Features of rest in Marsaiskale


Marsascla ( Marsaskala. or briefly: M'Skala. ) - A small seaside village in the southeastern part of Malta, which grew around a small (long and narrow) Bay of Marsaskala Bay. The bay is protected from the north of Ras Iż-żonqor, the south-east "angle" of Malta, and from the south - Cape Ras Il-Gżira.

The name of the village comes from the word "Marsa" (translated as "port") and "sqalli" (which means "Sicilian"). It is believed that Sicilian fishermen often had here, because Malta is just 60 miles (97 kilometers) south of Sicily. However, there are various opinions about the origin of the name Marsaskala. For example, the Arab word "Marsa" means the bay, the "rock" also means "narrow straight staircase". Therefore, this name is characterized by the shape of the bay of Marsasca Bay. So, who, as you like, he treats.

For the Maltese Marsales themselves is better known as WIED IL-GħAJN That is, as an old small village between the two valleys, along which spring water flows into the inner bay. "Wied" means "valley", and "GħAJN" (pronounced "Ain") translates as spring fresh water. Literally, Wied Il-Għajn means "Spring Valley".

The village stretches along both sides of the bay, as well as along the most part of the Il-ħamrija stream leading to Il-Ponta Tal Gzir. Coast north of Ras Iż-żonqor fully consists of low cliffs with frequent ledge.

The population of the village is small, about 12 thousand people (statistics for 2013), but during the summer holidays, this number increases to about 20 thousand. Naturally, at the expense of foreign tourists, as well as Maltese, owners of summer apartments who want to hold a quiet and peaceful vacation by the sea.

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Interesting story. In 2003, an archaeologist-amateur from the USA Bob Cornuk (Bob Cornuke) caused controversy in society, having released a book called " Lost shipwreck spot of St. Paul " Bob Cornk is known as not exactly the usual biblical archaeologist. He is a former policeman, and now in many ways trying to imitate Indiana Jones. Moreover, Bob believes that he found the "real mountain Ararat", "real Mount Sinai", and is already engaged in the search for a lost ark, as well as the chariots of Pharaoh Ramses II in the Red Sea. But this is so, the retreat.

So, Bob Cornk in his book argues that the apostle Paul suffered shipwreck in St. Thomas Bay, in Marsaiskale. The archaeologist researcher says that the allegedly knows the Maltese fisherman who owns antichny lead anchors, which were allegedly taken from the ship of the Apostle Paul. Cornk justifies his arguments because the anchors were found not in the bay of San Paul Bay (as it is believed), but at the other end of the island.

It all led to long litigation, since the fisherman did not want to give his name and clarify the details known to him. Indeed, according to the laws of Malta on antiques, the ownership of the private person with these antique anchors may entail a long prison sentence. In short, the story is long, but the fact is that the court forbade the dissemination of the book of Bob Cornka "The lost place of shipwreck of St. Paul." However, by this time the book was already on bookstores and was available in free sale.

Later, the claims of Bob Cornka were refuted by other experts. But nevertheless, the Maltese government still remains dissatisfied. And not even due to the fact that this book was published without permission. The main disappointment is that according to the "new trend" the ship with the apostle Paul suffered a shipwreck not near the Island of St. Paul, in the north-western part of Malta Island, now known as the Bay of St. Paul (St. Paul's Bay), and in another part of the island . But this bay in the city of Aura is a very popular place to attract tourists from around the world. And in many ways it is connected with the Apostle Pavl.

So, as you can see, it seems to be a big village on the outskirts of Malta, and what big resonance has in the world. This is not a reason to come here and "plunge" in history. And what is the sin to hide, try to independently understand the secrets of the historical past ...

But come back to modern realities.

As for Marsaiskala directly, this small village is known for the whole island with its excellent restaurants (mainly fish), in which, naturally, fresh fish and seafood are served. Moreover, it's all the same, not far away, in the coastal Maltese waters of the Mediterranean. Marsaiskala - if so you can put it, the capital of the seaside cuisine. People come here from all over the island only to taste unsurpassed fish dishes.

Moreover, it is in Marsa who is located the most famous fish restaurant in Malta. If I don't confuse anything, then he is on the street Methsud Bonnichi, 1 and called " Grabiel».

Currently, the town is very intensively developing, forming around the harbor. And in the harbor it is moored or floats simply the inconspicuous number of traditional and colorful Maltese boats - Lutszi.

Near Marsascus are located although stony but quite pleasant beaches. But the beach on St. Thomas Bay is considered the most magnificent and calm, called Magen Bay . There is a bar, snack bar, a cafe and one of one of the best on the island of a shop for beachwear. But the most important thing is the magnificent white sand!

In Malta, it stands dear.

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In general, the climate in Marsaiskale is traditionally Mediterranean for Malta. Always warm. Even winter is soft and warm, the average daily temperature in January is about + 15 ° C (and the water temperature does not fall lower than + 14 ° C). The hottest months are July and August. During these months, the air warms up to + 30 ° C (although I note that at noon, the air temperature can reach + 38 ° C - verified), and, given the increased humidity, is really hot and not always comfortable. Water is also warm, heats up to + 25 ° C. The bathing season in these parts lasts from May to October (and for our tourists - from April to November).

What else to do in Marsaiskale?

Here, in addition to restaurants, there are a lot of bars, also very active nightlife, as there are many nightclubs. There is also your cinema. Be sure to walk along the embankment, look there in souvenir shops.

For children's holidays built a magnificent playground.

At the end, it is worth noting that there are many interesting archaeological sights of Malta near Marsaiskala, and another, no less than a delightful fishing village, Marsachlock.

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