What interesting places should be visited in Bodrum?


One of the most popular Turkish resorts, Bodrum, modern and lively.

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Nature there, of course, the luxurious warm sea, clean beaches, rocks. Plus, developed tourist infrastructure, hotels, clubs and bars. The town of Pottit two, three-story white buildings and high fashion hotels.

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And, by the way, Bodrum is the old town. It was founded here more than a thousand years before our era! In Bodrum in 484 BC Herodotus was born. Throughout his long history, Bodrum worried up and falling off, it was robbed, rebuilding re-captured the infinite number of times and changed the name. All this to some extent affected the appearance of the town. There are a lot of historical attractions in the city, which I will write a little below:

Mausoleum Tsar Mawsola

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In the 4th century BC, Bodrum became the main city in the field and began to actively build up to turn into a royal residence. This case was filled by Mawsol, who during his lifetime began to build a mausoleum to honor his father and his family who made a lot in the development of this town. Moreover, for the construction of this building, he announced a competition for the best project. Almost all the most famous Greek architects were raised to build a structure, but two were chosen. This mausoleum became the fifth miracle of the world. It is decorated with bas-reliefs with images of mythical characters and marble figures.

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Moreover, Malsol himself died when the construction was in full swing. But the building was still completed, and built it quite durable, so that the Macedonian could not take the building a couple of ten years later. Or maybe just regretted, but it is unlikely. And later, the mausoleum stood even during the most terrible attacks. However, when an earthquake occurred in the 12th century, almost all the construction fell apart, and then the stones disassembled local residents for their needs, and then they built at the place of the ruins at all. In the middle of the 19th century, 12 homes on this territory are redeemed, and the archaeologists from England began a study of the land of the Mausoleum. Now the found artifacts are in the British Museum. From the mausoleum, only the foundation and a green stone remained, which covered the entrance.

Sea moorings

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Bodrum has always been a famous port, and today he is also it. Interestingly, the locals still make traditional Turkish "Tihandila" and "puzzles", old types of vessels that were used on the shores of the Aegean Sea. Tihandila, it seems, they began to do in Bodrum. However, they are used today not very often. On thyhandilah with a sharp nose and feed, as a rule, put a triangular sail. Tips are more maneuverable and managed by several people.

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These vessels were used in peaceful and military purposes. In general, puzzles -not bimmarket sailboats in 20 meters long. These vessels are used more often, tourists ride them, and each October they participate in the regatta on the Bodrum Cup. In Bodrum and the nearest surroundings - three ports. The most famous - opposite the Castle of St. Peter: it accommodates up to 275 vessels. Another Marina is located in the southwest of the resort, in the village of Turgutreis - 500 yachts may be moored there. Looking at the youngest port in Yalikavak, north-west of Bodrum. The spacious port can shelter up to 450 yachts on the water and another 100 on land. These marines are a great place for a romantic walk, as well as they are starting points for numerous excursion.


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This ancient structure is located on the slope of the Hill Hill. The amphitheater was built in the 4th century to our era, while Tsar Mausol. The theater is impressive with its size - he could accommodate up to 13 thousand spectators! Since 1973, the amphitheater works as an open-air museum. He was restored several times so that he would not fall apart at all, but, of course, he looks like this for the last time they used many centuries ago. By the way, during archaeological works on the territory of this construction a tunnel was found. Today, he was not fully studied, but they suggest that he leads to the ancient tomb.

Castle St. Peter

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The castle was erected at this place in the 15th century, on the ruins of the ancient Seljuk fortress. The castle of green granite with double walls and towers, which are named after the countries belonging to the Order of John (who built the fortress) - English, French, German and Italian. Port Tower, or Liman - This is the main entrance to the castle. The gates "Northern entrance to the RV", worked as an entry into the fortress from the shore. Once inside the castle there were 50 knights from seven countries in Europe, as well as their soldiers. They defended the castle and surroundings. By the middle of the 15th century, this castle was the only Christian fortress in Anatolia.

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But by the first quarter of the 16th century, the castle was abandoned, then later turned into prison later in the 19th century, and the chapel during the castle was rebuilt into the mosque. Since the 60s of the last century, a museum of underwater archeology works in the castle, where you can admire the fact that once laid at the bottom of the sea: amphoras, coins, weapons. Also in this museum, antique sarcophages are kept in this museum, in particular, sarcophagus with the skeleton of the trees, the sister of the most Malsol.

Mindos doors

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These gates were once western entrance to the city. The construction was called in honor of Mindosa, an ancient city, toward which the gates were watched. Once these walls were decorated with three turrets, and a deep ditch of 15 meters in width and 8 went deep into the depths before the gate. This ditch and the gate tried to overcome the Macedonian, and he managed to do it. Then they destroyed almost everything in the city, except, spared by mausoleum. Today, only parts of the side parts remained from the ancient gates, next to the excavations of Greek and Roman burials during the excavations.

Black Island (Karaada)

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What interesting places should be visited in Bodrum? 10237_14

The island is located in the beautiful Gulf of Gökov. The high long island became famous for its hot springs. From the shores of Bodrum to the island - just over 3 km. The island is pretty green, the slopes of the mountains are covered with pine forests. So, let the name not scare you. From Bodrum organize trips to this island.

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By the way, there are legends that Cleopatra itself had been on this island and was engaged in rejuvenation with the help of healing mud. Warm mineral water sources flow down the rocks and are very suitable for swimming. Tourists are usually brought into the mud bay on the north side of the island. There is just the treatment centers, and even to sources near. Another quiet bay - from the south side. And one more - opposite the island of Yasicaya, also deserted and quiet. You can come for a black island for several days, there is a hotel and a restaurant.

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