What is worth looking in Fethiye?


Fethiye - the port city in the bay of the Bay Fethiye.

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This is a very beautiful city surrounded by forests, excellent beaches and good infrastructure for tourists. Fethiye is a very old town. Once it was called Telmes, well, the current name is the city in honor of the famous Turkish pilot.

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It is worth noting that some historical buildings were destroyed during earthquakes in the mid-19th and 20th century.

Fethiye are beautiful beaches, rich nature, calm sea. By the way, about the beaches - in five km north-east of Fethiye, the beach of Calis is located, and if you drive 8 km south, you will find a chic Beach Oludeniz - "blue Lagoon".

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Fethiye "hug" high picturesque mountains, so lovers of paragliding come here - this is a descent on Paraglider. The most famous mountain for this sport - Babadag.

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Visit City Museum Fethiye.

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Exhibits in the collections of the museum were found on the territory of Fethiye and the surrounding area of ​​Tlos and Leonton. There are a lot of archaeological finds here, which prove that it is this area and these cities were once very rich and prosperous (and ranked in 2000 to our era).

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Also in the museum you can see beautiful tombs, fragments of urban ancient buildings, pieces of mosaic and so on.

Village kayakyai

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What is worth looking in Fethiye? 10253_8

This settlement is 8 km from Fethiye. This is now a non-residential abandoned settlement. When it was formed, it is definitely impossible to say, but from the 18th century the Greeks lived here. However, in 1923, all the Greeks were evicted, and the Macedonians settled in the village, who, too, moved closer to the seafront. And now, about three and a half thousand houses, three churches and other buildings today are a tourist attraction. By the way, the church is very beautiful, it was built in the late 19th century, and most of all it is impressive with mosaics and marble ornaments. Interestingly, when the Greeks ran out of the city, they took with them the skull of their dead relatives, and they were folded in one of the buildings of the church courtyard - they are still there. Scorn!

Lycian tombs

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What is worth looking in Fethiye? 10253_10

Perhaps the main attraction of Fethiye. These burials are dated 4 centuries BC. These tomb are huge stone structures. The most famous burial is the Ainda Tomb: this is a platform in a rock with a portion, two beautiful columns and Greek inscriptions, to which the staircase leads. There is another tomb - a rectangular shape, with a lid in the Gothic style, decorated with reliefs with the scenes of wars, and arches on the sides. Apparently decorations on the lid are talking about the buried inside the person.

Twelve islands

In general, the crowds of tourists are regularly taken to these islands from Fethiye, and this is one of the favorite excursions. You can, of course, to rent a motorboat, but, in my opinion, it is better to ride under the supervision of a guide. These islands are all different sizes, very picturesque, green, with sandy and pebble beaches. On some of them, there were parts of the stone shipyards, where the pirated ships were stopped and repaired. As a rule, first tourists bring to the Knight's island, right opposite Fethiye.

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Once there are tranquility of the sea section Rhodes Knights - hence the name. On the island today there is a cafe, a hotel and a couple of cottages. Locals are inserted to the island on the Dolmoshev boat. Then you can get to the island of Kyzilada (Red Island). He nicknamed, because coastal pebbles and sand at sunset begins to completely remove the reddish. Only old lighthouse stands on the island. The best place for swimming is the factory. Delictash Island is north-west, and it makes up a few tiny closely located isochkov. This is a great place to diving. Yasseja Island again, consists of four kids - islets, which can be easily accumulated, because the distance between the most near-about 12 meters.

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A great place for swimming-changing, which goes into the sea, and the natural pool on the largest of these islands. Further, Zeytin Island is looking back to the north of Yasserge. It seems like, whose private property. On the island built a bid for the production of olive oil, and it works for quite a long time.

Tersan Island is the largest of twelve.

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Once upon him, the Greeks lived on it, and when they were deported, a couple of old houses were left on the island and the church, well, and the ruins of the fortress. Previously, trials were built in the bays of this island, so sometimes this piece of sushi is called Vefi Island. By the way, the bay of the island is so tiny, which is more like a lake. Tasht Tashtya in the north-west of the island is known for its weak drawings of the modern period.

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The island of Domuz is also called the "Island of the Prince". Earlier, wild boars lived on the island - now there are almost no them. Göbyun Bay in the north is very picturesque, narrow, like a corridor, with olive and pine trees on the sides. Also on the island there are ancient ruins and tombs in the rocks. True, at the excursion, the visit of these ancient places is more often. In Hamam Bay, they are often moored for overnight, well, or in order to admire the ruins of the Byzantine monastery. Also, many tourists love to climb to Mount Javans to lay on the ruins of the ancient city of Lidai.

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There is a bay of Cleopatra baths with a luxurious dark blue water. There is a hot underwater spring, whose water has beneficial properties. Of course, this attraction is attributed to the mistress of Anthony and Cleopatre (they say, the bay of this is a gift from the fatal beauty. Yeah, well, well). Next, you can stumble upon a group of islands (very close to each other), in the center of the largest of which is a salted lake.

Butterfly Valley (Kemebecler Vadisi)

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What is worth looking in Fethiye? 10253_17

Excursions from Fethiye are sent to this valley. It is located this place in the western part of the Bay of Belzeiz, and here you can only swim around the sea. Rare tiger butterflies and some other beautiful butterflies live in the forests of these mountains. Since 1995, this valley has been proclaimed by the reserve, and today it is completely closed for buildings. To admire with adorable creatures, you will have to go cool up the not very comfortable stony road. And in this valley there are many beautiful waterfalls.

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