Shopping in Aure: What can I buy?


Shopping in Aure, how to say, does not have a great variety. For good shopping, it is preferable to go to Valletta, and even better - in Slim.

But in Aure, you can also look something.

Most of the shops are located in, the so-called tourist area, along the "Promenade" - the long of the Aura Promenade. Here you can buy yourself souvenirs , as well as the items of traditional Maltese fishery: for example, Products from Mdin Glass (But here the choice is less and the price is higher than directly in Ta'ali). Also deserve attention to the product from the fabric - Maltese lace which is sold in the form of tablecloths, napkins, umbrellas, beach bags, various covers and many other things. The quality is simply excellent. All Maltese lace is handmade!

You can choose a T-shirt or a suit with a symbols of Malta. Although just the quality of these T-shirts is very dubious (usually China).

As souvenirs (or yourself) buy Maltese wine or local Cactus Fruit Liqueur . Although alcoholic beverages are still better taken at the Duty Free at the airport. Prices at the airport are more pleasant and there will be no problems with the passage of security monitoring, and in Malta this control is very strict (verified!).

I do not know whether it is possible to attribute to the shop, but I recommend to try a local non-alcoholic drink " Kinnie ", Which is produced in Malta and are no longer selling anywhere. The taste is interesting, but not stunning.

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Also try the Maltese beer " CISK. " Better in bars on spill. Maybe not the best in the world, but just this you will not find anywhere in the world anywhere.

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I want to give one advice. Locals usually go to other shops located in the depths of the city. Prices are more acceptable and people less. There you will find in sufficient quantities and smaller grocery and fruit (vegetable) benches, as well as several fish stores.

And at the entrance to St. Paul-Bay from Mellih, right next to the road, there is a supermarket " Piscopo Cash & Carry "Although he is not so" super "in its size. But the choice of products in it is decent.

It seems nothing forgot.

Oh yes. You can bargain with Maltese, but it is useless. We just once suggested a small discount for buying several things.

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