How much is a vacation in Sri Lanka?


Wherever the tourist was driving, he is always interested in the average cost of rest. In this article, we will talk about how much vacation on Sri Lanka will cost.

From many sources you can hear that it is possible to relax in Sri Lanka. Yes, it is so, but if you do not think about luxury. In fact, not everything is so simple.

So. If you buy a ticket for two weeks, in a three-star hotel with breakfasts per season, then it will cost about $ 2500-2700 for two with a flight.

How much is a vacation in Sri Lanka? 10306_1

In the rainy season, prices fall almost 50%.

If you fly yourself, buying tickets, then sometimes you can save. But sometimes it goes more and more expensive than buying a ticket.

Excursions cost from 50 to 250 dollars, depending on the duration and distance. In two weeks, you can have time to visit everything that you can, but at the same time, there will be almost no time to ocean.

As a rule, on average, tourist on the excursion spends 200 - 300 dollars per one. And the further destination, the cost of the excursion.

It goes on average 40-60 dollars a day for two.

How much is a vacation in Sri Lanka? 10306_2

This amount includes lunch, breakfast and dinner, as well as all sorts of snacks and drinks. You can, of course, eat cheaper - who is more suitable.

How much is a vacation in Sri Lanka? 10306_3

Everyone spends every single souvenirs as much as it will consider it necessary, so talking about how much money the purchase of souvenirs will be inappropriate.

If you calculate the amount, then buying a ticket for the season, in a three-star hotel with breakfasts, in some places saving and not eating daily in restaurants, then there will be about $ 3,700-4,000 for two.

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