What are the interesting places worth visiting in Mahdia?


Mahahdia - Tunisian resort 62 km from Sousse.

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Mahdia is the southernmost (after the island of Djerba) from the resorts of Tunisia on the Mediterranean. The town stands on a small cape coming into the sea, more precisely, the historical part is located on this block, however, the tourist infrastructure resulted further on the mainland and coast. Mahdia famous for its luxury sandy beaches.

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And by the way, many who come here are simply sought in the sand, do not even know that the town is very old, it was founded at the beginning of the 10th century. The city owes its name to its founder, Khalifa Obaid Allah, who was just an al-Mahdi: the ruler decided to postpone the capital of the country to a new city, just the same on the site of modern Mahdia. In this city, the ruler was preparing for attacking his main goal - Cairo.

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The town with restless fate passed from some rulers to others, belonged to the Spaniards, the Turks, the French, to all in a row. Well, today everything is calm and smooth. Beach, hotels. A great place to relax with the whole family and for diving. Disco and noisy bars there are almost no, quiet and romance. But a bunch of fish restaurants, because Mahami is an important fishing port of the country. The most importantly "Fish" event is "fish markets", an annual event where you can grab fresh delicious fish.

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Be sure to look at a big mosque. It was built in 921. The statute and beautiful building covered legends. It was rumored that through the main entrance was the right to go exclusively the Mahdi himself, as well as some of his approximations. Unfortunately, until this day, the building was preserved very badly, so in 1965 the mosque was restored according to the Plan of the Fathimid Mosque of the 10th Century. However, as far as I know, the mosque is currently closed for visits. Well, at least admire the side.

Burge El Kebir Fortress (Borj El Kebir) - Another attraction of a small town is in the middle of the cape.

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On the spot where the fort is worth, first was the construction of the Romans. When she fell into decay, a new fort was built on her ruins. That was the end of the 13th century. Soon the fortress was destroyed, and in the 15th century on the foundation already the previous two construction built a new fortress. The fortress turned out to be very strong, so, the Spaniards, the attacking of the fort in the middle of the 16th century, went away with anything.

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Moreover, they attacked the good three months. By the way, the skulls of those killed during the siege of the Spaniards were used to build a pyramid inside the fortress, as a sign of victory - the tower of the skulls. And she stood there for almost three centuries, while in the middle of the 19th century they did not demolish her (because he looked terribly), and put the monument on that place. In general, this fortress looks impressive and even crazy. Inside there is a cube Gazi Mustafa (the complex before entering the mosque, on which every Muslim makes a wash) where today there are benches with ceramic products.

Gate Skifa El Kahla (Skifa El Kahla) Also deserve attention.

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These gates lead to Medina, that is, the old part of the city. Medina is always surrounded by walls. So, these walls sometime sometimes reached thickness 10 meters! Wow! Immediately after the gate, there is central Cairo Square. These gates are built in the 10th century, and, according to all the rules, they are facing the mainland. The purpose of the gate and walls (from which only fragments remained in the area of ​​the Great Mosque) was to guard the residential neighborhoods and the Palace of rulers. In the mid-16th century, the Spaniards destroyed the walls, and they did not touch these gates.

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Not mastered. After the gate, a winding corridor in the 21 meter long stretches. By the way, the gate is erected in such a strategically that the enemies that sailed to the town from the sea had as little chance as possible to get into the city. In the sense, these gates were not very close to the city, so that soldiers had to drag on land in their outfit and with weapons, of course, the warriors inside the fortress noticed them from afar and in advance and have time to prepare for attack. In addition, since the gate is impressive, then from their tops could have watered enemies with boiling water or hot oil (Ai-ah!) Or shelling. By the way, and the gate to the city was also specifically protected by six thick adhesive iron lattices. Climb the stone staircase at the gate to the roof of the corridor with cute terraces to admire the views of the sea, the port and the city. And do not forget to come to the gate during the bazaars, which is broken here once a week - you can buy souvenirs and all sorts of eastern charms at such a bazaar.

Mandatory attend Amphitheater El Jam!

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This is a business card of this area. He was built for a minute, in 238. This amphitheater can be competed with the Roman Colossee in size and majesty. The walls of the Colosseum were laid out beautiful mosaic, which portrayed riders and hunters. Up to 17th century, this amphitheater was untouched, and then it was necessary for some reason to disassemble the little to build a big cathedral mosque in Kairhan. Almost completely, the construction collapsed by the XIX century, when he was fired in the process of regular unrest in Tunisia.

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Until today, the Amphitheater reached the dilapidated, but very very impressive. You can even visit the underground city under the Arena El Jema - once there were cells of wild animals, the rooms of gladiators and cameras for the corpses of gladiators. Today, this amphitheater is held by the Festival of Classical Music. There is this amphitheater 40 minutes from Mahdia, to the southwest, deep into the mainland, in fact, in the area of ​​El Jam. You can go with the excursion, and you can and yourself - do it quite not difficult. Buses go to El Jema.

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The amphitheater stands in the very center of the village, one can say, the village has grown around the facility. The entrance costs about 8 dinars from a person (somewhere $ 7) and 1 dinar for taking pictures (here you can cheer and save, but I think you do not need to teach you). The place is magical, just fabulous, I do not want to leave at all.

Something like that. By the way, in Mahidia, the station where all the minibuses cost (if you want to go around to the amphitheater) is very uncomfortable, on the outskirts of the city, 3 km from the railway station and port. So, count the time right.

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