Where to go to the bursa and what to see?


Bursa is the fourth city in Turkey. It lives more than one and a half million inhabitants, mainly the Turks, although a lot of Greeks and Armenians lived here.

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The city with a rich history was founded in 202 to our era. He belonged to the Byzantine, and the Ottoman Empire, and the Greeks, changed the name from the bar on Bruss. And today, the Turks are called this city of Eshil Bursa (that is, "Green Bursa"). Because Bursa is true, very green city. Finally Turkish he became in 1922, and today Bursa is a pretty modern city, there is a subway, plants (Renault, for example), a tram line, universities, hotels, clubs. By the way, Bursa is a twin city with Ukrainian Poltava, Nikolaev and Vinnitsa. From the city center to the coast of the Marmara Sea - about half an hour. Istanbul - just over 3 hours of driving, so, unimportantly.

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Green Mosque and Green Mausoleum (Yesil Cami & Yesil TURBE) - One of the main attractions of the city. The mosque was built in the 15th century. Together with Mausoleum and Madrasa (Muslim educational institution), the mosque is a massive complex.

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The mosque was built about 10 years and finished by 1424. The mosque consists of two halls interconnected. One of them has a marble pool for ritual ablutions with small rooms on the sides. The central lounge is covered by several domes based on the walls that are associated in the form of a drum. A very beautiful mosque with a facade of white marble is impressive. The prayer Hall of the mosque is lined with green faience, windows - marble carvings, which can be found to the masterpiece of Ottoman art.

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Inside the mosque is bright, decorated with tiles (tile of burned clay) of blue, green, turquoise and blue colors, all this is spent with the Arabic rizu. Due to the fact that in general it seems that everyone is some kind of greenish inside the mosque, and nicknamed green, everything is simple. By the way, one of the masters who separated the building was Iranets, and it also influenced the style of her ornament to some extent. As for the green tomb, it was erected for Sultan Mehmed I Clalebi. The place for the tomb of Sultan chose in advance, and his dust transported 40 days after his death here, from another city. Mausoleum is also very beautiful, the sarcophagus is decorated with tiles of about the same shades as in the mosque.

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And in general, these buildings are similar in style. Next to the mausoleum are the tombs of his daughters and one of the sons. Outside, mausoleum is decorated with tiles of saturated turquoise color. In general, these two buildings are extremely popular and important. And how many tourists come here from different countries!

Ulu Jami Mosque (Ulu Camii) Or a big mosque - another structure that is worth seeing.

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He was erected here in honor of the victory of Sultan Bayazid I Yyldyryma (lightning room) and his troops at Nikopol on the Danube. There is a legend that in front of the battle of Sultan swore, that, in case of victory, he will build 20 mosques. However, after what happened, he realized that some plans were too extensive, and limited himself to the construction of one mosque. True, with 20 domes. Built the mosque for four years and opened the doors already in 1400. This magnificent building stands in the heart of the Old Town, next to the Bazas.

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It is worth noting that this mosque was the first building of the era of the influence of the Ottoman Empire, which was multi-pop and in Arab style. When the mosque has a fountain for ablutions, Michrab (prayer niche in the mosque wall), Minbar (Tribune in the mosque), phrases from the Quran written on the walls. Unfortunately, this beautiful temple has repeatedly robbed and destroyed. Once the building was strongly spoiled during the 1855 earthquake. I had to fall out then, so, the architect who was engaged in recovery, the Frenchman, by the way, "attributed" to the mosque of the Baroque elements (specifically, in the design of the inscriptions and decorations of minarets). It was somehow not very combined, but looked beautiful. However, at the end of the 19th century there was a fire that destroyed all his works, and the mosque had to restore.

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In the building of the mosque, you can see the support columns - 18 inside and 12 outside. There are three entries in the mosque. In the center - a marble fountain of three huge bowls one above the other - they are illuminated by the rays of light, penetrating through the round window in the dome right above this design. In total, the mosque is 192 huge calligraphic inscriptions that list 99 Allah names. Interestingly, walnut gates are made without a single nail. In general, the mosque building covers an area of ​​5000 sq.m., and this is the most majestic city building. There is this complex on Nalbantoğlu MH.

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Murad i Mosque (Muradiye Camii) - Another luxurious city building.

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It was built in the second half of the 14th century on the orders of Sultan Murad I and it consisted of various religious buildings. The mosque was built prisoners, and the chief architect is still unknown. It seems like, he was a prisoner Italian. The mosque is surrounded by a beautiful courtyard with cypresses and a fountain.

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Mosque with columns and four windows are built in the form of the letter T of brick. Inside, you can see several columns with carved capitals, and the ceiling is lined with a beautiful tile.

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On the walls of the mosque, you can see the Arab inscriptions and the golden altar, partially damaged. The mosque is so luxurious, which is more like some palace. The only minaret was attached later, and he looked like a tower, which were in those days in Italy (therefore, they suggested that the architect- Italian). The mosque is spacious, students for students are located on the second floor along the walls. In the garden you can admire ten tombs of Sultan and his family members. The Mausoleum of this (Turbean) was built after the death of Murad, by order of his son. Inside the mosque was illuminated by oil lamps, which were often led to the beginning of the fire, and had to repair everything without end and saving. It is also worth noting that almost all important thinkers of the city studied in Madrasa with this mosque. Look for this beauty at Muradiye Mah., 2. However, it's easier to even ask passersby.

In general, as you can see, traditions and modernity are getting around in a modern green town - very harmonious!

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