What excursions to choose in Hurghada?


Hurghada is one of the largest Egyptian resorts. And in recent years, due to the fact that he was chosen by Russian tourists became almost our relatives. Because when you come there, in addition to Russian speech it is difficult to hear any other. Even almost all Egyptians working in the sphere of tourism speak Russian. And when you speak with them, it even hurts how they learned our not very simple tongue. And many Russian people do not connect two words in English. Now and therefore that Egyptian resort has become so close for us, because we understand everything there almost as in Sochi, for example. But it began relatively recently. The first aircraft with our tourists arrived in Hurghada in 1993. And now there is a feeling, then Russian tourists have always been there.

Geographically, the Hurghada can be divided into four parts, each of them in its remarkable. This is the Old Town, where the local population lives, the new Sakkal Kura Center, the newest center. And the fourth part includes all the resort hotels. The population of Hurghada is about 40 thousand people and their main mass is occupied in the field of tourism.

Many tourists arriving in Hurghada love to not sleep on the beach and the maximum that they still do it a couple of times attend the old city, and more and nothing else. And there is such a category of tourists who want to see as much as possible. I treat the second category. And places that can be visited by resting in Hurghada a lot.

Sightseeing tour

If the tourist in Hurghada for the first time, it is best to visit a sightseeing tour of the city. Usually she gets completely free as a gift from the operator's tour. But do not think that they are altruists. Just besides visiting urban attractions, tourists will definitely be brought to shopping with which the company has a financial agreement. And it usually happens that even the one who did not plan to buy anything perhaps with herd feeling and climbs back to the bus with purchases. For example, it is required to visit during an excursion. Shop with souvenirs and shop of leather products. In general, during a sightseeing excursion, tourists visit the Coptic church and the main city mosque.

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Coptic church is remarkable in that it can be sitting in it. There are benches as accepted in Catholic cathedrals. Although she is not ancient, she is only about a hundred years old, but this is a very beautiful church with an interesting interior and can be seen from afar. And that is still nice for Russian tourists, it is that there is no strict visit rules. Women are allowed without handkerchiefs and long skirts, calmly relate to this. And it is also interesting to go there in the service. After all, the Coptic language is close to the ancient Egyptian, such as Russian to Staroslavlyansky. And in general, it is very interesting to see the descendants of the ancient Egyptians, some of which became Christians and no longer worship the god of the sun.

But when visiting the central mosque of the Hurghada handkerchief, you need to wear and remove the shoes at the entrance.This is a very beautiful mosque that is interested to visit.

Jeep Safari

In my opinion, this is the most popular excursion in Hurghada. Because social networks are sistering the same photos that rested in Hurghada. It costs about $ 20 and for her visits you need to be equipped with glasses and arafat. Without this really nowhere. In general, you can choose a daily or evening excursion. Evening is more saturated. On the day you can only drive around the sand, although it is also a great pleasure. The people are usually a lot. And who does not know how to make themselves on the face of Arafatku, will definitely help.Because without it there will be a solid swallowing of sand, and this is an employment. After quite a long ride, we reached the Bedouin village. I want to say that I was lucky to see Bedouins near Cairo and in Peter. So these are not real Bedouins and can be seen with the naked eye. But someone is interested in such a fairy tale. But the village itself is stylized under Beduensky life. I pleased that there is a small zoo. And after his inspection of tourists fed a rather tasty dinner. This is a rather interesting excursion and is not very expensive. We bought it in an ordinary street travel agency and were satisfied.

Pyramids Giza

This is also one of the most popular excursions and the most tedious. But despite this, very many tourists go there. It is necessary to leave for an excursion early in the morning. Riding to the pyramids of their Hurghada about 8 hours. It depends on many factors - from the skill of the driver, from the age of the bus and from good luck. The last factor is the most important. After all, who did not see how the Egyptians drive, he did not see anything in life.It seems that death for them does not exist for tourists whom they are carrying, too. If it were not for this circumstance and the interest of tourists attracted to their style ride, the road to Cairo would be very boring and monotonous. But finally, the bus with tired tourists bring Giza to Plateau and they offer second breathing. Still, because they did such a long way and see the miracle of the world

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With his fellow. And many are very surprised that the pyramid is not alone, and there are several of them. I'm not kidding, really heard many such shocks. I consider such a tour of such an excursion just what you need to walk the crowd everywhere. But on the other in any way. The distances there are big and easy to laggard behind their excursion. For an additional fee you can get inside the pyramid. Then everyone is brought to the Sphinx. All who wanted to touch him are usually disappointed. This miracle fenced with a fence and you can only take pictures. It is impossible not to mention the accompanying attractions - about Egyptian vendors who dream of selling you souvenirs. And naturally, a kind guide will take you exactly in that shop, where souvenirs are the best and high-quality.

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After all, the rest of the sellers have some fake.

Then tourists are waiting for a long return back to the hotel.

In general, resting in Hurghad is just a sin not to go somewhere on a tour. After all, this is a resort of such an ancient and interesting country and there, except for the sea, you can see a lot of interesting things. Many tourists consider this city with their almost native and come there again and again.

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