What is worth looking in Kusadasa?


Kusadasi is a small, but rather popular resort town at one and a half hours from Izmir.

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Kusadasi are modern hotels, bars, restaurants.

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All this is the coast of the cozy bay. The town is also with a long history. Scientists suggest that people lived here for another 3000 years before our era! Well, it is called the town so, because migratory birds landed in the bay, "Kusadasi" means "bird island". The heyday of the tourist business occurred with the city 30 years ago and continues to this day. And all because Kusadasi is a luxurious harbor, good nightlife, excellent beaches.

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But what are the sights here.

Caravanserai Caravanserai

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Caravan-Saray - Parking for travelers in the city or on the road. Usually these structures were intended for shopping caravans. In Kusadasa, this design dates back to the 16th century. With wide walls, stone stairs, towers and strong iron gates, the courtyard with a fountainic - this place was perfect for tired merchants who followed the Great Silk Road from the Black Sea to Mediterranean cities. In the 60s of the 20th century, this design was reanimated, as it had already descended, and the initial features gave it. Today you can come here to relax in the shade of trees, listen to the singing of birds, become a guest of the entertainment program - music and folk dances.

Ephesus (Ephesus)

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Ephesus is an ancient city, a little south of modern Izmir and West Selchuk a. That is, very close to the Kusadasami, so I write about this place here. Ephesis was founded in the second century BC, again, on the trading path - maritime, and caravan paths were crossed. At the time of the Roman Empire, the town reached the greatest heyday, so, most of the buildings and artifacts found on this territory are given exactly this period.

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The city was so rich that they did not even build fortress walls, hoping only on the authority of their temples and politicians. By the 2nd half of the III century, the town captured Goths, and Ephesus began to decline, and when Ephesus came to the power of the Ottoman Empire, he was also forgotten and thrown at all. But today - this is one of the favorite tourist attractions. In the center of the ancient city - an antique theater, where when he could fit up to 24,000 spectators. The temple of Adrian, named after the emperor; The Celsius Library with 12,000 parchment scrolls, Fountain Trajan, the temple of the Egyptian god fertility of Serapis, Ruins of Nymphi - Sanctuary Nymph and ruins of residential buildings.

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Near the ancient city stands Mountain (Sokolina Mountain), where the house of the Virgin Mary-Christian shrine is located. It is believed that it was in Ephesus Virgin Mary who lived his last years, and he took her Jesus Christ from here (Virgin Mary's Assumption). The house is almost on top of the mountain, and it can be reached by narrower serpentine. In front of the house there was a monument to the Virgin Mary from Bronze. In a small temple on the floor are carpets, which is quite interesting.

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Returning to the theater, it is worth noting that every year festivals are held here, and it's great to get ready to take pictures of ancient Ephesus.

Mountain Peony (Panayir Dagi)

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Panayir Dagi Mountain is located next to Kusadas. The height of this cliff is 155 meters, and this is a wonderful natural observation deck. This mountain is located in the territory of the National Park. Almost the entire Mountain of Mediterranean Mackey (such evergreen bushes). And here the plant is growing rare for such an area - the Oak Padoliste. Moreover, the oak is high, more than 10 meters in height, so that it is visible from afar. Otherwise, the mountain is covered with cypresses, maples, pines, lavro and oleandra. But the main value of this mountain is that on one of its slope, from the northeast, is the most famous cave of seven sleeping.

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There is a legend that seven young people from Ephesus were lit alive in the years of the terrible persecution of Christians in the 2nd century. Then, 200 years later, the stones that the entrance to the cave littered during the earthquake, and the surprised locals found that these guys, in fact, were still alive, the truth was in a deep dream.

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The locals decided that God wanted to return the faith of Christians in a wonderful Sunday. After, waking up and lived out for a time, these seven died, the emperor Feodosius ordered them to grieve them in the same cave and build a Pilgrim fortress in their memory.

Dick National Park

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This beautiful park is located near the resort of Kusadasi. Unfortunately, most of the park is now closed to visit tourists. But there is an open 10-kilometer cut of the road that can be visited. It passes by four beautiful pebble beaches. Walking on this road, you can enjoy the beauty of landscapes, breathe the aroma of brown groves, admire the plants. By the way, Anatolian Cheetahs and Wild Horses live in this park - the only remaining Turkey. So, you can imagine how the preservation of the reserve is shaking.

Pigeon Island (Pigeon Island)

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This island has become a symbol of Kusadasov. Island picturesque, green. But, first of all, this piece of sushi is famous for its ruins of the Genoese Fortress. And there are a couple of restaurants on it. The island has become called, because on it, like on the shores of the resort, migratory birds "hanging" in a certain season. That is, they literally completely covered it. By the way, there is an old big pigeon on the island. In some period, the island was part of the Kusadasov and even called Güvergin, which means "pigeon".

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The island has always been extremely important for Kusadasov. First, he guarded the shore of the city and the soldiers began to protect their native expanses. On the island there is a seaport, although he is now and now, and sometimes takes big ships. Although for the most part, today there are mooring and tourist boats. The fortress on the island was built by Venetians and the Genoese in the 16th century.

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With thick walls and powerful towers, the fortress has long defended the town until once captured the pirates and plundered all the values. Pirates settled in the fortress thoroughly, they robbed local ships, captured the seafarers in captivity and sold them as slaves in the Istanbul slave markets. Because of this, the fortress even called the "Pirate Castle".

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When finally pirates were driven out of the fortress, the fort again stood up for the protection of Kusadasov. Although by that time was not necessary to defend themselves. The fortress came into decline and became only a landmark. And its central part is a museum.

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Today there is also a cafe, restaurant and club, and a floral greenhouse. Excursions to the island are quite popular among tourists. With the center of the resort, this island is connected by a long dam and a bulk road. From the coast only 350 meters. Well, the island beach is a close place for recreation and diving.

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