Impressions about the city of Kamenetz-Podolsky.


I stayed in the city of Kamenets-Podolsky, Khmelnitsky region, for a week. Honestly, it is best to come there for one day, to include an excursion as an object by the region. The city is beautiful, but neglected. Grass in the parks (there are quite a lot of them for such a town) - by head. Of interest is only the old town with a fortress. In the center of the old town - Town Hall,

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Further - hotel (very expensive),

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Church of St. Peter and Paul,

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Greek Catholic Church,

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And the road with the bridge on the fortress itself. The road is lined with a paving.

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On the way to the old city there is a beautiful park with a lake, swans, from the lake water Cascade flows into the canyon. Little fountainists are also interesting in this park, which in the dark is highlighted by different colors.

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The canyon is deep and beautiful, it is worth seeing what nature is capable of, in general, you can organize a tour of the river in the vicinity of the city, such a beauty of nature as there, I have not seen!

On the canyon and the river flowing there, by the way, you can ride the all-terrain vehicle.

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The old fortress is impressive, at the entrance there is a long pit, where they threw the debtors, there is a man's lion. There is a carmelyuk tower, where he served concluding, there is also a milyan, a little terrible. Inside the fortress there is a thematic cafe, where we were treated with a very tasty honey. The entrance to the fortress from an adult during our trip was - 20 UAH., From a student or child - 10 UAH. You can also go down to one of the dungeons of the fortress.

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In the church of St. Peter and Paul is a sculpture of sleeping laur, daughters of Polish magnates, which died in his youth. When you pass through the gate of the church, then you need to make a desire, and it will surely come true.

In one of the parks, there is a stone of lovers, who touched him will definitely find their love or will establish a relationship with his beloved.

There are in Kamenets-Podolsky and monuments of the Soviet era - tank, and signs with names, those who heroically died, defending the city during the Great Patriotic War. Also before the tank burns the eternal flame.

I liked the cafe "Kava at the Politzmester", decorated with old objects: Iron, forks, letters, glasses, etc., very tasty coffee there.

Everywhere, except the museum in the town hall and the fortress itself - the entrance is free.

The city is interesting, there is something to see.

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