What is worth viewing in Czestochowa?


Czestochowa is a fairly large city in the south of Poland.

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The interesting name of the city is translated as "often hiding". The city is old, it is mentioned in the annals of the 13th century. The city is very green and beautiful, and in it there is a lot of interesting things.

Yasnogorsk Monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Sanktuarium Najswietszej Maryi Panny Jasnogorskie)

What is worth viewing in Czestochowa? 10220_2

The main attraction of the city and the center of pilgrimage in Poland. This Catholic Monastery is famous for the fact that the most important Christian relic is kept there - the icon of the Czestochowa Mother of God. The monastery is resting on the roots of the 14th century, when the local prince will invite the Order of Poulinov to the country.

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The monks of this order are located in Czestochowa and built a monastery. They called him so in honor of Church of St. Lawrence, the Church of their Order, which is on the mountain of the same name in Hungary. This monastery also stands on the hill and can be seen from afar because of its carbonate bell tower (more than 100 meters in height). Today, this monastery is a visiting card of the city. Pilgrims began to follow this monastery in the 15th century, after the icon moved here. However, in the 15th century there was a terrible monastery attacked the gusites (Czech reformist religious movement) that the church robbed and destroy the icon of the sabers. The icon was sent to Krakow to the restoration, but completely from trails failed to get rid of. To protect the church from further misfortunes, high walls built around it around it. And, of course, the Swedes did not miss the opportunity to try on the strength of these walls in 1655. In the next couple of centuries, the fortress and the monastery have repeatedly attacked, however, everything was surrendered.

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During the Second World War, Nazis lived in the temple, and hence they conducted their propagandal speeches and shares. In 45, the Soviet army came to the city, which was driven by Germans from the temple, so quickly that they did not have time to bear anything important. After the war, the building of the monastery again performed its immediate functions. The most massive pilgrimage happened in the 91st year, when Papa John Paul II granted the monastery - then the temple visited about a million pilgrims.

Alley of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Aleja Najswietszej Maryi Panny)

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The main street of the city appeared here at the beginning of the 19th century - she united the old town with the center. On the street, passing part and the boulevard in the middle. When pilgrims come to the city, they always march to the monastery Clear Mountain on this street. Alley in length is 1.5 km, and its width is44 meters. On the sides you can see a variety of shops, kf and restaurants, banks and cultural institutions. It can be noted that most of the buildings on the street - Star, in a classic style, although in recent years they "promoted" and modern buildings. During the Nazi occupation, the street has changed the name on Adolf Hitler-Alley, but after the liberation of Czestochowa Alley returned the same name. When the street was just started to execute, four rows of chestnuts were departed on it, but unfortunately, they were quickly cut down, and they planted all maples, limes and poplars. But it looks too! On the Alley, you can see the bench poetess Calins dedication and the fountain "Girl with Pigeons".

Basilica of the Holy Family (Bazylika Archikatedralna Swietej Rodziny)

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What is worth viewing in Czestochowa? 10220_7

The luxurious cathedral and one of the most massive gothic buildings in Europe (still, the towers in the height of 80 meters!). The temple was erected in the first quarter of the last century. The church is three-penette, made of red brick, with splashes from white stone, with beautiful fitted arches and stained glass windows. Unfortunately, during the second world of the temple, two bells were stolen and interpret them on weapons and guns. Therefore, after the war I had to go to restore all the beauty. In 49, the Cathedral was brought to the Cathedral, between those, the second largest in the whole country. And a little later, the fewer organs set the bodies. Very beautiful and majestic facilities!

Street seven houses (Ulica 7 Kamienic)

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What is worth viewing in Czestochowa? 10220_9

One of the oldest streets of the city is near clear mountain. It is called so, because at the beginning of the 19th century there were only 7 houses on the street (later, of course, a few more was added). On this street, apartments and houses known in the country of personalities were concentrated. We are unlikely to tell them their names, but each Pole knows them. Well, at least here it was born poetess Khalina dedication, in honor of which a beautiful bench was installed on the Alley of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Also, the street is "involved" in some military-political affairs of the country. It can be said that the Street "Scientist" - on it there is a school of foreign languages ​​and the economy, which is included in the lists of the best private colleges of Poland.

Archaeological reserve by Presshtskaya Culture (Rezerwat Archeologiczny Kultury Luzyckiej)

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What is worth viewing in Czestochowa? 10220_11

This important natural territory was investigated and found in the middle of the last century, when rails were laid on that land. Objects related to Iron Age (750-550 BC) were found. It turned out that the ancient cemetery and a settlement of 100 square meters were located on the site. Meters - Archaeologists have found graves, skeletons and household items. A few years later, a museum dedicated to history and archeology was opened, where guests could learn how the first inhabitants lived in this area (the exhibits were taken from that territory). Very interesting findings - ancient rattles in the form of birds, iron decorations, cave bear bones, tools, pots.

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Some items of later centuries were found there (who portrayed the fortress of clear mountain and military actions on its territory), military signs, parts of weapons. Important findings - cards, layouts of locks, coins are really impressive. Extremely interesting exhibition!

Church of St. Barbara (Kosciol SW. Barbary)

What is worth viewing in Czestochowa? 10220_13

This is the Roman Catholic Church, which is in a kilometer south of the clear mountain. Once the Chapel of Barbara was in this city two (in 15-16 centuries). The one I tell about, built in almost the middle of the 17th century, on the spot of a miraculous source, about which people knew in two centuries before construction. Church with three nefs, in the style of Renaissance, with the sacristy. In one of the parts outside, you can see a niche with sculptures. The altar of the temple appeared at the end of the 19th century, and he is in the style of Borokko. Beautiful walls of the church are decorated with paintings by the 19th century Kona, and there is a marble font and a bas-relief locker for oils.

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