The most interesting places in Tunisia.


Indeed, it seems, few of our compatriots are aware that the capital of Tunisia, actually, Tunisia. Many plenty of resort line and its fun cities. And between those, Tunisia is a very beautiful and old town. He hid in the valley between the hills in the West, and in the east - with a climb. The city is modern, big. It can also see the super-modern buildings and medieval Arab facilities and mosques.

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Tunisia founded already in the 9th century BC.

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True, he was in the shade for a long time, and became important in the VII century. In the 9th century there were built copper, which today is the city center. By the 15th century, the city was already so powerful that even Cairo was eclipsed. In general, rather stories. Today, the Tunisized Trade, Economic and Cultural Center of the country. And then Tunisia is numerous coffee shops and restaurants, noisy bazaars and spacious alleys.

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And also, vintage attractions:

Great Mosque

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This is the largest and old mosque. She was built in 732. There is one legend that says that where it costs this building, once a beautiful olive tree has grown, and before that the Roman Forum stood here. Therefore, in honor of olives, it is also sometimes called olive mosque. Interestingly, for ritual ablutions in the Great Mosque, exclusively rainwater flowing into special amphoras is used. The mosque is pretty strict, but the dome of her is luxurious, and is also impressive, the spacious and dark hall for prayers with chandeliers from Venetian glass and the arches on the ancient columns with the capitals. Next to the mosque is the Madrasa - Muslim educational institution.

Mausoleum Sidi Makhreza

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In this mausoleum is buried Abu Mohammed Mahrez Es Sadiki, one of the patrons of Tunisia. He arrived in Tunisia at the beginning of the 19th century and on the main square, the city uttered in front of a large number of citizens inspiring speeches. And the speeches were about the fact that the locals without any decrees and decisions of the government began to restore the ancient architectural monuments, which turned into ruins in the years of numerous wars with neighboring countries, in particular, Turkey. When the mentor died in 1862, the locals "threw off" and built this mausoleum. This construction can be found in the El Hafsiya area, on the oldest city square.

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It can be noted that the mausoleum with white walls look pretty strictly. The building is crowned nine domes. Above the main part of the Mausoleum is a big white dome, it can be seen from afar. Near the mosque you can see a spacious prayer room and a clean green garden. The tomb herself is richly decorated with paintings, which is very impressive. Opposite the tomb - Sidi Machrea mosque, also in honor of the patron.

Hamuda Pasha Mosque

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One of the most beautiful mosques of the country was erected in the XVII century, in those times when the Turkish Empire rule was mastered. The mosque is built in the style of Muslim baroque. With white and yellow walls, marble door, ceilings, covered with green tiles and gilded crescents. And even elements with a stone carving - really unique! In the heart of the mosque, you can see the tomb of Hamuda Pasha, revered by the Tunisian ruler, who lived in the 18th century. Nearby is a prayer room, where the relics of the ancestors of the dynasty of the founders of the mosque - moradids are stored. It should be noted that this mosque is the prototype of the Habib Bourgiba mosque in the monastics (I wrote about it here:

Museum of Dar Ben Abdullah

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The Museum of Art Tunisia is located in the beautiful palace, built at the end of the 18th century. This palace, generously decorated with paintings on wooden boards and ceramic and marble tiles, once was the property of one local rich. In the 40s of the last century, it passed into the ownership of the state, and this museum soon opened there. Galleries are located on the first and second floors. The courtyard was previously part of the territory of the Harem, and today is hidden from the eyes of the tired walls - to get there, you will have to walk along the narrow corridor. In this museum you will admire the subjects of traditional art and learn more about the customs of the inhabitants and the rich venels of Tunisia in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Impressive collection of traditional male and female costumes, as well as children's clothing.

Mausoleum Princess Aziza

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One of the rulers of Tunisia, Otman, was the daughter of Fatima. A devout and modest girl loved to the people of Tunisia, and they even called her aziz, which means in Arabic "dear" or "Favorite". When the princess died, for those numerous good deeds who did a girl during his lifetime, she was decided to bury in Mausoleum, which soon raised it especially for her and her family. Today in this museum you can see the tombs of several representatives of the family Bay Otman, as well as the ancient relics and important historical artifacts are stored here. Also very beautiful inner decoration of the tomb - mural, mosaic. True, the mausoleum will be able to visit the prior arrangement, since it is in a private area, but it is worth it.

Barddo Museum

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Perhaps one of the most famous Museums of the Mediterranean countries. It seems like, it's even the second largest museum in Africa. The museum is dedicated to the history of Tunisia from the era of the foundation and to the present day. By the way, at first this structure was called the Alaun Museum (named one of the rulers of the country), and then Bardo has already become - on the name of the ruler's palace, in which the museum was (since the end of the 19th century).

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The expositions of the museum are constantly replenished, the building is slowly expanding at the expense of new attacks, so highlight more time to learn all artifacts.

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The museum is divided into several parts devoted to various periods of the country's history. Impressive, however, a powerful collection of mosaics of the Roman period. Some of them are truly unique, for example, "Vergil's Speech". And the collection of marble statues of the Greek and Roman gods and Roman emperors and ceramics of the 9th century countries is also very interesting. All this good was excavated in Carthage at the beginning of the last century.

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Hold in the hall with terracotta statues and masks that worked out the actors of the ancient theater. In the Islamic Hall you will see a blue Quran.

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