What excursions worth visiting in Lourdes?


The easiest way to get acquainted with Lourdes, perhaps a 45-minute trip on the pretty Tourist train which brings tourists on the old city streets, allowing you to get acquainted with its main attractions.

Although it is possible, of course, and order Overview Pedestrian City Tour in the local tourist bureau or Excursion by Sanctuary In the pilgrimage department. True, problems may arise if you do not take care in advance. In Lourdes, several million pilgrims and tourists arrive annually, so such events as holy excursions, it is better to plan in advance and, for example, to book a pilgrimage selection site or clarify the possibility of holding on the phone. Although on the other hand, the Lourdes do not differ in large sizes, very detailed guidebooks are sold everywhere, the pointers are sold for the convenience of arriving, so that independent acquaintance with the city can also be very successful (we, by the way, during your visit to Lourda And, frankly, they did not regret, as they watched exactly what was interesting first and spent so much time as needed). But it all decides for himself.

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It is worth the Lourdes walk and in the evening, when there is an evening service, mass chariters with candles are organized and the entire sanctuary turns into something sacred and unimaginable.

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If you decide to stay in Lourdes at least a couple of days, I am very advised to ride around the surrounding area, because there are a lot of interesting places that affect the beauty of nature or intriguing your history. This can be done both independently and as part of an organized excursion group, posting in the local tourist bureau.

Among the routes offered to the latter, you can find not only traditional trips to a city or historical area, but also very interesting trips that combine a bus and pedestrian part, during which you can experience the beauty and exciting power of Pyrenees.

So, one of the programs called "Mountain pass" includes moving along Campan and La Mongie valleys, a short, but the exciting climbing on the peak du Midi de Bigor, the passage of Du Tourmal, famous thanks to the site Tour de France passing there, rise to Du Soulor and descent to Caves Betharram. The day resulting in very saturated, and emotions at the end of the journey at least fade. The advantage of organized exit is here to obtain a large amount of information and impressions in one day. Indeed, in principle, it will be very difficult to overcome the same distance in one day, if you do not know very well this region.

But this is not the only mountain route that it is possible to overcome, being in Lourdes. So, you can still go to Pyrenees National Park , on the border of France and Spain and climb the climbing on 3000 meters above sea level Mont-Perdu array. By the south of him, you can see the amazing canyons of Ordesa, Aniscle and Pineta, and in the north there are picturesque wooded, and even you can say, the virgin arrays of Gavarnie and Estaube. It must be said that all this territory is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, its nature is guarded, and travel there is better on specially designated paths under the guidance of experienced guides or guides. And although you, of course, can go conquer, for example, the famous Massive Gavarini Alone, only those who visited there can be repeatedly showing all the delights of this area. Thus, the main pearl of the array is considered a beautiful waterfall with the same name - a gavariny, an increasing powerful stream from a height of 422 meters (it is at an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level) and for a long time considered the largest in Europe.

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At his foot, he originates no less beautiful mountain river Gav de-Po, and there are snow-white rocks around the races, which trust the magnificent panoramic picture of this area. If you still decide to go there yourself, you need to drive to the village of Gavarini. Directly from its outskirts begins a pedestrian trail, which in about an hour and a half of a leisurely walk will be able to take into the very heart of this reserve and amazing zone (which, by the way, is often called a gavari circus, or Cirque de Gavarnie.

Yes, and more. If you suddenly doubt in our capabilities of pedestrian ascent, it is possible to do it on a horse (such routes also offer, and a horse can be rented in that very village), and in winter it is often possible to see skiers, descending from the slopes. So the place is very and very attractive for dating at all times of the year.

Another excellent direction for a tour of Lourdes can be a small village Kotra (Cauterets), wounded in the Pyrenees. There you can also endlessly admire the exciting landscapes, stroll through the ancient arched bridge built through a quick mountain river and located at the very border of the Perineyev National Park, see picturesque landscapes and enjoy the indescribable clean mountain air. By the way, this area is famous not only thanks to its fabulous landscapes, but also thanks to the thermal sources located there, in demand by ski slopes and delicious candy "Berlingot", without which no knowledgeable traveler is leaving. And of course it is impossible not to mention the beautiful near the village Lake Gaube. Located at an altitude of more than 300 meters above sea level and preserved an ancient guest house on one of its shores, in which many famous personalities have stopped over a hundred years ago.

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Again, advise to go on such a route with a group or with an individual guide, although if you have a personal car and you know French well (his southern accent first), you can also try to overcome this route and independently.

Do not forget that Lourdes is still a French city. And here, as in other regions of the country, the gastronomic traditions are very much. So if you do not imagine your life without delicacies and good wine, you can recommend you to go to Gastronomic Tour . It usually includes visiting local vineyards, familiarity with the history of winemaking and the process of cooking various varieties of wine, as well as tasting this product and traditional dinner or lunch.

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