of the city, practically not changed its appearance from the XV century. The snow-white castle, in appearance, more resembling the palace, combining various architectural styles, was built to strengthen the fortress wall of the city from the Northeast. With external conciseness, the interiors of the castle are striking the puff of the finish. Here is an abundance of stucco, and frescoes, and paintings on the walls. The castle is often becoming a place for marriage ceremonies and concerts, the local history museum is also located here. In the castle, you can climb the viewing platform, from which views of the surrounding areas: Castle, General Machetra and Freedom.

Statue of St. Floriana

It is believed that Saint Florian, the patron of Maribor, protects the city from fire, floods and other troubles. Therefore, the statue set on the Castle Square in the XVIII century and looking directly to the gate of Maribor Castle, was designed to guard the city from numerous fires, threatening wooden buildings, of which and was previously the city.

Franciscan church

Maribor's Franciscan Church can be called one of the most beautiful monuments of the architecture of the city. Basilica of red bricks with three nefams and two bell tents was rebuilt from the Kapuchin monastery and the church of the gracious Virgin by the Viennese architect at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. Inside the church can admire the magnificent organ, frescoes and stained glass.

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Town Hall Square

The Town Hall Square is one of the most tiny places of maribor. She is behind the City Town Hall. Previously, the business life of the city was concentrated here, deals were concluded, trading went, in the Middle Ages even conducted executions, and later, during the time of Austria-Hungary, bins were held on the square.

Embankment tapes

Thanks to the beauty of Maribor's embankment, with its bridges and red tiled roofs of buildings nearby, the city is sometimes called Draravaya Venice. It is nice to walk on a hot summer day, feed the snow-white swans and numerous ducks, watch the smooth bends of the diagram. It is here that various festivals are held, for example, alternative music in the summer or wine festival in the fall.

River Drava and Old Dravsky Bridge

The old bridge over the Drave was built in the early twentieth century and was considered one of the most beautiful bridges of Austria-Hungary. To this day, he is the main bridge of the city. Previously, the front of the bridge was located the city pier, now it is one of the most attractive places for walking for both tourists and locals.

Water Tower Maribor

The water tower near the river Drava was built to protect against Turkish raids, creating a defensive line of the city right near the river. The construction was very beautiful and loved by marivaruses. Therefore, when in the twentieth century in Maribor, Zlatolich's power station was built and because of the dam, the water level in the river began to rise and threaten the tower by destruction, the townspeople built a half-meter base for her by setting the tower on it.

Monument to national liberation

On the Square of Freedom, there is a monument to national liberation - a bronze ball, which the Mariborians themselves call the "coyak" in honor of the hero of the American series about policemen, whose bald head causes their associations with a monument. The monument itself is established in memory of the shot Slovenians during the Second World War. It was carved by copies of the shot orders of prisoners and rebels, their photos, as well as a farewell letter of the rebel to death named Jerz Fluux.

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Slomshkova Square

Slomshkova Square is named so in honor of Slovenian bishop Anton Martin Slomshek. Here is the Gothic Light Column, the National Theater, as well as many hotels, restaurants and marborine bars.

Cathedral of St. John the Baptist

There is a Cathedral on Slomshkova Square and is the main Catholic temple in Maribor. Built initially in the Romanesque style, later the gothic elements were added to the architecture of the cathedral, the lateral chapels are brightly pronounced baroque features. The height of the cathedral bell tower, rebuilt at the end of the XVIII century, is 57 meters today. The temple stores the remains of the bishop of the broom, ranging from the blessed faces.

Manor Betnava

Manor Betnava, located on the outskirts of Maribor, was before the summer residence of Bishop Maribor and was a palace with a temple, chapel and cemetery. The building was performed in the Florentine style Neurokko and surrounded by the English Park.

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